HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-02-18, Page 1Reeve casts deciding vte
against free use of hall
Zurich reeve Fred Haberer
was forced to cast the deciding
vote last Wednesday afternoon
when members of council were
deadlocked over the decision as
to whether or not various organ-
izations should be allowed to use
the new municipal building to
hold committee meetings. Al-
though he indicated he favoured
the idea during the discussion
period, the reeve cast his vote
with councillors Leroy Thiel and
Isidore Laporte against allow-
ing the practice to begin.
A request was received from
the Bean Festival Corporation
asking permission to hold several
meetings in the council chamb-
ers duriirg the winter months.
Both the reeve and councillor
Ray McKinnon indicated they
favoured. the idea, explaining
that this idea was one of the
selling points in favour of the
new building. They were support-
ed by councillor George Haggitt
'who voted in favour although
he stated he had "nixed feelings
about the idea." But, when the
deciding vote was necessary
Mr. Haberer reversed his earlier
In other business at the meet-
ing council agreed with a request
from the County of Huron to pay
their 1976 tax levy to the county
in two instalments, the sane as
taxes are collected.
-No action was taken on five
requests received at the meeting
for grants for various purposes.
Those requests filled cane from
Businessmen elan
summer promotion
A number of interesting items
were discussed at the second
meeting of the Zurich Business-
men's Association last Wed-
nesday night, among them a
special summer promotion to
lure tourist business to the vill-
After many ideas were brought
forward for a promotion, a com-
mittee consisting of Isidore
Laporte, Herb Turkheim and
Doug Oesch were appointed to
look into various ideas and bring
a recommendation back to the
next meeting.
Another committee of presid-
ent Ron Heimrich and secretary
Judy Clausius were appointed to
interview any business people in
the community who have not
been attending the meetings
to find out their feelings towards
the association.
Robert Westlake suggested
to the meeting that possibly the
Businessmen's Association
might be interested in sponsor-
ing the annual Santa Claus visit
to the village next Christmas.
He pointed out that to date the
Lions Club has always sponsored
this event but added that prob-
ably it should be a project of
the business places instead.
Don Beauchamp, the new prop-
rietor of the former Lucky Dollar
Food Market, was appointed as
the Businessmen's Association
representative to the Bean Fest-
ival Corporation.
Also discussed at some length
was the possibility of Christmas
decorations in the village, and
councillor Leroy Thiel reported
that the village council would
co-operate in any way possible.
Some of the members of the
organization expressed concern
regarding the danger of traffic
accidents at the corner of highway
84 and the Huron County road,
and it was suggested that a
signal light should be installed
at the location instead of just a
caution light. No definite action
was taken on the recommend-
Considerable discussion took
place regarding the -parking of
cars in front of business prop-
erties for an entire day, and this
matter is to be discussed with the
village council at a later date.
VALENTINE CUTIES - Among the most attractive costumes at the
Varna Valentine Skating Carnival `Saturday night were, front,
Michele Turner, Adam Willert and back, Mavis Turner and Sandra
Willert. News Photo
the Huron Plowmen's Associat-
ion, the Salvation Army, St.
John's Ambulance Corps, the
Mental Health Association, and
the Association of Rural Munic-
ipalities in Ontario,
Council did approve the pay-
ment of $50 membership itt the
Association of Municipalities
in Ontario (AMO).
It was also resolution time at
the meeting last Wednesday,
and three of them were dealt
with by the cuncil - two concurred
with and the other filed. Council
agreed with the resolution from
Goderich Alexandra Marine
Hospital regarding the closing
of the Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital. and with another from
the town of Hanover regarding
the costs of education in Ont-
ario. The Hanover resolution
asks the province to appoint a
commission to study all the costs
of education, especially concern-
ing the method of collecting tax
dollars from the ratepayers.
The resolution turned down;
by the council was one from
Chesley regarding the closing of
their hospital.
NO QUEEN? - Depicting the King and Jack of Hearts at the Varna
Valentine Skating Carnival Saturday night were Jim and Paul
Hill. Unfortunately they didn't have a sister to play the Queen of
Hearts. News Photo
Maa olcgh dzio&ipot
To coil tenders on senior citizen
apartments by Marc 25
"The Senior Citizens Housing
development in the Village of
Zurich will be moving ahead
shortly," reeve Fred Haberer
told the members of council
at their meeting last Wednesday
afternoon. He said he had been
talking to Ministry officials earl-
ier in the day and they assured
him tenders would be called
before March 25.
According to the information
given Mr. Haberer, the final
plans for the 20 -unit development
will be in the village within two
weeks for final approval. The
reeve added, "we have had very
little communication on this proj-
ect right frons the start, but I
am hopeful that we are finally
seeing our goal accomplished."
In correspondence from B.M.
Ross Associates, council were
advised that there are still a
few details to be worked out in
connection with the proposed
sub -division of M. Sirotic Real
Estate in the north-west section
of the village, before final app-
roval can be given.
A report from the area fire
board advised council that their
budget this year will be slightly
higher than last. As a result
ratepayers in the village will be
paying about one mill more for
fire protection than last year.
The area fire board also adv-
ised council that from now on they
will be recognizing any fireman
who gives 10 or more years
service to the brigade.
No skating
as ice tine
in demand
Zurich arena manager Jerry
Rader told the Citizens News this
week that public skating has been
cancelled on Saturdays for the
next few weeks.
Mr. Rader -said that the skating
has been cancelled as the local
arena is being made available to
Exeter hockey teams currently in
the playoffs. The move, in the
spirit of neighbourly co-opera-
tion, was made necessary when
the Exeter arena was closed on
the weekend. Mr. Rader said
other area municipalities such
as Hcnsall and Huron Park are
also making their ice available to
the Exeter hockey teams.
. Council agreed that they would
ask the other two municipalit-
ii;s, the townships of Hay and
Stanley, to remit their share of
the costs involved with the area
hoard' twice yearly, at tax time.
A delegation consisting of
Harold Stade and Leo Meiding-
er niet with council to discuss
the possibility of opening Fred-
erick Street to the northerly
limits of the village. Mr. Meid-
inger explained that he was plan-
ning to purchase a parcel of land
from Mr. Stade for an apartment
building, but pointed out that he
has t have access to the land
before the county land division
committee would approve the
scverence application. He added
that there was a question of own-
ership of a small strip of land on
the right-of-way, and this had to
he Bleared up first.
Council agreed to opening
the street as long as it runs the
full length of the village limits.
Glen Weido, president of the
rrI^ ; f
Ratepayers in the village of
Zurich should be pleased with the
1976 budget presented by the
Recreation and Parks committee
for approval by the council at
their regular meeting last Wed-
nesday afternoon. Figures rel-
eased in the budget show the
entire program, including the
Arena and Community Centre,
will operate at a deficit of only
$13,000 this year, compared to
the sunt of almost $22,000 in the
year 1974.
Included in this year's budget
is an amount of $2500 for park
land acquisition this year, or the
deficit would only be about
$10,500. Of this amount almost
$5,000 is for debenture debt so
the entire recreation program is
definitely becoming more effic-
ient each year.
According to unaudited fig-
ures released with the budget
for 1975, the deficit last year was
approximately $11,000, of which
a little over $5,000 was for deb-
enture debt.
Zurich Bean Festival Corporation,
also nict with the council to dis-
cuss 0 trust fund from the profits
of the annual event over the past
few years. The money is in a trust
fund taken care of by the village,
and presently earmarked for a
swimming pool.
Mr. Weido pointed out that
presently there is about $5,000
in the fund, and many of the
members of the organization feel
it will take too long to raise
enough funds to build a swimm-
ing pool. He questioned whether
the money could be used for some
other purpose.
Councillor Ray McKinnon
explained to Mr. Weido that the
funds are only in trust with the
village, and if the Bean Festival
Board wished to have them used
for some other purpose all that
would be required is a copy of
a resolution from the organiz-
ation authorizing the change.
r.. e cu
The significant factor in the
1975 and proposed 1976 budget
is the increased revenue for the
arena and community centre. In
1974 the total revenue was
$17,000, while last year's figures
show receipts of a little over $32,
000. The committee is being
modest in only estimating the
same revenue again this year.
On the expenditure side of
the ledger the total expenses in
1974 were about $39,000, and
while this figure jumped to $43,
000 last year the increased rev-
enue more than offset this in-
crease. This year's budget lists
about the sane expenditures
as last year.
A considerable amount was
also spent last year and the
year before for maintenance and
new equipment, and the commit-
tee is hopeful this will not be the
case again in 1976.
Council members took little
time in approving the budget
which carried the mood news
for ratepayers in the village.