HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-02-18, Page 10Page 10 - Citizens News, February 18176 • . n•5245 tio:i,a Un.. i y4.s ,...:...... MMRG POOL ',dial, Oct. 461.1200 "qt,' mro•- • ft; FORFSr HILLS 4RMS $21.' or: Sale PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE boars -also Crossbred Boars. R.O.P. tested and commercial. - Contact Bob Robinson, R.R,4, Walton, Phone 345-2317. 6-7-b APPLES, Spys, Delicious, also Apple Butter. Phone Asa Steekle, 565-5301. 6-7-p 1972 MOTO SKI SNOWMOBILE. Zephyr model 440. Two-year old track. In good condition. Only $495. - Call 236-4662. 6-x 1974 SKI DOO, F.A. 400, 60 H.P. Phone 236-4910 after 5 p.m. 6-7-b TOWER KING Silos. Area Frances Boyle, Phone 395-5088. pressed Stave representative, R.R.3, Ripley, 1-tf MOTO SKI ELAN 75, 300 ss, Phone 236-4884 after 6 p.m. or 236-4962 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. 7-8-b USED WRINGER WASHER, good condition. Contact John Geiger, 236-4592. 7-p winter footwear sale, at greatly reduced values. - Oesch Shoe Store, 236-4602, Zurich 7-b APPLES, good quality, second Spys. - David Steckle, Phone 565- 2122. 7-tf TWO SNOWMOBILES; one 1971 Moto -Ski Capri, 399 cc Twin; One 1972 Moto -Ski Zephyr, long track, 440 cc with speedo- meter. Both in ggood condit- ion - Phone 236-4920 weekdays after 5 p.m. Anytime on week- ends. 7-b ONE YEAR OLD 20'4" Triple K Konggskilde cultivator. Coml- ete with harrows and wing lift- ers - Phone 236-4698. 7-8-p LOCAL BUSINESS PROPERTY for sale, includes large home, large lot, good opportunity for expansion. Good income return. - Phone Barb O'Neal, 238-2393. 7-b WINTER FOOTWEAR SALE, at greatly reduced values - Oesch Shoe Store, 236-4602, Zurich. Help, ars Y 4 CLERK WANTED, experience preferred, must be aggressive and neat. Apply in person to Gary Masse, The Tenderspot, Grand Bend. 7-b H • Wanted To Du USED WOODEN PLAYPEN. Contact Marilyn Geiger, 236- 4592. 7-P B "til RAU - Denny and Sue are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Lynn Rau, on February 9, 1975, 4 lbs 10 oz, at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Wilson, nurses, friends and relatives for cards, visits and flowers. 7-b Corning Evelnts THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, J.A.D. McCurdy Public School, Huron Park on Monday, February 23, 1976.from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years. 6. Vision testing Card of Than Thank you to all my friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, phone messages and gifts received while I was a patient at St. Joseph 's Hospital, London and since returning hone. Special thanks to my husband, daughters and my sister Marg who were with me the day of my operation. 1 am sure all the prayers 'of everyone helped. A very special thank you to Dr. Meads and his assist- ants and nurses on the fourth floor. Your kindness wi11 always be remembered - Madeline Gelinas. 7-b Services THREE DAY stripping service and furniture restoration. For free estimates call E. Niblock, Auburn, 526-7272. 7-tf HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Diamonds, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks, Barom- eters. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, are $11.95 and up. Family Rings and Charms. Watch and clock work guaran- teed. 1-tf CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Processing - Hamburg, Frozen Beef Patties, Sausage and Lard Curing and Smoking. Pick-up Service available. BEEF & PORK - FRIDAYS YUNGBLUT' S MEAT MARKET ZURICH, ONTARIO Phone 236-4312 BEAUTIFUL HOME IN EXETER On large lot, • living room, dining room, kitchen, sun room, sun deck, three Targe bedrooms, Targe recreation room, laundry room, four piece bath, carpeted -throughout, newly decorated, cash to mortgage. M.SIROTIC REAL ESTATE REALTOR ZURICH 236.-4028 Bayfield council discuss festival 13y Milvena Erickson At the regular meeting of Bay- field council Monday evening, council endorsed and supported a resolution from the town of Han- over to petition the provincial government to set up a special commission to examine all aspects of education particularly the financing of education in Ontario and recommend alter- natives. Also endorsed was a resolution from Chesley in respect to the closing of the hospital there. Council felt that the economic cutback by the Ministry of Health would also prove a hardship on the Mennonite community near there; as their only mode of travel is by horse-drawn vehicles; and that the hospital in a Memorial Community Hospital having been built by the residents in that area. Zurich minor hockey Zurich Lions Peewees are in the midst of a best two -out -of - three playoff series with Dublin in the W.O.A.A. "E" playdowns with the first game being played last night, too late for press deadlines. The second game of the series will be played Friday night in Zurich. The winner will meet a team from the Northern division. In the past week, the peewees came up with four more wins. They won in zone play, on minor hockey day and put out Blyth two games straight in W.O.A.A. competition. ZURICH 6 - DUBLIN 1 In the final game of zone play, Zurich defeated Dublin 6-1. In the entire season zone play, Zurich Lions lost only two games. On Wednesday, Dublin scored the first goal of the game but then it was Zurich all the way with Robert Willert banging in four goals and singles going to Mark Kirk and Kris Bedard. ZURICH 12 - BLYTH 5 On Friday, Zurich downed Blyth 12-5. At first Blyth gave Zurich a tough time as Blyth led 3-0 in the first period. Brian Horner notched the first Zurich goal and Robert Willert added a pair to tie the score by the end of the first. Jing Willert put Zurich ahead 4-3 in the second but a tough Blyth crew fought back, adding Toryo,„ Ei1MI CONCRETE (ALSO FORMWORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Rhone 237-3381 or 237-3422 TV & RADIO SERVICE Complete Repairs ori All Makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Technician GORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics 236-4224 two more to take a 5-4 lead. In the final three minutes of the second period, Robert Willert, Jim Willert and Chris Denomme each scored to put Zurich ahead 7-5. It was Zurich all the way in the third as Kris Bedard scored two while Mark Kirk, Jim Willert and Chris Denomme each added singles. ZURICH 4 - WATFORD 2 On Saturday, minor hockey day in Zurich, the Lions Peewees downed Watford 4-2. The most Valuable Players were Kris Bed- ard for Zurich and Rob Ferguson for Watford. Jim Willert scored two big ones in the first period. On the first goal, he was assisted by Kris Bedard while Bedard and David Smith assisted on the sec- ond. Watford scored both goals in the second to tie the game but Zurich came back with Robert Willert scoring the winner on a play from Kris Bedard. Chris Denomme got the insurance goal assisted by Jim Willert and David Erb. ZURICH 7 - BLYTH 2 On Sundayy, both teams played hard and close in the first with good skating and check- ing. Robert Willert finally put Zurich ahead as he scored from Brian Horner and MarkKirk. Zurich pulled further ahead on two goals by Robert Willert before Blyth replied with a pair by Plunkett. Zurich kept a margin as David Smith and Kris Bed- ard scored to make it 5-2. In the final period, Robert Willert got his fourth goal of the game and Mark Kirk scored into the empty net to complete the scoring. SEC1 Letters were received included those from the MTC regarding the reduction of speed limits on highways; from Ontario Hydro regarding the increase in hydro rates for the Village street lights; a notation that the Red Pump restaurant is applying for a dining -lounge License; and a letter from D'Arcy McKeough extending congratulations and success for the Village Centen- nial. In other business it was learned that councillor F.E. McFadden, the village representative on the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority had been elected as chairman of the education and information committee. Council approved a Grant of $800.00 to the Bayfield Fire Department and a grant of $10.00 to the Huron County Ploughmens Association. Several designs for the new library prepared by Nick Hill of Goderich were received. Tenders will be called for asphalt and gravel. Council discussed the Maple Syrup Festival with a dance to follow when the Junior and Senior Centennial Queen will be chosen. The date tentatively set for this activity was April 10. Council viewed more designs for the village crest design com- petition which will close on Fri- day, February 27. TED VOOGEL And Sons Ltd. BUILDING CONTRA CTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages * Renovations CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASHWOOD R.R.1 PH: 238-2742 L,~; USE POWDER Controls Tice and ticks for extra gain and animal prot- ection. For livestock, poultry and fur -bearing animals. 0C 2 LB. SIZE - REG. $ 1.69ms1.39 10LB. SIZE - REG. $7.99 - $6.50 25 LB® SIZE - REG. $17.99 $14.95 HENSALL DISTRICT BRUCEFIELD 482-9823 HENSALL 262-3002 ZURICH 236-4393