HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-02-18, Page 12'age 12 - Citizens News, February 18/76 HERE ARE SENSATIO � L OFFERS Discount 3. �.r j A,GRE-AT CARPET by__ ® ®. s �1 • ,ism WITH THIS COUPON FEB. 19 thru FEB. 25 , , . 1 1 1 ON A NEW FAMILY ROOM When You Buy All The Materials You Need I At Dave's Valued at 400.00 or More That's Right! Buy all the materials you need - and we'll knock 50 00 off the total price on any orders valued at 400 00 or more Individual Home Owners Only, Sorry No Contractors V= t®: ® mgr rasa as =I =0 Still A Few Left! FIREWOOD BOXES °uhlitil x uwl,,rulr Wr. INA 9 Now you can create a bold new look in any room in your home - and stay within your budget! So ;,, 200 Per Sq. Yd. on Mission VaIIeyby Bigelow Here's a carpet that more than meets"CMHC standards. it's 4 oz heavier than CMHC requirements and because it's made of 100°0 nylon. it's extremely durable. You can i1SE? it in any room in your home including CHINOOK DUST OKANAGAN GOLD KAMLOOPS RED JASPER MIST COMOX YELLOW TERRACE FIR WESTERN ORANGE VICTORIA BLUE FOLIAGE GREEN BARK WOOD BROWN CARMEL BEIGE 1008.0.0 ONE WEEK ONLY! SAVE 20% ON FLECTO PRODUCTS Flecto VARATHANE In High Gloss (H90) or rich Satin (t91) GALLONS Our usual C.&C. Price 19.95 high traffic areas Has lute hacking. dyed to match the carpet color Available in a choice of 11 gorgeous colors "Mission Valley" - stunningly beautiful, stain resistant and non allergenic A wonderful value! A SHORT PILE SHAG Saxony Twist IN 100% LONG -WEARING NYLON Our Usual Cash & Carry Price 9.85 But You Now Save 20°° Sq Yd BUILD A BOOKCASE, COFFEE TABLE, A ROOM DIVIDER ... EVEN A HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE With Economical HALF PINTS: our usual C.&C price 2.49 on sale for 1.99; PINTS: our usual C.&C. price 4.25 now on sale for 3.40 VARATHANE COLORS IN PLASTIC HALF PINTS: our usual C &C 2 45 now 1.96. PINTS: Fur i' w 1 C &C 4 15 now 3.32. QUARTS: .... ",r 11,011c,Sr: f, ,5 rn-•a. 5.24 X -3D WOOD STAIN HALF PINTS:. lir ns,ual r„ 50 :' 19 now 1.75 QUARTS r;nr n .unl C.SC °S4'1 ro w 4.39 GALLONS: n,, u'a1:11 C+,C 1.1 1`, ri.nv 11.32 (OR TOY BOXES) Choice of Red. Pecan or Charcoal Finished in beautiful oak and birch veneers. Over- all dimensions 24" wide, 23" high x 16" Comes assembled. • COMBINATION r SQUARE Now 4.55 • UTILITY KNIFE Now 1.51 ▪ STANLEY LEVEL Now 7.18 t, Our Usual Cash & Carry Price 59.95 L i Er A. ODULE SYSTEMS There are 3 spindle styles to choose from. the SPANISH on the far left. the MEDITERRANEAN in the centre and the COLONIAL. And they're easy to connect with color matched shelves and the distinc- tive caps shown below. You can do it in minutes, and you can design and build fur- niture pieces you'll really be proud of. The spindles are durable plastic, the shelves are wood veneer. Together they give a truly professional look. And they're on sale FOR ONE WEEK ONLY at Discount Dave's. So take advantage of this INTRODUCTORY OFFER! "REG" Is Our Usual Cash & Carry Price UNFINISHED FINISHED Reg. Sale Reg. Sale 12" MEDITERRANEAN 1.32 1.12 2.39 2.03 15" MEDITERRANEAN 1.39 1.18 2.49 2.12 12" SPANISH 1.15 .98 2.09 1.78 15" SPANISH 1.32 1.12 2.39 2.03 12" COLONIAL 1.15 .98 2.09 1.76 15" COLONIAL 1.32 1.12 2.39 2.03 SQUARE CAP -13 .72 .61 1.08 .92 OCTAGONAL CAP - E .72 .61 1.08 .92 ROUND CAP - A .72 .61 1.08 .92 MUSHROOM CAP - C. .33 .28 .58 .49 THREADED INSERT - D. .18 .15 - - SPACER RING - F. .33 .28 .58 .49 CptTt�%oTe ShOMe OUci1itY 0113 i5e0tirai Ocoie All lumber at Discount Dave's except Economy Studs. 1s graded by the National Lumber Graders' Association iN.L G.A.) Our direct purchases average 75 No. allowing 25 •. No. 2 That means you receive lumber that is either No. 1 or No. 2 So before you buy. shop and compare our quality Our special bulk prices are based on minimum orders of 4.000 board feet °Humber. 4000 square feet 01 plywood or 4000 square feet of both Prices subject to change at any time due to market conditions BIER SPRUCE DIMENSION 2x 4's now 209.WThousand 2x b's now 2l2.00Thousand 2x 8's now238.o®Thousond 2x 10's now 247.00 Thousand 4'x8' PLYWOOD 3/8" Spruce Sheathing 7.44 5/8" Spruce Sheathing 12.44 All our spruce sheathing is C M H C approved 'We DO NOT sell shop grade Plywood at Discount Dave's LYWOOD Our Bulk Order Price on 2x4x92 STUDS 09 each WOOD VENEER SHELVES UNFINISHED FINISHED Reg, Sale Reg. Sale t 1 1 1 ' I I -1r- SQUARE PANEL ONE STEP SHELF TWO STEP SHELF 6.25 5.31 9.98 8.48 All Shelves Are 14"x30" Color Matched To The Spindles Please Note: We still have some Furnace Air Filters left SALE PRICED at 3 for 1.88 Sizes: 16"x20", 16"x25", 20"x20" and 20"x25". Our usual C.&C. price 97' each 2x4 EC NO Y STUDS Full 8 -Ft. Size Any Quantity NOLg.( SORTING ‘PotP ea. i Discount Dave's I � I WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST Tecumseh Bypass on highway 2. 500 Front Road in LaSalle. Phone Phone 727.8001. Daily 8 - 5.30 incl 734.1221. Deity 8 - 5:30 incl. Satur- Saturday Friday till p.m. day. Friday till9 p.m �7r fire r1 M.11 /40 itT I / •, Su.„1,lnrnp,on f,ryl,,.rrrli a "1”/..1`7,"„, OWEN SOUND On Highway 21 al Sprulgmounl Cor - elf" Phone 376 .5181 Open 8 1 m S 3(1 p m daily Sa1:i',Iay 1,11 4 p n, Fairview Mall r as. o, Fairway Aoad o KITCHENER 583 f a,rw,ry Rd South Phone744.0371 DailyRa.m •5:30prn inr. luduul Saturday Fnd,iy till 9 pm Ilg3eqwW, LUMBER ca LTD 15 BRANCHES: Rocg hours Mon '46 ,'161 rnAl "r::uuNli '11, 1.1',' liR h;t l%7, N 6,1 33,'1 ti:llIT9,5511'1r)N iso 1111111nN13 !il,'.','l :53'11 .611, 0.0411',.11,1 411NU:,UN 1 A,,1 �S.I ;341 WINDSOR WEOT :44,13..1 Fri F3a ni 1o530p 01 Sat NI 4pnr .1't, 3181 ,114 54)7, /97 .3.'4', NI, 4'191 7338 7,'7 6091 KITCHENER WINDSOR EAST AND WINDSOR WEST: FRIDAY till 9 P,M.