HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1977-05-18, Page 8Page 8 Citizens News, May 18, 1977 tuR Rnl ..,.a.S71@ • �tr�M w�l q "r. ibOL —Ilrl in'd° 'r Are oR I l -F, AU •�''' MAN YL�U;Iyf I CO, 421 t RR .edt4 O•cr 961402Jw. NDit, •I,M 11 WPM 1 FOREST HILLS 411/44,S SP, For Sale SIDE OF 2 -year old beef, 82¢ lb. processed. Call Allan Smith, 236- 4786. 20b OUTDOOR PLAYPEN, swing set and child's wooden rocking chair. Phone 238-2365. 20b 1969 BEAUMONT, 2 -door hard- top, V-8 automatic, 57,500 original miles, in good condition, one owner. Phone 236-4608. 20b REGISTERED 1/2 Arab Gelding, 3 years old, lunged with saddle, good temperament. Stratford area, phone 1-393-6206. 20nc POTATOES for sale. Call David Steckle, 565-2122. 46-tf UNIT STEP, the easy way to buy better concrete steps. No waiting for. concrete to set. Many sizes and styles in stock. Enhance the beauty and value of your home with pre -cast steel reinforced concrete Unit Steps. Our in- stallation crews work quickly and cleanly. Call Frank Kling Ltd., Phone 527-1320, Seaforth, 18- 19-20-21-b FOR SALE—Leading swimming pool wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools in- clude filter, walk around deck, fence and warranty. Size 15 x 27 ft., $1,355.00. Cash or terms. Call Pere collect days or evenings 1- 519-433-1083 7-tfn HESS JEWELLERY, ZURICH —has a fine selection of Dia- monds, Wedding Rings, Watch- es, Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks, Barometers. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers, only $13.95 and up. Family rings and Charms. Watch and clock repairing guaranteed. 1-tfn SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE—Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season, half price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings, 1-519-433-2611. 7- tfn FOR RENT Elizabeth Court, Hensall, now renting 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances. All utilities paid. For inquiries: PHONE 433-7781, London OFFICE` SPACE FOR RENT IN ZURICH CALL 236-4672 Bayview Painting and Decorating Minor Carpentry Remodelling Repairs Bob Evans Phone R.R. 2, Zurich 236-4665 9'69 N. Y' For Rent ONE BEDROOM Apartments, for senior citizens only. Three apartments to choose from. For more information call Maplewoods Apartments, 236- 4373. 30-tf Wanted... VOLUNTEERS — Boys and girls 14-16 years of age to help this summer to make life happier for the residents of the Blue Water Rest Home. For further informa- tion phone Auxiliary President, Mrs.Louis Farwell, 236-4646. 20b BREAKFAST COOK — Must be neat, fast and dependable. Also to assist with lunch and buffet preparation. Send resume to Post Office Box 130, Grand Bend, Ontario. 20p VOLUNTEER UMPIRES for Tuesday nights for Ladies' Soft- ball League. If interested please contact Betty Kirk, 236-4806. 20b WANTED TRUCK, cab and chassis, 20 inch wheels, must be 102 inches minimum from cab to centre of rear axle, for water tank, prefer 1967 up. Steve Argyle Outdoor Equipment, Bayfield, 565-2800. 20b Help Wanted HELP WANTED for repair shop, welding experience necessary. Phone 236-4501. 20b CARPENTER'S HELPER, full- time position. Call 236-4081 after 5 p.m. 20:21b VOLUNTEER HELP NEEDED, you can help someone in your community for one or two hours a week. Volunteers are urgently needed to assist with various programmes in homes for seniors, throughout the county. For further information on these and other programmes, call the Huron Volunteer Bureau, 482- 3037. 20b Coming Events ALL CANDIDATES' NIGHT — Thursday, June 2 at 8:00 p.m. South Huron District .High School, sponsored by Huron Federation of Agriculture. 20c ANNUAL BEEF BARBECUE, Hensall United Church, Wed., May 25, 5 p.m., 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Adults $4.00; Children 12 and un- der $1.25, under 5 years free. Contact Helen Scane, 262- 2234. 19:20b BAYFIELD LIONS CLUB Fun Weekend, Saturday, May 21, dance to the Bluewater Playboys, 9:30 p.m. to 1:00 arp in the Bayfield Community Centre. Admittance 18 years and over. Sunday May 22, Lions Pancake Breakfast 9:00 a.m, to 1:00 p.m. Bayfield Arena. Proceeds" for Arena renovations. 19:20b Cards of Thanks I wish to thank my family and friends for cards, visits and treats while I was a patient at South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Westlake Ambulance and Dr. Wallace. — Mrs. Erma Gascho 20p CRAFT SUPPLIES Chair caning; Macrame; Fun Fur; Rowney Art Supplies; Beads of all types; Instruction Books. M&MSTORE Queen and Water Streets St, Marys Open seven days 8 a,m. to 11 p.m, 51:52c WARRINGTON Cards'of Thanks. The family of the late Noah Gingerich wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, donations and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to Dr. Shepherd and the staff on 3rd floor, East Wing of Victoria Hospital, Westlake Funeral Hoene, Pastors Merlin Bender, Clayton Kuepfer, Elmer Grove - and to all the ladies, who helped serve refreshments. — Lewis, Marlene and Family 20p I would ,like to thank my friends, neihboursand family for the lovely gifts, flowers and cards I received while a patient in South Huron Hospital. A very special thank you to Dr. Wallace and nurses for the excellent care, to those who helped my family out at home. Your thoughtfulness is sincerely ap- preciated. — Evelyn McKinley 20b Marjorie Jennison Suddenly at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, May 11, 1977, A. Marjorie Jennison, of Goderich, in her 74th year. Beloved wife of Wilmer Harrison, dear mother of Richard J. Harrison, Sault Ste. Marie, Joanne (Mrs. Paul Smith), Sarnia and Audrey (Mrs. James Curtis), Fonthill, and sister of Theodore W. Jennison, of Farmington Hill, Michigan. Also survived by six grandchildren. The funeral was held Saturday from the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich. Interment in Maitland Cemetery. She was a former resident of Dashwood. F1 BREGLAS WORKS Snowmobile Hoods and Boats Repairs and Custom Work L & P BOAT REPAIRS Zurich 236-4800 tfn rr- S. M.FINI? MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS J COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING , 262-2114 HENSAL J HURON SANITATION RR 1, GRAND BEND WE OFFER 24 Hit. SANITA'�ION SERVICE ': PHONE ED LOVIE 238-2776 If no answer call 238-8240 for prompt reply Evenings and Weekends Phone John Hotson at 238- 8240 Anytime or 238-2140 For Prompt Sanitation Ser- vice. BOOKKEEP •• . Cards of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks for all the expressions of sympathy and the many acts of kindness shown to us during aur bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Bruce Guy and R^v. Clayton Kuepfer. -- Keith, Kenneth Gingerich and families. 20p A sincere thank you to all my friends, neighbours and relatives for their lovely cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Harrett, nurses and staff. Your kindness will always be remembered. — Mel Graham 20b nir"sleet ��rIIN'ri' A•r Too fat? Too thin? Too tired? Too often? Do something for somebody... Your body! Fitness is fun. Try some. ‘C(:7 PaRrsc7P3171017 Reception and Dance Mr. & Mrs. Jody Mosurinjohn (nee Donna Smith) of Huron Park Sat., May 21 at HULLY GULLY Dancing 9 - 1 Music by NELSON HOWE THE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN AM 6J9 Lt. nrll$ 25th Wedding Anniversary The children of Mozart and Marie Gelinas invite all their friends and relatives to attend a 25th Wedding Anniversary Dance to be held for their parents at PINERIDGE CHALET Sat., May 21 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Joe Overholt and The Standbys Wedding Reception for • Neil and Nancy DEVEREAUX (nee Miller) (Bridal Couple) Sat., May 28 at DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE 9-1 Music by Lesperance Trio Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales & Service of most makes • CB Radios & Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights & Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts Varna, Ontario Phone 482-7103 ZURICH MINOR ATHLETIC ASSOC. "SPORTS BANQUET" Thurso May 26tha 1977 at 7:00 p.m. at Zurich Community Centre TICKETS $5.00 (includes 1 adult and T child) Tickets may be obtained from the coaches and managers of the hockey and ball teams. monverentoossavaeasametaateMmereetastasereemnarnet