HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1977-05-18, Page 17Riddell is prepared for June election Continued from front page The Liberalcampaign already was in motion not only in Huron Middlesex but across the province. Riddell added "Our campaign personnel, our committee rooms, our lawn signs are ready and we are ready to meet our opposition head on to discuss policies, to offer our leadership." Referring to Tory claims that strong experienced leadership is necessary, when Ontario's economy is in trouble. The speaker reminded his audience that it was the Tory leadership that got us in trouble. "Ontario lags' behind Canada in economic growth, when it used to lead. Ontario has now had 8 con- secutive years of deficits — deficits even in good times. Interest — just interest, on our public debt, is almost $3 million a day or to put it in simple terms every new born baby will have a debt over its head of $840", he said. Referring to Liberal Leader Stuart Smith, Mr. Riddell said he is extremely intelligent, tough but compassionate and he has a grasp of our future needs. He believes in "old values and new .ideas". The Liberal campaign will emphasize issues not per- sonalities, Mr. Riddell said and listed the issues as unem- ployment, education, property tax and the costs of government being passed on to, local govern- ments, regional government with its increased taxes, delays, lack of contact and loss of community identity. Freezing of farm land proposed by the N.D.P. means freezing the farmer in a business which may not return him a profit, Mr. Riddell said. We must help the farmer help himself. Other issues will be con- sideration for the elderly to permit them to live at home, change in hydro rates that en- courage consumption, con- servation, land use planning and new assistance for small business. Liberals consider the little guy to be the important guy Mr. Riddell told his audience. They are the people of the small towns and of rural Ontario who do their ob well, who want no more government than is absolutely necessary. Robert Nixon, former leader,, of the party, recalled experiences during the by-election when Jack Riddell was first elected and described him as an extremely effective member of the legislature. Jack Riddell provided strong leadership in his speech in the farm stabilization bill, Mr. Nixon said as he urged support for him in the riding. Referring to the financial bind in which the Davis government has found itself, Mr. Nixon emphasized there had been a series of deficits every year since Premier Robarts retired and interest now amounted to more 'than a billion dollars a year. No wonder, he said that former 3 provincial treasurer- Chas. MacNaughton had predicted that "we're headed for a fiscal nightmare", Reminding his audience that the Liberals had pointed out the Tory fiscal folly Mr. Nixon said examples of extravagance were in the two sites for cities which had been purchased in Norfolk at a cost of 50 million with no con- sultation, no planning. He en- dorsed Mr. Riddell's prediction that if the Conservatives obtained a majority the province will be entirely regionalized within three years. Mr. Nixon was introduced by Joe Hogan, Exeter and in thanking him Mrs. Muriel Murphy, Goderich recalled the role he had played in "rescuing the riding" in the by-election. Reeve Harold Knight, Hensall in welcoming the audience to Hensall recalled the meeting held in Hensall School that had nominated Jack Riddell during the by-election and how success had followed that meeting. He predicted the same success would follow this meeting. D. J. Murphy Q.C., Goderich explained details of the election expenses act and urged co- operation in assisting in the campaign. A door prize was won by Don Richards, RR 1 Kirkton. Entertainment was provided by Michael Shea and _ Wilfred Riddell of RR 2 Granton and chairman for the evening was Ian McAllister, association president. Varna by Mrs. ill Chessell Grade eight students from Huron Centennial School at Brucefield enjoyed a trip to Ottawa last week, where they stayed at the Chateau Laurier. While there they saw Parliament in session, and were quite sur- prised at the shouting and table - pounding. They took a tour to the Dominion Experimental Farm, Vincent Massey Park, Con- federation Heights and Rockliffe Park, and spent time at the War Museum, the Museum of- Man and Natural Sciences, and the Museum of Science and Technology. They were fascinated by a room that was built so that it was tilted. It ap- peared to be normal, but if you walked through it, you were way off balance. The tulips, while not yet at their best, were .a beautiful sight. Those who went on the trip would like to thank their relatives and neighbours who bought Christ- mas cards, nuts and candy to help them earn money. Thanks also to the teachers who helped with the sales and who went along as chaperones. Personals We're very sorry to hear that Louis Taylor was rushed to Goderich Hospital by ambulance on Monday morning. We hope he will be well again very soon. Citizens News, May 18, 1977 Page 17 RIDDELL GETS NOMINATION — Present Huron -Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell received the Liberal nomina- tion Thursday night in Hensall without any opposition. From the left are former Liberal leader Robert Nixon; Jack Riddell; Dan Murphy, Goderich and Phil Campbell, Exeter. T -A photo New Huron club The newly organized Huron County Group of La Leche League will hold its first meeting on June 8, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Barb Grant, 413 Andrew St., Exeter. (235-1018) The name, La Leche, is Spanish and means "the milk." A non- sectarian, non-profit organization, the League's purpose is to help encourage "good mothering through breastfeeding." The group will meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month. A series of four meetings will discuss, informally, different phases of breastfeeding. Topic for first meeting: Advantages of Breastfeeding to Mother and Child. Discussion leader will be Janis Bisback. All women who are interested in nursing their babies are in- vited... as are their babies. You need not be pregnant or even have a family to attend. If you are a wife and.hope some day to have children, if you are a grandmother, if you are in- terested ... you are welcome. La Leche, League began in a Chicago suburb 25 years ago, when one mother who had suc- TI-IE BL/.VBoPV REFUSES TO DO NOTA/NG WHEN 71 -/ERE /5 NoTN/NG 7V PO. "GRANDEUR" CUSTOM: Build to your Requirements QUALITY: Materials and Workmanship CHOICE: of Colours and Design BUILD: on your lot or on one of ours DIRECT: Purchase from Manufacturer GUARANTEE: That Counts for 5 Years 3 % DISCOUNT TILL MAY 30 Write for Free Brochure NAME_. ADDRESS TOWN PHONE I HAVE LOT YES( ) NO( ) ROYAL HOMES LIMITED P.O. BOX 370 - WINGHAM ONTARIO, CANADA "GREAT OR SMALL, WE BUILD THEM ALL" cessfully nursed her baby, held another who wanted to breast- feed. This is still the basic approach, although the League is now international in scope, with more than 3300 groups helping thousands of women in United States, Canada, and over 42 foreign countries. For further information about the new Huron County La Leche League Group, contact Mrs. Janis Bisback, 262-2192, in Hensall. JIIIIIIIIIIIIlltl11111111IIII11111.11111111111,11111111111;' !YAMAHA Believe it You get top value in motorcycles. 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Licence HMR422 TRUCKS '2500,1 74 FORD F100 RANGER, 302 V8, radio, rear bumper. Mileage 66602. Licence D16086. Was $2995 '2795 76 COURIER PICKUP, (Demonstrator) 1800 cc engine, J speed over- drive, rear step bumper, tape stripes, 6 ply whitewall tires. Mileage 63725 5034. Licence D15641. Was $4348. 1975 DODGE PICKUP with some kind of motor and transmission. $3095 Licence D19509 1974 FORD EXPLORER, V-8, automatic, driven as a car. Licence 738948 1972 FORD F100 'h ton, V8, automatic, Ranger package . New Paint. Licence D14375. '3095 '2295 Remember ... It's Sense To See Snider's Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Lara/ Snider Motors LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Open Weekdays Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00