HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-03-31, Page 7Jottings by Jack - from Queen's Park
I.umrnor employment
The Ontario Government's
special summer employment
programme is called Ontario
Experience '76 and some 7,800
jobs will be available this year
to students interested in employ-
ment opportunities in the broad
areas of culture, recreation,
social services, education and
the environment. Application
deadlines were originally set at
April 5 for post -secondary
students and April 30, for second-
ary students, but, the post-
secondary deadline has now been
extended to April 12.
If more information is needed
on the programme, write`to Ont-
ario Experience '76, Queen's
Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A
1A2 or to the Ministry respons-
ible for the employment opport-
unities in which you are inter-
Ministry of Agriculture
and Food
Young people are needed to
assist in the development of
Ontario's Agricultural Museum
at Milton, through research,
cataloguing, restoration of ag-
ricultural artifacts etc. First year
university students may apply for
work on a programme to aid in
the development of pest manage-
ment for horiticultural crops
through the collection and rec-
ording of weather and pest
data. Post -secondary students,
enrolled in engineering, tech-
nical and agricultural courses
are needed (10 positions only)
for Topographical surveying and
the design of tile drainage
systems on agricultural lands.
Civil Service Commission
Secondary school students taking
clerical or business options may
apply for 175 positions involv-
ing the re -organization and cons-
olidation of personnel files.
Ministry of Colleges
and Universities
Senior secondary or post-
secondary students may obtain
interest free loans to a maximum
of $1,000 to own and operate
their own summer business und-
er the Venture Capital prog-
ramme. Applications are evalu-
ated by the local Chamber of
Comtnerce and passed to a prov-
incial panel for consideration.
Another programme co-ordin-
ated through the Junior Achieve-
ment organization of Canada
encourages students to develop
and operate low-risk businesses
with guidance from trained staff,
with some initial capitalization.
For native secondaryschool
students only, there are positions
on university or college campuses
in academic or administrative
departments, to encourage nat-
ive secondary students to cont-
inue their education.
Ministry of Community
and Social Services
There are 121 positions for
post -secondary students with an
interest in the human services
field - to work in Ministry dist-
rict offices, assisting social work-
ers, protective service workers,
vocational rehabilitation couns-
ellors, etc.
Ministry of Culture
and Recreation
There are several programmes
under this Ministry's jurisdict-
Positions are available on
projects to develop useful coni-
munity cultural and recreational
programmes for all ages, catalog-
uing work in museums, etc.
Some 220 positions are available,
obtaining "internship" exper-
ience in technical, performance
and administrative activities in
the performing arts, also in prov-
incial art galleries.
Ministry of j✓ducation
There are 772 opportunities
under a programme operated in
co-operation with local school
boards to undertake a wide var-
iety of projects of an educational
nature, also providing a direct
benefit to the community. Re-
quirements will vary according
to individual Board projects and
the exact locations of these oppor-
tunities will not be announced
ur- ii the end of April.
Ministry of the Environment
A wide variety of opportunit-
ies in environment -related proj-
ects operated both within the
Ministry and in co-operation with
universities, community colleges
and recognized environmental-
ist groups - mostly for post-
secondary students.
Ministry of Health
First and second year medical
students may apply for 30 pos-
itions as ambulance driver att-
endants to supplement ambul-
ance services during the peak
summer period - throughout
Ontario, especially Wasaga
and Crystal Beach area. Second-
ary school and post -secondary
students may apply for 167 pos-
itions in one of the Provincial
Psychiatric Hospitals, motivat-
ing better patient participation
in social, recreational and ther-
apeutic activities.
Ministry of Housing
Eighty positions for secondary
students. An opportunity to dev-
elop leadership qualities through
on -job training in recreation
programmes of various Ontario
Housing projects throughout
the province. Also for senior post-
secondary students work with
muriicipalities on community
renewal programmes - requires
strong background in planning,
Citizens News, March 31/76 - Page 7
urban studie-s, community dev-
elopment and related disciplines.
Ministry of Industry
and Tourism
Employment with the 12 prov-
incial travel associations as inf-
ormation and travel counsellors.
Also 12 positions as marketing
assistants for senior and post-
secondary students enrolled in
a marketing programme.
Secretariat for Justice
Two positions only - to assist
in development of proposals
related to citizen and community
responsibility in crime control
and administration of justice -
preferably graduate students.
Ministry of Labour
A province -wide construction
industry survey. Applicants must
be over 18 and have access to car.
Post -secondary students, prefer-
ably in Business, Commerce and
Finance, may also apply to work
in industry personnel offices -
recruitment, compensation,
employee benefits, etc. There,are
also 10 positions for post -second-
ary students in the field of social
services, working on a project
to highlight the community and
education work of the Ontario
Ministry of Correctional
For post -secondary under-
graduates - 248 positions as
assistant supervisors, assistant
recreation officers, teachers,
correctional officers, group home
assistants, programme co-ordin-
ators and library technicians.
Ministry of Solicitor General
Secondary, post -secondary
and law students may apply
for 51 opportunities to be expos-
ed to the day-to-day operations
of police forces.Students will not
engage in actual police work but
will, depending on training and
experience and type of position
available, be employed in cler-
ical or support type functions,
Some positions may require work-
ing shifts.
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