HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1977-06-27, Page 6Citizens News, April 27, 1977
PC'S ELECT PRESIDENT — Bill Amos, left, of McGillivary township was elected president of the Huron -
Middlesex Progressive Conservatives at their annual meeting. Speaking with Mr. Amos are, left to right,
past -president Elmer Hayter, Charlie McNaughton and Harry Parrot, Minister of Colleges and Universities
who was the meeting's guest speaker. photo by McKinley
Be ready for election
Parrot tells PCs
The Huron -Middlesex
Progressive Conservative
Association members were told
they should have nominated a
candidate before this at their
annual meeting held at Pineridge
Chalet last week.
Harry Parrot, Minister of
Colleges and Universities told the
200 people present they were
already Iate in their nominations.
"The Premier is not saying
when there will be an election,
and I don't know when one will be
called, put I feel you should be
ready," said Mr. Parrot.
"Frankly, I think you should
have nominated a candidate by
Mr. Parrot went on to discuss
some of the issues he sees in the
riding, one of the main ones being
the hospital situation.
"Just two days ago the
Ministry of Health announced a
bed need study will be done in
Clinton and if needed the hospital
will stay open," said Mr. Parrot
adding, "I'd bet a lot of money
that hospital will stay .open as I
am familiar with that area."
However, Mr. Parrot urged
those present not to forget the
good things done by Frank Miller
during his term as Health
"Mr. Miller cut health costs in
my riding alone by one million
dollars and my office has not
received one complaint since
then concerning the quality of
health care available."
Mr. Parrot admitted the
Conservative party has made
mistakes and done a number of
things which were unpopular to a
lot of people.
"But," he demanded, "take a
look at the other parties and ask
yourself if either one of them
would have had the courage to do
the things needed to close the
budget deficit. I think not."
"I am proud of the responsible
attitudes taken by our govern-
ment in the past three years as
we have managed to decrease the
number of civil servants . we
employ and also decrease a
budget deficit from two billion
dollars to one billion three
hundred million with the promise
of a balanced budget by 1981."
Mr. Parrot said it was im-
portant the Conservatives form
the next government because the
other alternative which is gaining
strength in the government is the
NDP party and their socialist
"No one should underestimate
the seriousness of the threat of
socialism," urged Mr. Parrot.
"The socialists are willing to do
whatever they feel necessary to
form the next government and if
they are to be stopped, the rural
constituencies must stop them."
Mr. Parrot then returned to his
original plea that the association
begin gearing up for an election
saying he felt certain if the right
man or woman were convinced
they could win, worked hard' on
their campaign and had the
support of the grass roots Con-
servatives, then they would
surely win the riding.
Every few years the fashion
world has to check the kneecap to
see if it has improved any.
New president for
Huron -Middlesex PC's
Bill Amos of McGillivray
township is the new president of
the Huron -Middlesex
Progressive Conservative
Association. Mr. Amos took
office following the resignation of
the former president Elmer
Hayter of Stanley township at the
annual meeting Thursday night.
Mr. Amos expressed his ap-
preciation for the hard work done
by Mr. Hayter in his term of
office and announced he is to be
the first recipient of a Past
Presidents plaque from the
association in appreciation for
his years of service. '
The Conservatives in the riding
have not spoken up enough in the
past remarked Mr. Amos.
Everyone must speak up about
the concerns facing this riding.
he said adding people in-
volvement is the name of the
Mr. Amos encouraged
everyone of the two hundred
people present to go out and
recruit five people to become
active in the campaign coming
"The first priority of the new
executive, says Mr. Amos, "will
be a nomination meeting to be
held in the not too distant future."
Other members of the
executive include Cayley Hill,
Goderich; George Cutty,
Adelaide township; Jerry Ginn,
Goderich township; OliverJaques
Hensall; Norma Parsons,
Exeter; Mary Doig, Seaforth;
and Fred Dobbs, Biddulph
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NO, NO, LIKE THIS! — Bob Redick combined teaching with helping
to direct the musical "Oliver" last week at the Zurich public school. The
musical' .will be performed on stage at the school this Thursday
evening. photo by McKinley
ZURICH 236-4316