HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-02-18, Page 6Page 6 - Citizens News, February 18/76 Less than half licenses purchased new outlet for Grand Bend village (By Cathy McKinley) if you haven't renewed your 1975 licence plates yet, you might have to stand in a long line to do so. Less than half of the 1976 stickers at the Zurich Licence office have been purchased. Located in Heimrich's Lunch and Variety, the Zurich Licence office usually sells between 1200 and 1500 stickers. This year, Ron Heimrich has sold only 600 and there is less than two weeks left until the Feb. 28 deadline. The Exeter office, located at the Seldon Fuels office on Main Street also reports sales are slow with a great many licence renew- als still to be purchased. "The rate at which licence renewals are being sold this year is definitely behind last year's rate" according to Mr. Heim rich, One reason for this could be the increased cost of every- thing from gas to insurance, but the price of the licences has not increased over last year. A 4 -cylinder licence renewal costs $23„ a six -cylinder costs Why not call the Citizen 1,1 BLADE or SHORT 1 RBLADE BONE ast REMOVED THURINGER BY -THE -PIECE Summer ScuS ge SLICED JUST $1.55 LB SCHNEIDER'S ASSORTED MINI FULLY PROCESSED LB 994 1®45 LB LB T E R:ila;is; G BEEF MON AY/ PORK TUESDAY Laporte Meat Market ZURICH 236-4962 Emit nig Robert Elistrom Larry Lee Paul Smith - Alan Dater dial June Carter Cash .,s Marr . ,Iakiie pnxlmcd I>Y June & Johnny Cash duct 1N Robert Eirstrom filmed rntxrly in Israel, ci tW x by 1 k•I use released by World Wide Pictures • I2UI I Icnncpin Ave. So. • Minneapolis, MN, 55403 • (612) 333.7101 SUNDAY, FEB© 22 8 P.M. Come early to get a good seat HURON MEN'S CHAPEL Everyone Welcome AUBURN Evil prevails when good men do nothing. $32 and an eight cylinder will cost you $40. The Grand Bend licence office will be located in Doreen 's Variety (formerly Mel and Olive's) on Main St. However, this office will not open until the end of the week. Mr. Heimrich says line-ups this year are almost a certainty, especially for commercial • veh- icle renewals. Unlike passenger vehicles, commercial licence renewals are typed transactions which take a longer time to complete. Any commercial registration expiring March 31, 1976 was renewable as early as February 2 for a full year registration. Starting March 1, 1976 full year renewals are obtainable for commercial bus and farm trucks regardless of previous registrat- ion. Starting March 15, 1976, three, six and nine month reg- istrations to renew a 1975 reg- istration expiring March 31; 1976 will be available, while starting March 25, 1976, three, six and nine month registrations for vehicles regardless of prev- ious registration will begin. However, February 28 is the deadline for purchasing licence renewal stickers for passenger cars. To avoid having your 1976 stickers fall off your licence plates, it is best to put then/ on in mild temperatures. If it is a very cold day and your stickers must go on, you could take the plates off the car and warm them in the house first to ensure a solid connection between sticker and plate. To speed up getting your car licence, pick up a licence plate renewal form at a licence office or any LCBO outlet. By fill- ing it in ahead of time, you not only save time at the licence office, you also help keep line- ups to a minimum. MODELLING EQUIPMENT - At Wednesday's rummage sale for the Grand Bend Nursery School, Kerry Lynn Dietz models hockey pads and socks. News Photo Sc z .f ool board The Huron County Board of Education met in special session Monday night at Clinton to con- sider drastic cutbacks in the 1976 expenditures. John Elliott of Blyth, chairman of the board's budget committee, presented a list of restraints for the consideration of the board. After study of the recommend- ations, the matter was turned back to the budget committee to prepare a final draft for off- icial approval. Included in the restraints are a number of measures which have already been implemented by the board. A major item was a freeze on all capital equipment expenditures with any exceptions to have the approval of the bud- get committee. The board has also implem- ented a policy of charging any equipment replacement costs to the school 's operating budget rather than as a special budget item as has been the practice in the past. Perhaps the most drastic of the steps already initiated was a general cut of ten percent in all school budgets. The ten per- cent reduction was felt satisf- actory when inflation factors during the past twelve months are considered. Also to come under scrutiny of the board to trim costs are transportation policies and high cost courses. The board will ex- amine costs of transportation for extra -curricular activity, walking distances to the nearest bus stop and the cost of field trips, particularly in regard to the surplus buses that are used exclusively for field trips. High cost and low enrolment courses will be examined with a view to elimination or centraliz- ation. Other budget restraints sug- gested by Mr. Elliott's commit- tee will be the possibility of closing classrooms or schools if enrolment is found to be lacking. flans cuts The board will also examine the possibility of reducing staff and placing a freeze on salaries. Extra -curricular activities will also be studied to determine the cost of equipment, membership fees and exhibition games. The board will also consider the question of whether or not night school classes should be self-sustaining and will take a similar look at community use of the schools so the program can become more, if not totally, self- sustaining. Driver education, conferences and conventions as well as energy consumption will also be studied as possible avenues of cost saving. Board chairman Herb Turk- heim said that while it was not expected that the board would accept all the measures being considered, a large number would be seriously considered to at- tempt to keep the education mill rate increase as low as poss- ible in light of recent provincial grant cutbacks. See us for . REGISTERED RETIREMENT SA INGS PL which puts money away for sunny day! 9 nd sc ves on income Tax ) BERT KLOPP REPRESENTING C.I.A.Ge R.R•3 ZURICH 236-4988 ;q}