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Citizens News, May 18, 1977
by Mrs Irvin Rader
Mrs. William Ford and son
William Kenneth spent several
days with her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. Ken McCrae.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe VandeBerg,
Brusum Zuidlimburg, Holland,
are spending a month with Mr. &
Mrs. Wm. Struyke and family.
Mrs. Jean Storry and sore,
Jayson,Hornepayne, are spending
some time with her parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Wm. Struyke, while she
recuperates from an operation.
Mrs. Hilda Rader, Mrs. Ross
Love, Mrs. Florence Keller, Mrs.
Helen Grieves, Mrs. Beulah
Desjardine and Mrs. Letta
Taylor were on a Senior Citizens
bus tour to Frankenmuth,
Michigan last week. Holland
Village and Windmill Island were
among the many lovely things
they saw.
Mr. & Mrs. Art Haugh, London,
vacationed with Miss Pearl Kraft
and Mrs. Cora Gaiser.
A basket of flowers was placed
in Calvary United Church Sunday
in loving memory of Mrs. Dan
Weber who passed ,71way ten
years ago.
Mrs. Frieda Keller has
returned home from South Huron
Hospital, Exeter; Adolph Keller
is a patient in Victoria hospital,
Several members of Zion
Lutheran church attended the
farewell for Rev. Frank Morgret,
Delhi, Sunday. He has resigned to
further his studies. Rev. & Mrs.
Mayo Mellecke and family at-
tended the corner stone Iaying at
Goderich Lutheran Church,
Zone Rally
The Mitchell Zone Lutheran
Women's Missionary League
Spring Rally was held at Zion
Lutheran Church,. Dashwood,
Monday, May 9. Ten societies
met to review the past year's
activities and prayerfully
prepare for the next year's
The theme was "Saints Arise -
Redeemed, Committed."
Pastoral counselor, Rev. Daird
Beutel, addressed the Rally
concerning prayer and
meditation and how these means
of worship can most profitably be
used to enrich our spiritual lives.
During the business, it was
announced that $1.80 a pound is
being paid for used postage
stamps. Dominion Store sales
slips are gratefully received by
the zone. The proceeds from
these are used by Ritz Villa,
Mitchell, to provide televisions,
chairs, tables, etc.
Officers were elected and in-
stalled with Mrs. Gordon Rose
serving as president for another
term. Fastor Mellecke led the
closing devotions after which
Dashwood Society hosted a very
enjoyable hour of fellowship.
U.C.W. meeting
Calvary United Church Women
held their May meeting Tuesday,
May 10 with the Church and
Society committee in charge and
Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, chairlady.
She opened with a theme for
Beatitudes for Women was
read followed by a meditation by
Mrs. Gerald Mason. Judy Mason
and Mary Lou Grigg sang a duet
"0 Mother Mine". Mrs. Sid
Baker gave a reading, "Ways to
Honor Mother. Stanley Haist and
Jack Gaiser sang "My Mother's
Mrs. Hugh Boyle, president,
conducted the business. Twenty-
one members answered the roll
call. Mrs. Syd Neeb and Mrs.
Jessie Rader each received a
lovely gift. The visiting com-
mittee is Mrs. Sid Baker and Mrs.
Stuart Wolfe.
Mother a nd Daughter supper
Twenty-four members, Pastor
Mellecke and thirty-one visitors
sat down to a mother and
daughter pot luck supper at the
May meeting of Zion Lutheran
Ladies Aid. Group 2 with co -
conveners Mrs. Charles Martene
and Mrs. Ray Rader was in
Pastor Mellecke said Grace
followed by a toast by the
president, Mrs. Lorne Genttner,
to the honorary members who
had each received a corsage.
Mrs. Irvin Rader proposed a
toast to the daughters replied to
Only two weeks left
to enter home competition
The Huron County Homestead
and Farm Improvement Com-
petition is entering its final two
weeks before your entries should
be in so let us remind everyone
again of the classes open for
competition as of June 1:
Class 1 - Most improved farm-
stead and entrance.
Class 2 - Most improved rural
dwelling and grounds.
Class 3 - Most improved urban
dwelling and grounds.
Worthy entries will share in the
prize money that is now being ob-
tained through grants from each
local municipality. There will be
a County Champion in each class
plus winners prizes in each
Township. A prize list will be sent
to all who enter as soon as avail-
able prize money and prizes is
known. -
Participants in the past have
been well rewarded for their en-
deavors and the pride and
amount of achievement you ac-
complish will be shared by your
neighbors and appreciated by all
visitors to the county.
With the help of all the resi-
dents of Huron County 1978's
Farmstead and Home Improve-
ment Committee know their
competition will be bigger and
better than ever.
An entry form for this competi-
tion appears on the same page as
this article so FILL ONE OUT
INDIVIDUAL WINNERS — Individual winners in the Zurich Men's Bowling League received their trophies at
the league's banquet in Dashwood. Left to right, Kirk Smith took the High Triple with 842, Ken Clarke won
the High Single with 343 and Jack Hamilton won the High Average with 201. Photo by McKinley
by Barbara Rader with a toast to
the mothers.
Following supper a number of
special prizes were awarded,
youngest daughter, Shelley
Rader; youngest mother, Nancy
Rader; oldest mother, Mrs.
Maggie Nadiger; • lucky chair,
Pastor Mellecke. Pastor
Mellecke led in a sing song.
Elizabeth Datars played a piano
solo and Barbara and Carol
Rader piano duets; Judith and
Rachel Mellecke sang a duet
accompanied by their mother at
the piano.
Mrs. Genttner conducted - a
brief business meeting. The Altar
Guild reported 23 visits, two
phone calls and one plant sent
out. The new Guild is Mrs. Harry
Hayter and Miss Helen Nadiger.
The June meeting will be held
at the Bluewater Rest Horne,
June 8. A donation was made to
the L.L.L. and one will be made
later to the new Goderich church.
Mrs. Mellecke is to buy a new can
opener for the kitchen.
Mrs. . Lloyd Rader was in
charge of crokinole with winners,
mother, high, Mrs. Albert Miller;
low, Mrs. Irvin Rader; daughter,
high, Brenda Rader; low, Susan
James Sunday
A former minister, Rev.
Merrill James of Windsor, his
wife, Helen, and son Paul,
Windsor; Mr. & Mrs. John James
Kingston, were at Calvary United
Church, Sunday, as arranged by
the elders. Merrill and Helen both
spoke, reminiscing on the days
they were in Dashwood and what
has happened since leaving.
John will be ordained Thursday
at Sarnia. Their son Orville who
will be ordained next year, and
his wife Nancy, are on a summer
Mission Field at King's County,
New Brunswick. Paul will enter
college this fall.
John spoke to the Sunday
school telling stories and some of
his experiences as a chaplain at
Kingston penitentiary last
summer. He also spoke in the
Huron County Farmstead and
Home Improvement Competition.
Class•s••••••o•ewm•e•• ae
e.• eeee•.••...•oe.•.e.••••.Entry Fee $5.00
Namie• • • . e e m e • • o e e • m e • e e • 00 e • • • ••"• • `address • • • • . • . . . • • e • e e e e • e
Lot• e o • • • e • •
Phone Date.,.
Rules of the competition
may be obtained at your
municipal office.
• o . • • • • • e • • Municipality • . • . . e e • • • •
• Signature ... .. •
• p
Send to Jim Morlock
Route 2, Crediton NOM IMO
Home Renewal
The Ontario Mihistry of Housing and the Village of Zurich
are pleased to provide this assistance to you so that you will
be able to carry out improvements to your home and thus
help preserve Ontario's valuable supply of older housing.
For further information and application contact Mrs. Betty
Oke, Village Clerk at 236-4974.
. Betty Oke, Clerk -Treasurer
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