HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-02-11, Page 2Page 2 - Citizens News, February 11 /76
Rev. Anderson speaker
UCW has 'Unity' theme
The regular meeting of St.
Paul's A.C.W. was held at the
home of Mrs. Middleton on Fri-
day afternoon. The meeting
opened with "The Members
Prayer" followed by the Lord's
Prayer. An invitation was read
by the president, Mrs. Forrest.
Mrs. Windover read the script-
ure and after the hymn Mrs.
Anderson gave the meditation.
In keeping with the theme,
Rev. G.A. Anderson gave a talk
on "Unity." A biblical quiz
was conducted. The World's
Day of Prayer will be held at
St. Paul's Church. It was decid-
ed to pack a bale in the spring.
Membership dues were paid and
Rev. Anderson closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
Mrs. James McAllister,,,open-
edthe meeting of Unit IV of
Hensall United Church Wom-
en by reading a poem. Mrs.
Arthur Slade gave the devot-
ional based on the 23rd Psalm.
The study was taken by Mrs.
Earle Rowe who spoke on Rel-
igion in Communist China today.
This was followed by a short
discussion. Mrs. Ella Drysdale
read a poem, "Meditations,"
20 members answered the roll
call and 70 visits to sick and
shut-ins were made during the
month. The meeting closed with
the singing of a hymn, followed
Amber Lodge
Noble Grand Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor presided for the
meeting of Amber Rebekah on
Wednesday evening assisted by
Mrs. Hazel Corbet RSVG in the
absence of the Vie -Grand Mrs.
Dorothy Parker. Mrs. Margaret
Consitt Jr. PNG reported for the
CPT fund.
It was decided to postpone the
annual "Birthday Party" until a
later date owing to weather
conditions. Plans were made to
attend the meeting in Clinton on
March lst when the Assembly
President Mrs. Helen Sheppard
wilt make her official visit.
Noble Grand Mrs. Bertha
MacGregor presented Mrs. Mar-
garet Consitt Jr. PNG with her
Jewel. Mrs. Consitt replied
thanking the members for the
Queensw" ' y
A. ppen@ngs
Welcome to a new resident
at the Queensway Nursing Home.
Mrs. Mabel Johns of Exeter.
Rev. Harold Snell of Exeter cond-
ucted church service accompan-
ied by Mrs. Snell at the piano.
Mrs. Vera Lammie was visited
by her son Robert, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Dunnand. Mr. and Mrs.
Mervyn Dunn, Mr. and Mrs.
Jing McNaughton and Clarence
Smillie visited with their mother,
Mrs. Ada Smillie.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ford
visited with Mrs. May Ford.
Marjorie Johns visited with
Ruby Miners,.
Mrs. Weiburg, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Taylor, Kitchener and Mrs.
Dale of Seaforth visited Mrs.
Adeline Taylor.
Mrs. Pearl Passmore visited
with her sister Mrs. Lavery.
The Kippen United Church
ladies entertained on Monday
including Marg Consitt, Merle
McLellan, Grace McBride, Mrs.
Dave Cooper with Myra Lovell in
charge. Games and music were
enjoyed. Melanie Lovell played
the ukele and sang and Myla
Lovell danced Hawaain dances.
Mrs. Cooper played piano music
and Bingo was played.
by the Benediction. Mrs. Gladys
Coleman and her committee serv-
ed lunch.
Mrs. Elizabeth Volland, who
resides at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, cel-
ebrated her ninety-third birth-
day on Saturday, February 7,
with all her family participating
in the event, with a dinner and
birthday cake. An Open House
was held with friends and rel-
atives dropping in for tea and best
wishes. Visitors were present
from London, Clinton, Varna,
Brucefield, Exeter, Kippen,
Staffa, Seaforth, Goderich,
Zurich and Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne have
returned from a delightful two
month trip of the southern
United States and visiting with
their daughter and son-in-law,
Gunnery/Sergeant and Mrs.
Gary Merritt, and grandson
Gregory, of Buckeye, Arizona.
They travelled north on the ret-
urn trip and visited Winnipeg
and Sault Ste. Marie.
Gunnery/Sergeant Gary Mer-
ritt has left for a thirteen month
tour of duty in Japan.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Den Heuvel
of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs.
Cornelius Vermaas of Oud-Beyer-
laid were dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal on
Officers of the Hensall United
Church Women were installed at
the regular service on Sunday,
which was conducted by Rev.
Don Beck.
Past president, Kay Mock;
president, Shirley McAllister;
first. vice-president, Wil Beck;
second vice-president, Grace
Drummond; secretary, Jean
Waring; treasurer, Doreen
Spencer, *Leader, Unit 1, Eileen
McLean; Leader, Unit 2, Hilda
Payne; Leader, Unit 4, Jessie
McAllister; Friendship and Vis-
itation Chairman, Anita Cook;
Finance Chairman, Pearl Erratt;
Nomination Chairman, Kay
Mock; Social Functions Chair-
man, Anne Brock, Nursery Con-
venor, Elva Forrest. Rev. Beck
preached on "Blessed are
the poor in spirit" and the choir,
under the direction of Mrs. John
Turkheim, sang the anthem,
"Ye Servants of God." Unit I
of the UCW will meet on Thurs-
day at 2 p.m.
At Grand °end
1 GA
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It is still not absolutely certain
that renovations and extended
hours of the public washrooms
at the village of Grand Bend
municipal office will satisfy the
Lambton County Health Unit.
Last fall, businesses in Grand
Bend were notified by the Lamb -
ton Health Unit that provincial
regulations regarding washroom
facilities would have to be met
this summer. It was suggested
that the town facilities might be
used as an alternative until
sewake was available. Individ-
ual washrooms are impractical at
present due to limited lot sizes,
unable to facilitate septic tanks.
On thursday night, council
received a letter in reply to an
earlier inquiry by the village
asking if extended hours and
renovations would satisfy the
Health Unit until the sewers
were installed.
The letter from the Health Unit
suggested that if the washrooms
were kept open .until the village
food outlets were required to
Meeting Margaret Ottawa highlight
Hensall, Ontario One lady asked me "Would you
sit on the floor if you were the
Prime Minister's wife?" I replied
"I certainly would and I would
ask all of you to join me". I never
dreamed the day would come
when we, the common people,
could meet and talk with our
leaders and their wives. I hope
this is indicative of future trends.
Do not misunderstand me
regarding our system, I am all
for many facets of it. After
touring our House of Commons
where so much history has been
made and will be made, where
our lovely Queen Elizabeth is
our head, I feel as if I had been
in a very sacred place and again
feel very proud to be a Canadian.
I could go into greater detail
about, niy trip to Ottawa but the
most memorable part of it was
my meeting with Margaret
Trudeau a young wife and
Mother who by the way, feeds
her baby the natural way, dresses
Dear Sir:
I have just returned from five
days in Ottawa,, where my
husband attended a convention of
H.U.D.A.C. (Housing and Urban
Development Association of
There were the usual opening
ceremonies, breakfasts,
luncheons, fashion shows and
tour of the National Arts Centre.
Highlights of my visit began
on Tuesday February 3, when
we (more than 500, ladies) were
taken to the Lester B. Pearson
Memorial Centre for tea with
Mrs. Pierre Trudeau our hostess.
I had the thrilling experience of
shaking hands with her, chatting
with her and having her give me
her autograph. I shall not go into
detail regarding our conversation
as it was mainly woman -talk
and personal.
She is not only beautiful to
see but a warm, sincere human
being who emanates love: not
like our daughters, and speaks
our language. I used to think
that protocol was ,an incurable
disease and I often wonder if
I was not correct.
I believe that some of the
things that some people and
reporters said about her are very
cruel. I saw some of them trying
to shove their microphones close
to her to try and pick up her
private remarks to some of the
ladies, flashing pictures while.
she talked informally with us.
Imagine how she must have
felt, after all the travelling her
late arrival home the previous
night, plus tending'to her baby
and then coming out to meet
and talkwith more than 500
ladies the following day.
Long live Margaret and long
live Canada, in peace with the
whole world.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Minnie Noakes
only for her family but for all
people. Because she followed
the golden rule of "Love Thy
Neighbour" while they were
visiting Cuba, Mexico and
Venezuela, she is being ripped to
shreds for saying so.
I have been in close contact
with many young people recently,
99% of them are A-1 in niy books,
and with them, do not forget,
rests our future. They have
been calling to us for help for
many years, trying. to tell us
something but people have not
listened. Our generation has
made a mess of many things
pertaining to government in
many directions.
I firmly believe Margaret
Trudeau has the only answer
for our future, "Love Thy Neigh-
bour", attitude. I love Margaret
and what she represents and I
know many of you will agree. Oh
yes. I met some who think she is
dreadful, crazy, on dope and
manyother unflattering remarks.
close, the renovations would be
acceptable.It also added that if
any complaints were received,
the Health Unit would invest-
igate. If the complaints were
found legitimate, changes would
have to be made the Health Unit
letter stated.
"They'll come back on us if
the washrooms are deemed
inadequate." said councillor
Robert Simpson. "And we'll
have to keep them open until
2:30 a.m."
Reeve Sharen • suggested
"johnny-on-the-spot" might be
accepted by the Health Unit this
year in some areas although -they
were frowned upon last year.
Councillor Bill Baird tabled
estimates for renovations to the
washrooms at about $1,000.
An additional $130 will be requir-
ed to repair the washrooms on
the south side of the river.
Repairs to the beach change
house and washrooms, including
the installation of an $800 shower,
will be $1,300.
Easy to find out. Because I'!l be on hand to Emcee
your Allis-Chalmers dealer's big EXPO '76! We're
going to show you in an exciting and fun way what's
new at Allis-Chalmers.
You'll see the brand new Allis-Chalmers farm trac-
tors. They're truly the Rising Power in Tractors. Find
out about the tough, beefier new implements from
Allis-Chalmers. The new Air Champ Planter will open
your eyes. And, you'll learn about what's even better
in 1976 on the unbeatable GLEANER Combines.
There'll be fun and door prizes for the whole family.
Free lunch and refreshments, too, so plan to spend
the day with us. Come one, come all for a good mid-
winter break. Visit with your neighbors and your AIIis-
Chalmers dealer. it's al! free ... and we hope to see
you there.
Also including in program, Pioneer Hybrid Ltd.
will have a half hour film on corn research and