HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-01-28, Page 11LEADER GETS AWARD - At Saturday's Huron 4-H Achievement Day, Mrs. Ray Rader received a 5 -year leader's certificate. Above, Huron Home Economist Jane Pengilley, left, presents the award to Mrs. Rader, leader of one of the Dashwood clubs. News Photo HEAVY SNOW - The corrugated iron awning in front of Gascho's Dry Goods store collapsed on the weekend due to a buildup of heavy snow over the weekend. News Photo Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B,A., SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 11 A.M. - Church. Service Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sun. Church School 8:00 p.m. -Van Dykes who served in Bangladesh under MCC in charge. Friday, Jan. 30 - 8 p.m. G.M.S.A. MEDITATION . — Fear God, and keep His commandments; for this Is the whole duty of man, For God shall bring every work Into judgement with every secret thing whether it be good or it be evil. Ecc, 12;13,14 Everyone Welcome Some of the most dangerous intersections are in residential areas, where there are narrow streets, parked cars, obstructed views. St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A.,B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 10 a.m.- Worship Service 1.0;45 a.m.-Sun Church School Everyone Welcome Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 10 a.m,- Sunday School 11 a.m, - Worship Service 8 p.m, - Christ Our Goal Wednesday, 8 p,m.. Bible Study and Prayer MEDITATION:- I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phlllipians 3-14 Everyone Welcome Citizens News, January 28/76 - Page 11 Stick to guidelines Stephen employees get 10% hike but council declines pay increase N1ost employees or the town- ship of Stephen were granted wage and salary increases or about 10 percent at a recent meeting of Council, The salary or clerk -treasurer and tax collector Wilma'. \Vein as increased from 14,200 to !)15.020. Road superintendent Frank Melsaac a ill receive 1 1.544 in 19M. Last Cao' his salary was : 10,500. Office staff and other. em- ployees will receive similar increases or 10 percent. The basic pay for road department employees wil1 be 4. '3 per hour with an additional one and 0 half percent increase truck drivers, three percent for grader operators and five percent for foreman -operators. Part-time employees \rill receive 10 percent less than the basic rale and new employees Neill starl 01 15 percent below (he basic schedule. Council members derided to hol(l their own salaries at 111e present level. Fitch member will receive 'b30 for every meetiaati he attends during the year plus a mileage allowance of 17 cents per mile. In addition reeve Cecil I)es- jardine and depute reeve Ken Campbell will receive small amounts for each meeting; attended in lieu of previous honorariums which they received. The amounts of 1250 per year for the reeve and '1150 For the deputy -reeve previously paid as an honorarium \rill he added to Cancer goal A 1976 goal of 16.5 million has been set by the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society. This sum. to be raised b y volun- teers during the Society's annual April campaign, will be used to support cancer research in Canada and to finance programs in public education and service to cancer patients. The objective in Metropolitan Toronto is 12,200,000. Speaking to the volunteers at the meeting, Division Campaign Chairman, Ron Calhoun, of Thamesford, reported that the 1976 objective represents an increase of 8.5% over the actual amount raised last year. He was confident that the objective would be achieved by the "enthusiastic and dedicated" campaign team volunteers. The weekend sessions, having as a theme "You Arc Making the Difference, highlighted the Cancer Society's work in educat- ion and service to patients through film, video tape and slide presentations. Veteran volunteers were on hand to offer helpful tips on organizing community campaigns. A new Divisional wooden mascot was introduced at the campaign sessions - "Eager Beaver" which symbolizes the determination of the Campaign C'omniittee to fund one hundred million dollars for the cancer control effort in Ontario. TV 11 RA r10 SERVICE Complete Repairs on All Makes REASONABLE CALLS Government Certified Technician GORD BLECK Bluewater Electronics 236-4224 the per meeting rate. ' Under new provincial regula- tions Councillors are not allowed to get an honorarium and a per diem salary. The township learned recently that the 1970 subsidies allowed by the Ontario Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications for road work in 1976 would be 'Y' 500. This is an increase of $16,500 from the 1e)'5 regular allottment of 'i'41.000. The township did receive a total of :1105,000 last year Clue to 0 supplemental subsidy. The Ministry has warned all municipalities this year that supplementary budgets are "very unlikely.. 111 other road department business road superintendent Frank Mclsaac was instructed 10 order -'S gallons of ‘‘eed spray for use Ili s summer. Wein said without hopes l'or supplementary mune\, cods of the Waterloo sweet (train in Exeter will have to he paid 001 of lie regular hudget. l'slimate(I cost is about S20,000. This will be sharable \\ ill the tow n of us\cier. Council concurred w ith t•esoullion front Ilse tow nship of (iuudbourn in the Ottawa area asking that Ilse maximum rust of an application for land se\erance be raised lu 11)0 from the present \ hvlan" "in Ile lirep;u•ed (nothing operation of open storage facilities for liquid animal waste in the township, Clerk Wein said at the present time any storage facilities of this nature ere of the proper type and covered.w A resolution from the Region of Waterloo asking the provincial government to at least help hi phasing out LIP grants instead of dropping them immediately. A delegation of residents from Concession A -B in the vicinity of the Huron Country Playhouse asked to install a water pipeline from .he provincial line at Port Blake. Cost is estimated at 116.600. Total cost is to be borne by the residents and the township \yill make application to the Ministry of Environment. to all my good customers who patronized GASCHO'S LUCKY DOLLAR over the past 18 yea I hope you will treat the new owner, Don Beaucham as well. CLARENCE GASCHO Huron County Fa .,i .. ily Planning Pro ect Invites You To Attend FREE 'IRTH Cup TRt L CLINIC Every T from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For Information CaII 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings All medications, IUD's etc. provided free of charge. Everyone welcome. 4 •,ti 11 MAPLE LEAF TIN END Dinner Ham MAPLE LEAF PICNIC BY -THE -PIECE LB $1.9 Pork Shoulder LB $101 DEVON c oessemeannummrarmanmenewsrmo merattwornextesertattnneree C ST BEEF MONDAY / PORK TUESDAY Laporte Meat Market 1 LB PAK 4 Main St. ZURICH 236-4962