HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-01-28, Page 6Page 6 - Citizens News, January 28176 At Grand Bend Combined meetings held after snow ANNUAL MEETING Due to the postponement of the Grand Bend and Greenway Anglican churches' annual meeting, a combined service of the three churches of the Parish of Greenway, Thedford and Grand Bend was held at St. Johns on Sunday, follow- ing the regular service and was conducted by the confirmation class. Special music was sup- plied by the "Melodaires" of Greenway. A social hour followed the service. Officers elected for Grand Bend were: Rector's Warden, C.W. (Bert) Neilson; People's warden, John Brown; Deputy warden, Maurice McDonald; Treasurer, Goldie Todd; Assis- tant treasurer, Larry Cole; Envelope secretary, Mrs. Agnes Todd; Delegate to Synod, Mrs. Connie Lewis. Board of mana,genient: Frank Hallett, Tom Lawson, Glen Sippel, Adelaide Sippcl, Cindy Brown, Nola Taylor, Verna Sharon, Lillian Best, John Brock and John Asclstyne, Choir representative, Mrs. Nola Love; Auditor, Fred Newton. CWL The Grand Bend Catholic Women's League held their January meeting, Monday evening at the Alhamba hall with 1' in attendance. 1\1rs. Tom Vlcnimix, presi- dent presided for the business. Special plans are made for a speaker at the February meet- ing who is a blind lady, Mrs. Mary (Goodale) Vloet. Lunch hostesses were Mrs. John Kelder's, Mrs. 'Theo Kelders, Mrs. Peter Mennen, Mrs. Gerry Backx, Mrs. Jerry Van Leeuw•en and Mrs, William Vandenbygaard. Next meeting will be at the same place the third Monday in February. GOLDEN AGE The Grand Bend Golden Age club held a social fun afternoon on Tuesday, with 32 in atten- dance. The Christmas "Sing Out" song books edition for Senior Citizens arrived at this meeting, late due to the nail strike, from the Ontario Department Ministry of Commercial and Social Services. Progressive euchre. crokinole and Chinese checkers were played and winners were Mr. and Mrs. Banda, Mrs. Iredale,. Wellwood Gill, Harry Sheppard, Mrs. Laura batars, Jini Prance. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love and Mrs. Ada Wilson. Mrs. Ruth Sheppard. of Park- hill played lively piano numbers for singing and dancing. After lunch. Ross and Bill Love favored the crowd with several violin selections. UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL The Grand Bend United. church annual meeting was held Wednesday evening, and in spite of bad weather around 20 attended. Rev. H. Moore chaired the meeting, and Buelah Holt was appointed secretary for the evening. Appointed to the Session for five year terms were Mrs. Don Adams and Morley Des- ,jardine. Mrs. Clark Kennedy was appointed for a two year term. Elgin Hendrick and Gerry Love were rclectet; for a three year term to tale Board of Stewards, Two nc-w committees were formed. For personnel, Mrs. Jack Eagleson and Harvey Rat z, Mission and service committee were Leroy Keyes and Morley Des_jardine. Ralph McKinnon was named to the manse committee and also for usher. Reports Were read and discussed. There were 14 burials from Grand Bend in 1Q-5. PERSONALS Missy Sandila.nds, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sandi - lands, passed her swing dance C.F.S.A. test held in the Exeter arena last week. ' Missy is a ni,ember of the Zurich -Grand Bend skating club. The United Church women catered for lunches Tuesday and Wednesday last week, for the Hodgins -Hayter, Kraft niachin- ct•y convention, held in the Legion Hall. The Lambton County library board are sponsoring a series of musical concerts, to enrich culture in the community and they will be held in Grand Bend United Church at 2.30 p.m. on February 1, March 7 and April 4. About 35 of the Sunday school children provided choir music Sunday morning at the United church. They sang, "David and Goliath," "He's got the whole world in His hands," and "B -I -B -L -E. Rev, H. Moore's sermon topic \\'as, "If winter comes." Allan Hayter and his daughter Susan, returned Saturday from. a week in Florida, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Gill, Mrs.. Nola Taylor, Mrs. Raymond Kitding, and Mrs. Agnes Pat- terson returned Sunday from a two week trip to Florida going as far as Miami, and stopping at New Port Richey to visit Mrs. Ruth Hendrick and other friends. Mrs, Wayne Woods returned hone Saturday after a week in Victoria hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Lamport, Crediton, visited Sunday with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Max Turnbull, and her brother and wife, Mr, & Mrs. Jack Turnbull. PROVINC AL 4-H HONOURS - At Saturday's Huron 4-H Achieve- cial Honours. From the left are, Janet Gielen, Mary Van Osch, ment Day for Crediton area clubs, five girls received their Provin- Zelda Inthout, Ann Muller and Patti Tasko. News Photo GET COUNTY AWARDS County Honours were presented to five area clubs. From the left are Joan Klemke, Heather Riddell, Eliz - girls at Saturday's Huron 4-H Achievement Day for Crediton and abeth Datars, Elly Sme'ekens and Donna Fleming. News Photo For Crediton woman Making dolis 'great fun' \Ii 8I1pIt ,1 tl,t1 ^',l utll\ keeps II, \'\•1•(111 1't'al' Mr. lil\ill ul'1.1t'I11' 11. 11 Ill\ 1111'' t,ll1' 1` 111.' 1114'Ini' ,i\\:I\' 111'' I� ,I \t•I'\ .1'• \1'.1\11' J I,11'121' 11111111'\'1' Or t't'iii 1 I , !t 11 Iuui cl I:!' :i I''1 licit' 1111. t','111111.2. 11,,1,1,\lt•tillnll Itlik 11, r I111`,1,,11id It'll I+ !'1 1' 11',1ii ,II:t,1i \1111 „111,111 III rt•,.•111 \\t el - 11 ,tn lil\, 11 11 t- I'.rn . a1111L ,1 II"it':\ t+t ,•1'01( (1011N 101111!•. ,111 t'.':t , 1' 114„ t'It •'1 Indian h+'.t•l\,' „nil 111Q111 1.1 •••••• aI IIal(linlantl 1 110 11001 III 1110 11,1111111n1i ilk ;, VI1s Iii\t'tt (1:1. 1(0.111011•••1 LI Ian (1'i' Ilull•••• 11.010 \1,i,'110"•(1. 11,111\'.. \III0I1‘2. Ilt'1' ,'I't'01101)' 1'. t,lunll of n1nsirj:lII,: Intl, 111 1(1,.1.1 nllt'In,lll ,111(1 \\11111:111 1•, I+„I1 NI' 111\ , ill,nalt ly r,lll� l C11.11111%1. 1 ill' first step iti It'll,' I ,111 ,111.1, rarel'ttlIy and lu gilt 111 ,,Il\t' 1111' Ieatures, Nt'st Collie~ :I Co.,: of lemon juice 111 I1rt•\('nm t!1. colouration. in most creations, Mrs, Rketi stark with a hi!- Ilose illlnw ills' for scum; shrinking. She euntin- ties to pinch the features ever\ day for almost two weeks. She adds, "the t'rnlc needed For shaping depends on the sire of 11ic apple and the atmosphere.” "it's real fun, you get a sur- prise every tilime with a yill'it't\ Of possible facial expressions, 1 let my imagination roam." continued the Crediton woman, 1 -lair l'or the apple dolls is made of lamb's wool and wires are used Tor bodies along with flannel for padding. Apple dolls were popular in pioneer days when they were used as toys for children. w1 1)1'1' ,011...!,11i1. 11, 11,1, 1„11t,w.•1! DOLLS FROM APPLES - Joan Rivett of Crediton spends a lot of her spare time in making apple dolls, She is shown above with some of her creations. News Photo