HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1977-06-15, Page 3Hensall
Hilda Payne
Bertha McGregor
Peter McNaughton underwent
surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, last week,
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gibson of
Sudbury visited recently with the
latter's aunt Mrs. Glenn E. Bell.
Mrs. James Sangster who has
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital for the past two weeks
returned to her home on Satur-
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chaffe,
Sally and Jackie of Mitchell were
recent visitors with Mrs. Chaffe's
parents, Mr. & Mrs, Jack Cor-
Riley reunion
The 30th Riley reunion was held
at the Hensall Park with 68
present. Special entertainment
was by Don Thompson's band of
London which was much enjoyed.
Sports winners were as
follows: boys' and girls' 5 and
under — Steven Boa, Jason
Clarke, Scott Boa; boys' and
girls' under 8 — Bradley Eckel,
Brett Stinson Lori Harburn;
boys' and girls' under 12 — Pat
Riley, Jean Johns, Susan Har-
burn; kick the slipper — Susan
Harburn, Pat Riley; men running
backwards, Rick Van
Valkengoed; • women throwing
ball backwards — Karen Shiels;
ladies kick the slipper — Jo Anne
Stinson; Relay egg on spoon — Jo
Anne Stinson's team ;styrofoam
cup on head — Don Thompson's
Grandmother with - most
grandchildren present, Nellie
Riley; lucky plate, Loretta Riley;
elimination game for adults,
Fred Boa; elimination game for
children, Pat Riley; youngest
baby, Thomas Jypson, 5 weeks,
It was decided to hold the
reunion next year at Hensall
Park. Officers are past president,
Ted Harburn; president, Don
Fraser; 1st vice president, Leslie
Riley; secretary, Elizabeth
Riley; treasurer, Gwen Harburn;
sports committee, Tom and Judy
Jypson, Don and Marlene Fraser,
Communion Service
Rev. E. G. Nelson of First
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth
Interm-Moderator conducted
Communion service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on,Sunday
when Mrs. William Tinney and
Mrs. Samuel Rannie joined the
congregation and were received
into membership. Miss Brenda
Pepper presided at the organ.
Next Sunday, Rev. Nelson's
son who is a student minister will
conduct the service. There will
be no service•on Sunday June 26,
-as it will be the Cromarty an-
Legion ladies meet
The Legion Auxiliary met on
Tuesday evening with the presi-
dent, Mrs. Beatrice Uyl
presiding. Committees were
formed for the coming year.
Members are catering to a
summer wedding. Mrs. Howard
Smale won the mystery prize and
Marion Wasson won the atten-
dance prize. Bingo was played
and refrehments served.
Celebrate 25th anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan
were pleasantly surprised on
Saturday on the occasion of their
25th wedding anniversary when
their family entertained them to
dinner at the Bayview
Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Smale who were
bridesmaid and groomsman
were guests.
The guests of honour were
presented with an engraved
silver tray from the family.
Relatives and friends assembled
at the Legion Hall where a plea-
sant evening was enjoyed by all.
Women's Institute
The Hensall Women's Institute
held their June meeting at the
Legion Hall and at the Beanpot on
Wednesday, June 8. Beginning
with a business session at the
Legion Hall a report of the
District Annual held at Grand
Bend United Church on May 19
was given by Mrs. James
McAllister. The theme was,
"Take time for all things" and
the president Mrs. Roylance
Westcott, Exeter, spoke on that
subject urging all to get away
from dollars and cents and enjoy
the things of life, our work,
family, the world, sixty minutes
of each hour — to take time to
think, play, read, pray, love, be
friendly and show appreciation
for all things.
The speaker, Mrs. Maluske of
Chesley, spoke on, "All the
flowers of all the tomorrows are
the seeds of today. The seeds are
friendship, attitudes, and con-
cerned love. Mrs. McAIliste-
reminded members that the
London Area Convention would
be held at Vanastra this year on
September 28 anbd 29.
In other business, it was
decided to donate $25.00 to the
A.R.C. Industries in Dashwood
towards a new cooler. Mrs.
Payne reported that the bus trip
was fully booked at the present
but she would endeavour to get a
bigger bus. The programs for
next year are to be similar to last
years. The president Mrs. Cecil
Pepper announced that an
executive meeting will be held on
Wednesday, June 15 at the home
of Mrs. Pearl Koehler.
It -was also decided to enter a
decorated car at the Hensall
Citizens News, June 15, 1977
Page 3
Spring Fair parade, committee to
be Mrs, Rosa Harris, Mrs. Sam
Rannie, Mrs. Carl Payne and
Mrs, Tom Sherritt.
All members then moved to the
Bean Pot and enjoyed a delicious
dinner of ham, pineapple and pie
with appropriate vegetables.
After the meal, the meeting
returned to the Legion Hall and
enjoyed euchre. Winners were,
high Mrs. Elizabeth Riley,
second high Mrs. Tom Sherritt
and low Mrs. Cecil Pepper.
4-H Clubs
On Tuesday evening, June 7 the
two 4-H Clubs amalgamated to
produce a Fashion Show at the
United Church allowing parents
and interested W.I. members to
see what the girls had learned to
do during the past course. The
program consisted of contests, a
fashion show of leisure wear by
the Sew and Sews, a display by
the Bedtime Beauties another
show by the Bedtime Beauties
and a skit by the Sew and Sews.
To close the evening lunch was
served. Our congratulations to all
the girls involved.
UCW meet
Attending the Centennial
Celebrations at the U.C.W.
meeting of Brucefield United
Church on Tuesday afternoon,
June 7 were Mrs. Earl Rowe,
Mrs. Albert Alexander, Mrs. Eric
Luther, Mrs. Russell Erratt, Mrs.
William Rogerson, Mrs. James
McAllister, Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Mrs. Carl Payne, Mrs. Alice
Ferg, Mrs. Lorne Chapman, Mrs.
Albert Shirray and Mrs. Ken
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Facial Tissues
Table Napkifls
Flavour Crystals
2 Ply, 200'e
<o, Z/79'
Dessert Topping Mix
Dream Whip
• McLaren's
David's Carrousel or Festival
Blade and Shoulder
Chicken Loaf
Ground eef
Whole, Half or Y4
Football Hams ,b.
Fresh Pork
Our Own
lb. 94
Summer Sausage
Bythepiece 1.59 5
Si,ced 1.69
Kent Concentrated
12 fl. oz.
Produce of U.S.A., Size 138
Produce of U.S.A.,
Produce of U.S.A., Size 23
Choice Local Beef
Store 262-2017 Slaughter House 262-204l
Barbecue Style, Cut for a Maximum
of Steaks and Beef Patties
SIDE OF BEEF Fully processed
BEEF PATTIES No Filler 101b. bag
101b. box
Ib. 894
JUNE 15, 16, 17, 18
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit
all quantities on all advertised items.