HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-03-17, Page 10For Sale r -- .1. Page 10 Citizens News, March 17176 1 1972 MOTO SKI SNOWMOBILE. Zephyr model 440, Two-year old track. In good condition. Only 495. - Call 236-4662. 6-x TOWER KING pressed Stave Silos. Area representative, Frances Boyle, R.R.3, Ripley, Phone 395-5088. 1-tf APPLES, good quality, second Spys. - David Steckle, Phone 565- 2122. 7-tf Counting Events SAUERKRAUT SUPPER, in Zurich Community Centre, Wed- nesday. April 7. from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Tasty spare ribs with sauerkraut or cole slaw - home- made pies. Sponsored by Zurich Chambet"of Commerce. 11-12-b TRACTOR for sale, Case 530 c: w Robins semi -industrial loader. - Call 262.5461. 11-h FIREWOOD - $25 cord delivered up to 10 miles from Zurich. Call 236-4743. 11-b TIRES - eight 14" tires on Ford, rims. Best offer, Call 236-4743 11-b ELECTRONIC CALCULATORS - two only. new Victor models cc ith paper tape print-out. Reg- ular price - S289.95 for only S175.00. Call Herb Turkheim, Zurich, 236-4662, after 6 p.m. 11-12-x PURE BRED Serviceable Age Hampshire Boars: Also cross- bred boars. ROP Tested and conuncrcia1 -Call Bob Robinson, R.R.4. Walton, 345-2317. 1 1-12-b RED CLOVER seed. - Call 236- 478' 11-12-p SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwood. above ground pool. 1 t, \ 24: 1 year old. Repossessed h� hank. sacrifice 1 2 price. Call Mr. Harye\ . collect. days or e enings. 416-625-8819. 1 1-tf 10* 1S ;. file fancily of the late Amanda Smith ctt•lt to express their sin - ...ere thanks and appreciation to relad\ es. neighbours and friends for their many acts of kindness. donations, cards of s� mpathy. floral tributes and a special thank you to Dr. Goddard, Hort man Funeral Home and the Mennonite WMSC for providing lunch. 11-p Help Wante GROCERY CLERK must be neat. have references and drk- cr', licence. Year round employ- ment. Apply to Peter or Art Hoist. Betts & Art's Foodliner and Annex. -Grand Bend. 238- 2123. 11-h THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, J.A.D.�Mc- Curdy Public School, Huron Park on Monday, March 22, 1976 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening ., 5, Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing 11-b OPEN HOUSE for Harold and Mildred Foster, March 28, 1976 from 2 to 5 p.m. at Cosy Corner, Hensall. (Conte to side door.) 11-12-b Services HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Diamonds, Wedding Rings, Watches,' Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks, Barom- eters. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, are $11.95 and up. Family Rings and Charms. Watch and clock work guaran- teed. 1-tf THREE DAY stripping service and furniture restoration. For free estimates cull E. Niblock, Auburn, 526-7272. . 7-tf Engagements, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sturde- vant. Grand Bend are !.pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Susan .lane to Ronald Raymond Brod- erick, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Broderick. Ex- eter. The wedding will take place at Grand ' Bend United Church. April 17, 1976 at 4 p.m. Authorized Alcan Dealer Sales and Installation siding, doors, windows, eavestrough, awnings, and recreation rooms, etc. M. & E. Aluminum WALT EDWARDS R,R.2, Ailsa Craig Phone 293-3002 "tr$3;.FP''1111.:','..q.0%:':so.AV %Pt, Featuring Tractors, Forage Harvester, Self Unloading Box & Farm Machinery For Mr. Frans Boogemans, 1 mile south of Dashwood on Hardtop Road, Lot 22, Con. 12 Stephen Twp. Sciturdciy®March 20 ',t 1. 0 p.m. Sh. ,r TRACTORS: John Deere model 620 power steering 3 pt. hydraulics, John Deere AR Tractor, 6 -speed live hyd, New batteries, new rubber on front, real good cond., International model H with loader, Int. Super Chief 3 pt. hitch plow in new cond. used 2 seasons, Int. PTO. manure spreader, Int. ferti- lizer seed drill 15 run steel wheels, Int. Harvester with corn head and hay pickup, Kools forage blower with pipes, Kasten forage box self unloading, gravity box and wagon. Triple K cultivator 91/2 ft., Case hammer mill, White #6 thresher, grain augers, bale elevator, 6 wheel grain wagon truck base, Int. #64 combine (Int. water cooled motor), side rake, double disks, cultivators, binder, 2 farm trailers, flat grain box, fanning mill, harrows, mowers. SPECIAL ITEM: Acorn barn cleaner, cement mixer, chain hoist, hand cutting box, 2 root pulpers, well diggers outfit, forks, shovels, many other items. TERMS OF SALE CASH Owner -Frans Boogemans 237-3246 Owner Earl Stebbins 237-3454 Percy Wright, Auctioneer KIPPEN, ONT. AltianksIPAsalgartftaiStateff 262-5515 Wanted UNIVERSITY or COMMUNITY college student wanted for farm work, Experience preferred to $120 per week and room and board. Contact: Canada Man- power Centre for Students - Goderich 524-2744 or Huron Park 228-6651. 11-b RELIABLE STUDENTS over 18 wanted for full or part time work in local beverage rooms. Contact Canada Manpower Centre for Students, Goderich 524-2744 or Huron Park 228-6651. 11-b VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES BOB PECK ZURICH Phone Hensen 262-57 ONT, T.V. ANTENNA STORM DAMAGED ? CALL e Towe ntar., n FREE ESTIMATES 262-5341 TED Or.,GEL AND SONS LTD. UILD '`O CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cotta des *Renov tions* CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASIIWOOD - R.R,1 PH: 238-2742 REDI-Mix C NCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const® Ltd. DASHWOOD boron 237-3381 of 237-3422 HELP for EMPLOYERS for STUDENTS who need reliable Summer & part-time help who need jobs Canada Manpower Centre for Students Open Now GODERICH 524-2744 HURON PARK 228-6651 NOW AVAILABLE MORE FUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE UNDER THE ONTARIO HOME RENEWAL PROGRAM PURPOSE To assist owner -occupants to repair or improve their houses to structural standards, including the up -dating of plumbing, heating and electrical systems. ADMINISTERED BY The VILLAGE OF ZURICH, on behalf of the Ont- ario Ministry of Housing. • ASSISTANCE Loans and/or grants of up to $7,500.00 to home- owner -occupants whose adjusted family income is no greater than $12,500.00. Interest rates vary according to income. Application forms and further information are available at the Clerk's Office, Municipal Build- ing, Main Street, Zurich. * Heaves ,\\ * Cottages * Barns B cklioe Service CONSTRUCTION LTD. 236 •4679 ZURICH `3