HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1977-08-24, Page 18:itixens News, Au use 24 1977
O'Brien are both involved in the community's
program. Mrs., Horn, dietician and chief cook
Home, supervises preparation of the food and
in the insulated hamper. Leroy takes them
customers unable to cook for themselves.
Ellen Horn and Leroy
new Meals on Wheels
at the Blue Water Rest
packs individual meals
around the village to
Staff photo
}m bo ming
for r.: eats ..a. n wheels
Business has picked up for
Zurich's Meals on Wheels Com-
mittee in the past couple of
Tanya Erb, co-ordinator of the
program, which began in the
village in June, said the idea had
been a little slow catching on,
but is now starting to take hold.
We're serving four or five
dinners now each Tuesday and
Thursday", she said.
The hot meals, prepared by
Ellen Horn, dietition and head
cook at the Blue Water Rest
Home, are picked up and
delivered just before noon
Tuesdays and Thursdays by
Leroy O'Brien.
The service is for people un -
Could be record crop in H r
This year Huron County should
have a white bean crop that is
"at least equal to or greater
than" the 1976 crop, according to
Don Pullen, Huron County
agricultural representative for
Ontario's Ministry of
Agriculture and Food.
"The crop shows a great deal
of promise", he said. Farmers
hope to be spared the persistent
rains that cause white mould and
the damp humid weather that
results in bronzing, which is
sometimes confused with natural
Charles Broadwell, general
manager of the Bean Marketing
Board, could not be reached for
comment. His assistant, Allan
Magrath, said at present "we are
headed tor a bumper or record
able to prepare their own meals.
They pay $1.40 a meal.
Mrs. Horn said Meals on
Wheels customers receive the
'same as residents of Blue Water.
There is a hot meal, packed in a
foil compartment -dish with lid,
salad and dessert. The food is
carried in an insulated box. In
winter, hot packs will be put at
the bottom to help keep it warm.
The only thing she can not send
out is ice cream.
Everyone is. assured of varie-
ty. "I never cook the same on
any day", Mrs. Horn said. "And
I do not serve anything I cannot
eat myself."
Mrs. Horn, who has been there
since the rest home opened 11
years ago this November, enjoys
her work in the gleaming
stainless steel kitchen and says
she likes to think meals are going
out to those who need them.
As for the customers, they are
glad Zurich has a committee that
puts wheels under meals.
crop," He expressed fear that
losses in yield might occur from
mould or blight.
A yield of 1,500 pounds to the
acre is forecast at present. Last
year's yield was 1,250 pounds to
the acre. Since then, the number
of acres sown in white beans in
Ontario has gone up from 146,000
to 149,000.
Huron, Perth and Middlesex
Counties account for 85 per cent
of Ontario's white bean produc-
tion. About 40 per cent of tri -
county production originates in
Huron, where 63,000 acres of
white beans are planted this
year. The acreage given them in
1977 has increased in all three
counties. Mr. Magrath thought
this reflected a disenchantment
ram 'se
with other crops.
He had some reservations.
about prices. Last year farmers
received $16,25 to $16.50 a bushel.
He doubted if the present crop,
which is still not in the barn,
would go as high, but did not an-
ticipate a dramatic drop. Any
outright prediction would be
premature at this point.
"We hope for normal con-
ditions, so they won't have
harvest problems", he said.
Ontario's white bean yield is
usually about 30 per cent greater
than that of Michigan. The
American state expects a record
crop this year, too. Supply and
demand affect white bean prices
as much as those of other com-
1;ii ;".M; aIIG
Drop around to our booth and
see our drapery displays, han-
dbags, footstools, etc.
While Visiting The Bean Festival In Zurich
* Foot Longs
* Fish & Chips
* Onion Rings
* French Fries
* Chicken Dinners
* Quarter Pound Foot Longs
* Shrimp
� Fishwich
* Hot Dogs
� Chickenburgers
* Shakes & Sundaes
* Home -Style Hamburgers
Try Our Flavoured Soft Ice Cream1