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Citizens News, December 15, 1977
'ed, a O<
961-1200 .a..4 ,,.i!TOM p1Rnµ41H
���; � + FOREST HILLS 4RMS S2'++
or Sale
OLIVETTI Underwood electric
adder and calculator asking $75.
Phone 236-4182. 50,51c
TWO SNOW tires G78 on 14 inch
wheels. One summer tire H78 on
15 inch wheel. Phone 236-4573. 50c
1972 MOTO SKI -ZEPHYR 440. In
good running condition. Seat in
need of repairs. $295 firm. Phone
236-4075, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday
to Saturday. 50c
PUREBRED hampshire boars.
Serviceable age, R.O.P. tested.
Also cross -bred boars. Bob
Robinson, R.R. 4, Walton, 345-
2317. 50,51,52c
pups, championship and hunting
background. All shots and tat-
toos, 11 weeks old. Will hold until
Christmas. Phone after 5 p.m.,
236-4147. 50,51c
APPLES - Northern Spies $5. a
bushel for number one's in your
own container. Apple butter now
available, Huron Ridge Acres,
David Steckle, phone 565-
2122. 49tfnc
early. For ,Poinsettias. -Mums,
etc. Floral arrangements and cut
flowers. Nete's Flowers 236-
4602. 49:50:51c
LADIES size five figure skates.
One baby stroller. 236-4601.48tfnc
FIREWOOD - Mixed hardwood
and softwood for the fireplace,
stove or furnace. Reasonable
prices. Contact ARC Industries,
Dashwood. Phone 237-3667. 47tfn
ZT "ICH - PA storey home, 2 or 3
bedrooms, separate dining room,
finished room in basement, large
lot 75' x 200'. Outskirts of Zurich.
Phone 236-4869. 48tfnc
- has a fine selection of
Diamonds, Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks,
Barometers. Cardinal, Bulova
and Caravelle Watches. Family
rings and Charms. Watch and
clock repairing guaranteed. Just
$1.00 purchase entitles you to a
Free Draw on a watch until
Christmas. 47tfn
SURVEY and MARKER stakes,
various sizes. Soft or hardwood.
Stock size or made to order. New
fluorescent colours available.
For full details contact ARC In-
dustries, Dashwood. Phone 237-
3667. 47tfn
',8ayviewr Painting
land Decorating
' Repairs
Bob Cyan& Phone
R.R •2, Zurtch 236 605,
Chair caning; Macrame; Fun Fur,
Rowney Art Supplies; Beads of all
types; Instruction Books.
Queen and Water Streets
St. Marys
Open seven days
8 a.m. to I I p.m.
or. Rent
2 STOREY, 4 bedroom brick
house, large living room, dining
room and kitchen area. On
highway 21, 4 miles south of
Bayfield. Available December 1.
Contact Phil Durand 236-
4749. 48:49:50c
APARTMENT for rent, kitchen,
dining area, living area, two
bedrooms, one bath. Located in
Zurich. Phone 236-4186. 48tfnc
NEW semi-detached for rent
with option to purchase, easy
terms call 1-886-
3090. 48:49:40:51c
HOUSE for rent in Zurich. Phone
236-4873 after 6 p.m. 49tfnc
HOMELITE chain saws, sales,
parts and service. Chains sold,
installed and sharpened while
you wait. Steve Argyle Outdoor
Equipment, 565-2800. 49:50:51:52
CUSTOM SNOW blowing,
driveways, laneways and lots.
Contact Ralph Geiger, 236-
4784. 50,51,52c
Coming Events
Zurich Arena, Friday, December
16. Music by Desjardine
Orchestra. Turkey and ham
smorgasbord. Tickets $3.50 each.
Limited supply left, call 236-4075,
4962, or 4622, or any member of
the Zurich Intermediate Hockey
team. 50,51c
Mr. John Minderlein would
like to thank all the kind friends
and neighbours for remembering
him during his illness with
flowers, treats, cards and visits.
Special thanks to Westlake Am-
bulance and staff, University
Hospital Emergency Unit, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Finkbeiner and
Lottie Gascho. 50c
Requires a
Plainly marked, sealed,
tenders will be received by
the undersigned up to
Thursday, December 22nd,
1977 for contracting
custodial services at
103 Albert Street
Clinton, Ontario
All tenders must be sub-
mitted on the offial tender
forms which are available
at the Huron County Board
of Education, 103 Albert
St., Clinton, Ontario.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
H. Turkheim D. J. Cochrane
Chairman Director
"Due to financial constraints,
certain winter recreational
facilities and services provided
at Pinery and Rondeau
Provincial Parks will not be
offered this year," stated Norm
Patrick, Natural Resources
Regional Director.
"Although these two south-
western Ontario parks will
remain open to the public this
winter., downhill skiing at Pinery
and winter camping at both
7Ze Chairche5.
Lakeview Conservative
Mennonite Church
Sunday, December 18
10:00 a.m. - Bible Study classes
11:00 a.m.-Divine Worship
Wed., 8 p.m. - Song Service
and Prayer Fellowship
No Sunday Night Service
December 18
In this was manifested the love of
God toward us, because that God
sent His only begotten Son into the
world, that we might live through
him. 1 John 4:9
Emmanuel United Church
Sunday, December 18
10:00 a.m.-Sunday School
11:15 a.m.-Worshlp Service
7:30 p.m. -Evening Service
Sunday School Christmas
Christmas Eve Service
7:30 p.m. - Candlelight Christ-
mas Cantata sponsored and
performed by the choir
Everyone Welcome
St. Peter's
United Church
Miss Christine Haberer
Sunday, December 18
10:00 a.m.-Worship Service
10:45 a.m.-Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Zurich Mennonite
Sunday, December 18
9:45 a.m.-Worship Service
10:45 a.m.-Sunday Church School
Wed. 8:00 p.m. -
Adult, Youth, Praise,
Bible Study and Prayer service
Thurs., 7:15 p.m. -Boys Club
Fri., 7:15 p.m.-G.M.S.A.
Christmas is celebration
Christmas is worship
Christ is in Christmas, in a
crowd or all alone.
Joy to the world, the Lord
has come
In University Hospital, London,
on Thursday, December 8, 1977.
Donald L. McArthur in his 50th
year. Survived by 2 sons; Brian
of Calgary, Cameron of Grand
Bend, one daughter, Mrs. Jeff
(Karen) Finch of Grand Bend
and 1 step -daughter, Mrs. Melvin
(Sharon) Wurm of Hensall. The
funeral was held Saturday from
the Bonthron Funeral Home,
Hensel' with Rev. Don Beck
officiating. Interment in Exeter
Pinery and Rondeau will be
discontinued for this season.
Pinery Provincial Park located
approximately 8 km. south of
Grand Bend on Highway 21 will
continue to provide 22 km. of
groomed snowmobile trails and
20 km. of cross-country ski trails
as well as a toboggan hill and
skating rink. Rondeau Provincial
Park, located on lake Erie ap-
proximately 10 km. southeast of
Blenheim will continue to provide
a 6 km. cross-country ski trail.
Roads and washrooms will only
be maintained in those areas of
the park that offer a winter
recreation service.
Other provincial parks and
conservation areas, agreement
forests, and crown lands will
remain open to the public for
et e
cross-country skiing and
snowshoeing on a walk-in basis.
In most provincial parks,
snowmobiling is permitted on
marked, unplowed roads in
designated areas. Snowmobiling
is not permitted in Pinery or
Rondeau, however unless there is
a 15 cm (6") snow depth on
"Privateclubs and
associations in co-operation with
the Ministry of Natural
Resources maintain over 3,400
km. of snowmobile and cross-
country ski trails in southwestern
Ontario. These trails are open to
the public and information
regarding these trails and
locations will soon be available at
our District Offices," Mr. Patrick
Vanastra rec centre
is damage by blaze
A fire early Monday which did
$75,000 damage at the Vanastra
recreation centre started in
electrical wiring above the
women's locker room, says
Robert Adams of the Ontario fire
marshal's office.
The fire, which damaged the
business offices and locker rooms
and washroom areas, was
discovered at 6:30 a.m. when
Debbie Denomme, assistant
director of the Vanastra day care
centre, arrived for work.
She called the Brucefield
volunteer fire department and 18
members of the department were
at the scene within minutes. The
Clinton fire department also
fought the blaze.
Firem n said the fire had
apparently smouldered for
several hours, damaging the
men's locker room, before
breaking out in the women's
Family aid
is increased
Health and Welfare Minister
Monique Begin has announced
that there will be full escalation
of Family Allowances for 1978.
The Family Allowances
legislation calls for annual
escalation of payments in
January of each year in ac-
cordance with the increase in the
cost of living. Effective January,
the federal government monthly
allowance paid for children under
18 will rise to $25.68 from $23.89 in
most provinces and in the
The amount and method of
payment of Family Allowances
varies in Quebec and Alberta.
Under a provision in the Family
Allowances Act, a provincial
government may ask the federal
government to vary the rates
payable in that province ac-
cording to the age or number of
children in a family, or both,
providing the payments average
$25.68. Quebec and Alberta have
again chosen this option.
Special Allowances, which are
paid to foster parents, welfare
agencies, government depart-
ments and institutions main-
taining children, will also in-
crease to $25.68 from $23.89.
Each month during 1977 the
federal government paid out
more than $173 million in Family
Allowances to 3.6 million
families. The cheques covered 7.2
million children. The national
average allowance for each
recipient family was about $49.
locker room. The roof over those
areas was destroyed. The main
auditorium, the day care centre
and the swimming pool area had
only smoke damage.
June Tomkins, assistant
director of the centre, said she
hopes the centre can be cleaned
up in time for Saturday night's
Christmas dance being held by
the Huron County singles club.
News from
Dr. Toll of Seaforth arranged a
Christmas program at Huron -
view Sunday afternoon in the
auditorium. The program
featured the Seaforth and Dash-
wood community band with step
dance numbers by the Little
Macks, Martha Cook, Andria
Muir, Chelene Glanville, Kelly
Nicholson, students of Lyle
Angela Andresia entertained
with Scottish dancing and there
were vocal numbers by Valerie
and Shelley Wassman. Nelson
Howe played the violin ac-
companiment for the dancers and
Mrs. Elsie Henderson ac-
companied the carol sing led by
Harry Hoffman. Mrs. Hattie
Burton thanked the entertainers
on behalf of the residents.
Mrs. Elsie Henderson arranged
and accompanied a musical
program for Family Night.
The residents provided the talent
for the program, assisted by two
staff members and a volunteer.
There were vocal solos and duets
by -Chester Archibald, Wayne
Lester, Mrs. Alton, Mrs. Luella
Cox, Mrs. Henderson, Nelson
Lear and Cecil Skinner.
A pantomime was performed
by Ben Sowerby and Chester
Mawhinney and Old Tyme
waltzes played by Elsie Hen-
derson, Norman Speir, Cecil
Skinner and Jerry Collins and
danced by six members of Mrs.
Henderson's family. Mrs.
Pearson expressed the ap-
preciation of the residents for the
lovely music and entertainment.
The Over -Ninety Club met
Wednesday afternoon and were
entertained by the Huronview
orchestra. Two members of the
Walkerburn Club, Mrs. Hunking
and Mrs. McClinchey, assisted
with a program of Christmas
readings and a sing -a -long of
Cecil Skinner led the regular
Thursday afternoon Bible Study,
accompanied at the organ by
Mrs. Henderson.