HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1976-01-07, Page 15Page 16 -Citizens News, Jan. 7/76
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Pineridge Chalet The Zurich
Flyers ended the regular sched-
ule in first place in South Huron
Hockey League action Gerald
Shantz escaped with minor
injuries when the car he was
driving hit a patch of ice and
smashed into a tree on the
Goshen Line south of Zurich.
The car was completely demolish-
ed Howard Datars and Carl
Turnbull were elected to the
board of directors of Hay Farm-
er's Mutual Fire Insurance at
the annual meeting Saturday ----
Work is progressing well on the
new municipal .building for the
village of Zurich.
The council of the village of
Hensall met with Huron County
planner Gary Davidson to begin
ground work on the official plan
for the municipality A plumb-
ing fee of $15 for inspection was
approved by county council at
their regular session The Zur-
ich Flyers are leading their
playoff series with the Exeter
Mohawks, three games to two
Students at South Huron District
High School were sent home early
on Wednesday afternoon due to
a bomb threat A recreation
by-law for the Township of Hay
was given first and second read-
ings at their meeting Monday
Council members in Zurich gave
themselves a salary increase -
the reeve will receive a basic
amount of $550 per year, while
the councillors will receive a
basic amount of $500 A 1975
budget with an increase of about
20% was approved by county
council at their Tuesday session ---
--Zurich Council is planning to
pave 4570 feet of roads this
year Huron County is passing
a generalized zoning by-law to
temporarily protect any munic-
ipality that does not have an off-
icial zoning by-law at the present
time The 1975 program for
the Adult Rehabilitation Centre
at Dashwood will be consider-
ably expanded due to a recent
announcement of increased
government financing For
the second time in two months
the Bendix plant at Hensall
was closed Friday because of a
bomb threat The Zurich Flyers
won the first game of the South
Huron Hockey League finals
against Shipka on Monday night.
W.D. Wilson, R.R.1, Bruce -
field, and Perce Johnstone, Bay-
field, were elected as two addit-
ional commissioners to the Tuck-
ersmith Municipal Telephone
Svstenr Huron County beef
producers approved in principle
plan of a marketing board
The annual Crusade for Christ at
the Zurich Community Centre is
attracting large attendances
each evening A 31 -year old
Hensall man, Gerard Vanderwiel
was killed Sunday when the snow-
mobile he was driving collided
with a car Huron County res-
idents will pay $25 for inspection
of private sewage disposal syst-
ems in new homes A group
of journalists from the Switz-
erland national television network
visited the village of Zurich
on Wednesday -----Zurich Flyers
won the South Huron Hockey
League championship Friday
night when they dumped Shipka
Colonials 5-3 in the seventh game
of the series Stanley Township
council decided to put a damper
on any more seasonal sub -divis-
ion growth and turned down plans
for two new sub -divisions that
were before them John
G. Berry, clerk -treasurer of Hur-
on County, passed away in God-
erich Hospital The budget
approved by the Huron County
Board of Education will amount
to an extra five or six mills to
county ratepayers Concern
about adequate religious inst-
ruction by qualified teachers in
Catholic schools was expressed
by trustees of the Huron -Perth
RCSS Board The flash storm
last Friday night caused extensive
flooding problems in Hensall.
Bill Hauly, the deputy clerk-
treasurer of Huron County, has
been appointed the new clerk -
treasurer, replacing the late
and area events reviewed
John Berry The RCSS Board
set their 1975 budget, showing an
increa.se of almost 20 per cent ----
Fine weather during the past few
weeks has brought farmers
out on the land to begin seed-
ing operations The village of
Hensall tax rate has been set
the same as last year,with no
increase in any department
A prominent Zurich resident,
Ivan L. Kalbfleisch passed away
suddenly Ian McAllister,
R.R.1, Zurich, was elected pres-
ident of the new Huron -Middle-
sex Liberal organization Taxes
in Stephen Township took a jump
by 40 per cent over last year ----
The Huron -Perth Separate School
Board have moved .to new office
locations at Dublin Members
of St. Boniface Catholic Women's
League celebrated the 25th
anniversary of the organization ---
The secondary school teachers
of Huron County have reached
a salary agreement with the
board, giving them an increase
of slightly over 29 percent Pet
lovers in Zurich will have to pay
more for their dog licences,
especially if they have more than
one. The second dog in the same
home will cost the owner eight
dollars in licence fees Paul
Carroll, twice a loser as the NDP
candidate in Huron, has announc-
ed that he will run for the third
time in the upcoming election,
when it is called Hay Town-
ship taxpayers will pay about
13 mills more in taxes this year
than last Zurich taxes are up
17 mills over last year A
driving rain and hail storm on
Sunday afternoon lasted for three
hours and caused extensive
damage throughout the area
flooding basements and ruining
The new municipal office
building in Zurich is now complet-
ed, and occupancy will take place
within the next few days a
former clerk -treasurer of Zurich,
W.D. Armstrong has been app-
ointed clerk -treasurer for the
County of Peterborough Bay-
field council have given their
approval to the plans for an add-
ition to the Goderich Alexander
Marine Hospital Mary Ellen
Gingerich, R.R.3, Zurich, grad-
uated from the University of
Western Ontario with a Bachel-
or of Science degree in Honours
Biology -----A group of senior
citizens in Zurich have received
a New Horizons grant of $7200
from the federal government.
This will be used to establish
a recreation centre in the base-
ment of the Hay Township Hall ---
Zurich council agreed to apply
to the proper government dep-
artments for approval to renovate
the arena and community centre
at a cost estimated at near
$50,000 Southampton mayor
Maurice O'Dwyer, a former
Zurich resident, won the Mr.
Physique contest Saturday in
connection with Grand Bend's
Buffaloburger Fest Gord
Elson of Ingersoll won the open
class fiddling championship
at the annual Fiddler's Contest
at Hensall The top calf at the
Hensall Spring Fair, owned by
Lyle Kinsman was sold by
auction to Parker and Parker
Drainage, for $1.30 per pound
A former deputy -reeve of Hay
Township, Lloyd Hendrick passed
away in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Five students at South Huron
District High School have been
named as Ontario Scholars and
will receive scholarships from the
Ontario government Jack
Riddell, the present MPP for
Huron riding, was picked as the
candidate for the new riding of
Huron -Middlesex in the forth-
coming provincial election
John Broadfoot of Brucefield
has been elected at the Grand
Warden of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows of Ontar-
io Both the village of Zurich
and the Township of Hay have
been allocated grants under the
Ontario Home Renewal Prog-
ram Hensall council awarded
a painting contract for their
Town Hall to, Dave Morrissey,
in the amount of $4490.- Rate-
payers in Tuckersmith Township
have said no to a questionnaire
asking if they favour a recreat-
ion levy added to their tax bills ----
Negotiations are continuing
between the Township of Hay and
Dashwood for fire protection in
the area adjacent to the police
village Fire last Friday
afternoon gutted a cottage along
Lake Huron north of Drysdale,
belonging to Anton Appeltaur, of
London Planner Nick Hill an-
nounced that he will be leaving
the Huron County Planning Dep-
artment at the end of Sept-
ember Suggestions that Hur-
on MP Robert McKinley would be
a candidate for the PC leader-
ship at the convention in Jan-
uary were squelched when the
MP stated that it was "quite
doubtful" he would seek the
position Ronald T. Regier
graduated from Fanshawe
College with a diploma in Busin-
ess Administration James
Hayter, 47 -year old Goderich
car dealer and a native of Dash-
wood, was elected Monday to
represent the new Huron -Middle-
sex Progressive Conservative
Association in the provincial
election this fall.
Thieves broke into the medical
clinic of Dr. C.J. Wallace in
Zurich and stole close to $1000
worth of drugs Huron County
council have appointed a Goder-
ich man, William R. Alcock,
as deputy clerk -treasurer
Janet Gielen of Crediton was
picked as the Friedsburg Queen
at the annual event held there
on the holiday weekend Hen-
sall council passed a by-law
naming Robert Heil as their new
clerk -treasurer, effective Sept-
ember 1 Huron County coun-
cil approved at a special meeting
the setting up of a county -wide
housing authority The Huron
County Board of Education have
decided to discontinue school
safety patrols in both Goderich
and Exeter Early indications
show that enrolment will be up
slightly at South Huron Dist-
rict High School when classes
begin in September A pretty
16 -year old Zurich area girl,
Janette Jeffrey was acclaimed
the Bean Festival Queen at the
annual event held on Saturday ----
Despite rain almost all day long
the Bean Festival proved to be
just as popular as ever with large
crowds hanging around all day ----
A committee of Huron County
council are studying a plan of
restructuring which could turn
the present 26 municipalities
into eight or 12 larger units of
Political amalgamation within
a restructured Huron County is
a dead issue, according to warden
Anson McKinley. The warden
said county councillors gave a
blank no to a proposal for re-
structuring An inquest into
the death of a 19 -year old Bay-
field man, Douglas Schilbe, has
been set for September 19
Total enrolment for schools in
Huron County is down 147
students according to figures
released Tuesday Ontario
Liberal leader Robert Nixon
visited Huron riding on Monday
on behalf of candidate Jack Rid-
dell Hay Township council
approved a building permit
for Bluewater Rest Home to build
an L-shaped structure 128 feet
by 31 feet Proposed additions
and renovations to Exeter Public
School may not become a reality
because of a lack of provincial
funds The Ontario Ministry
of the Environment has approved
a proposed land fill site for
Stanley Township Bayfield
council approved the signing of
a contract with the London
Humane Society for animal cont-
rol within the municipality ----
Zurich, council appointed the eng-
ineering firm of B.MRoss and
Associates to prepare plans for
the renovations at the arena and
community centre Jack Rid-
dell was re-elected as the Memb-
er of Parliament for the ,new
riding of Huron -Middlesex at
the polls on Thursday, rolling
up a majority of almost 4000
Over his closest opponent, James
Hayter Rain held off long
enough Monday afternoon for
the successful presentation of the
annual Fall Fair in Zurich
Miss Denise Rau, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Rau,
was picked as the Queen of the
Fair in. Zurich The Huron
County Board of Education is
providing a teacher for the
ARC Industries workshop at
Dashwood An inquest into
the death of a Bayfield man,
Douglas Schilbe, whose body
was found on highway 84, failed
to reveal the cause of death.
A ribbon -cutting ceremony
at Hensall marked the official
opening of the newly renovated
municipal offices and public
library Members of the Zurich
Mennonite Church dedicated
their new church building in a
special ceremony this weekend
when Hubert Schwartzentruber,
a native of this area, was the
guest speaker An open house
was held at the new Zurich
Municipal building last Wednes-
day ----The Huron County Board
of Education rejected a request
to allow liquor served at a New
Year's function at Seaforth High.
School Central Mortgage and
Housing this week approved a
loan and contributed totalling
$462,665 for the Bluewater Rest
Hone. The funds will be used for
construction of a 24 -unit senior
citizens apartment building
The firm of C.A. McDowell
Construction Ltd., was awarded
a contract for $284,514.20 for the
reconstruction of highway 84
through the village limits in Zur-
ich A decision is to be reached
soon as to whether or not Grand
Bend will be able to have a sew-
age system installed, following
an OMB hearing into the applic-
ation last Thursday Construct-
ion of a new sewage system for
-the village of Hensall will begin
shortly, following the awarding
of a $1,470,000 contract to Bre-
Aar Excavating Ltd., of London.
The Bre-Aar tender was the low-
est of 14 submitted for the
project Plans are being made
in Bayfield for the celebration of
the village's centennial in 1976 ---
See page 19
Work experience
for that
first job
Avallable to unemployed persons,
aged 16 to 24, under the Ontario
Career Action Program.
More than half of the unemployed
in the Province are young people.
Because of this, the Ontario Gov-
ernment has created.a work
experience program, with a living
allowance, that is designed to help
young job seekers find gainful
Tobe eligible, you must be at
least 16 years old, but less than 25
years of age, and you must be un-
employed, but actively seeking
employment. You must not now be
receiving full-time formal education.
Assistance includes on-the-job
training plus an allowance of $100
per week up to a maximum of 52
weeks. The aim is to provide the
guidance and experience neces-
sary for employment in private
business or industry. The Ontario
011141104101111110111410000 11•
Government and Canada Man-
power will assist trainees in their
search for employment..
ro apply, fill'out an application
form at you r local Canada Manpower
Centre.: Final' selection of applicants
and allocation of training assign-
ments will be made by the
Government of Ontario.
The first program begins January,
1976. Apply soon. Further informa-
tion about the program is available
at your Canada Manpower Centre.
The Ontario Career Action
• program is administered by the
Ontario Ministry of Colleges and
'Universities in cooperation with.
the Ontario Youth Secretariat.