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Zurich Citizens News, 1976-03-10, Page 3
Hensall As of now your correspondent is like many others and still without hydro or telephone and asks your co-operation in passing on the news. There was no sale at the Hensall Sales Barn last week due to the storm. Unit 4 meeting was cancelled last Thursday due to the weather conditions. Holy Communion was admini- stered by the Rev. Don Beck at the United Church service on Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. William Rogerson were we- lcomed into membership. The sermon was the first of a series on "What is a Virtue? Wisdom." The ceremony of "Admission of Elders" was held and the choir, under the direction of Mrs. John Turkheim sang the anthem "Come Spirit, Come." The posponed World Day of Prayer will be held as previously arranged at St. Paul's Anglican Church at 2:30 p.m. on Friday March 12. All women of the community are welcome. 4-H CLUB The second meeting of the Hensall 11 4-H Thirfty Threaders was held at Hensall United Church Tuesday evening. The roll call "The Learning Stitches" article 1 have chosen to make and why was answered by 11 girls. Club officers were elected. They were president Sandra Nixon, vice-president Vicki Mann, secretary Cindy Crane, treasurer Leslie Cottrell, press reporter Donna -Jean Allan. Assistant leader, Mrs. Bev Moir discussed the color har- mony and we learned to make a pattern and cut out our learn- ing stitches article, also how to transfer a design to the fabric. Leader Mrs. Joyce Pepper demonstrated the back stitch which we were to finish at home. Area damage From page 1 electricity' could . be fed into the systems. On the high voltage line from Centralia to the OWRC plant at Grand Bend there were 16 poles down and after these were repl- aced, problems developed again on Thursday morning. Dashwood was returned to service on Saturday and about five o'clock on Sunday, the village of Zurich, the last com- munity without power, was rest- ored. • uiuzens dews, mar= iw /b - wage :9 HENSALL FLOOD - The mild spell following the ice storm last week caused flood conditions in many areas. This photo shows about ten inches of water flowing west on Richmond Street in Hensall. Several stores were victims of the flooding. News Photo GOLD SEAL LIGHT Stuffed Olives McLAREN'S SWEET vexed Pickle McLAREN 'S SMOOTH 6 1/4 FL OZ 12 FL Oz 32 FL OZ eanut ! a eCG KADANA NABOB SUNGOLD rang Fig, ' ryst Is STUART HOUSE PLASTIC arate T ags 2 LB 100's 4 OZ 4-3 1/4 OZ 10's Chocolate, Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip Sandwich, Oatmeal Lido Cookies LIDO Chocolate Nlarily-ns DELMONTE CHOICE Peas = C rrots DELMONTE FANCY SEASONED Green Beans 10 FL OZ 10 FL OZ ZEN F©•'>s MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rol is SHOULDER FROZEN �'•,y4orIW C`! fig ll�' ii�r�!► NEW ZEALAND SHOULDER FROZEN tilwy h IDSs CANADA PACKERS STORE PACKED WF - rs 4.. OUR OWN P,a.?r S� S,, a eef '•; SLICED LB LB LB LB LB LB LB E`'...,IALSi $1.29 $1 9 89C 79 z 79 4,e 1 3/ 9c Side }1.eef Hind f ="eef Loire of Beef Side of P• rk eef "' .'hies T :: rkey Wings T rkey sticks Produce FULLY PROCESSED FULLY PROCESSED FULLY PROCESSED FULLY PROCESSED 10 LB BAG 10 LB BOX 10 LB BOX n�89 dl 09 $1.19 89 7.90 $4.50 McCAIN 2 LB Peas and C rrots RICH'S 32 OZ Coffee Rich PRODUCE OF HONDURAS CAN. NO 1 2 LB BAG P i rsnips PRODUCE OF USA SUNKIST 138's Oranges Doz 69G PRICES EFFECTIVE WEEK OF MARCH 10, 11, 12, 13 PHONE NO. STORE 262-2017 SLAUGHTER HOUSE 262-2041