HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1977-06-20, Page 8Page 8 Citizens News, April 20, 1977 An —0245 ;:, ;•. sane.. Zig v (p IetiEn FURNI 'OW OA ed ut, O•cr 961 1700 MontInla • FOREST HILLS/RMS STI+ Far Sale. POTATOES for sale. Call David Steckle, 565-2122. 46-tf FOR SALE—Leading swimming pool wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools in- clude filter, walk around deck, fence and warranty. Size 15 x 27 ft., $1,355.00. Cash or terms. Call Pere collect days or evenings 1- 519-433-1083. 7-tfn SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE—Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools. left over from 1976 season, half price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings, 1-519-433-2611. 7- tfn HESS JEWELLERY, ZURICH —has a fine selection of Dia- monds, Wedding Rings, Watch- es, Clocks, Cuckoo Clocks, Barometers. Cardinal watches sold byjewellers, only $13.95 and up. Family rings and Charms. Watch and clock repairing guaranteed. 1-tfn FOR your house plants see Bill's Flower House, 1 mile north of Zurich. 14, 15, 16-b DOUBLE CUT Red Clover Seed. Phone Phil Durand, 236- 4749. 14, 15, 16-p IDEAL three-bedroom home with garage in residential area of Bayfield. Call 565-2716. 16-b STUDENT must sell part Arabian Gelding, 15 hands, harness and western broken, golden brown with white mane and tail. Phone 565-5235. 16-b SET of four good used tires. L78 x 15. $7.50 each. Phone Pete Deitz, 238-2365. 16-b WRECKING 9 ROOM HOUSE windows, doors, cupboards, tub, toilet, sink, panelling, 2 x 4's, 2 x 6's, 2 x 8's, pressure system, oil furnace and tank. Phone 236- 4149. 16-b APRIL SPECIALS Westward 14 pce. Comb. Wrench Set $32.50 CP 734 air powered impact wrench $79.95 Mild steel welding rods 10 lbs. 50 Ibs. $30.00 Cattle Headgates $65.00 Tire Changers $755.00 Farm Price Free Delivery Phone after 6:30 - 237-3239 ALVIN M. BECKER RR 1, Dashwood $6.50 15:16c CRAFT SUPPLIES Chair caning; Macrame; Fun Fur; Rowney Art Supplies; Beads of all types; Instruction Books. M&MSTORE Queen and Water Streets St. Marys Open seven days 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. 51:52c : For Rent ' ONE BEDROOM Apartments, for senior citizens only. Three apartments to choose from. For more information call Maplewoods Apartments, 236- 4373. 30-tf APARTMENTS for rent in Zurich. Central location. One for immediate possession. Apply Box E.H.S. cro Zurich Citizens News, Zurich, Ontario. 16-b Help Wanted HELP WANTED for repair shop. Welding experience necessary. Phone 236-4501. 16-tfn CARPENTERS HELPER, full time position. Pole frame con- struction. Call 236-4081 after 5 p.m. 16, 17-b 6 Services STUDENT will paint, interior or exterior. Experienced. Phone 236-4778 anytime. 16, 17, 18-b Bayview Painting and Decorating Minor Carpentry Remodelling Repairs Bob Evans Phone R.R. 2, Zurich 236-4665 IFOR RENT Elizabeth Court, Hensall, now renting 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances. All utilities paid. For inquiries: PHONE 433-7781, London 'Coming Events PRESENTATION by slides of "Open Doors to the Gospel" in India to be held at the Zurich Town Hall on Friday, April 22, at 8 p.m. 'Everyone welcome. 16-b You are invited to attend the Huron -Middlesex Liberal Association Annual Dinner meeting, Wednesday, April 27, 1977 in the Exeter Legion Hall. Dr. Stuart Smith, leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, will ad- dress the meeting. Tickets $5.00 each. Reception 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.n1. 16-b EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS at the Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church, 3 1/2 miles south of Bayfield from April 24 to May 1, nightly at 8 p.m. Speaker Mr. Clarence Nevenschwander, Evangelist. Everyone Welcome. 16-b The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, J.A.D. McCurdy School, Huron Park on Monday, April 25, 1977 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5. Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3-5 years 6. Vision Screening FIRREGLAS WORKS Snowmobile Hoods and Boats Repairs and Custom Work L&PBOAT REPAIRS Zurich 236-4800 tfn. CARDS OF THANKS A sincere thank you to all for the visits to me and for the cards, treats, flowers and the many phone calls received during my stay in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Thanks also to the doctors and nurses attending me. It was all much appreciated. — Mrs. Victor Deichert 16-b The parents and players of- the Novice team in Zurich wish to extend their thanks and ap- preciation to Paul Bedard, Bob Merner and Bob Brown for their efforts and training needed to win the Novice A Cham- pionship. 16-b McADAM'S TV SALES & SERVICE Westinghouse Color TV Zurich Phone 236-4094 CARDS QF THANKS I want to thank all my relatives, neighbours and friends for cards, visits and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. — Verlyn Fisher, 16-b Township of Stanley TENDERS For Property Range B, Lot 4 Range C, Lot 4 in Township of Stanley Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until 5 p.m., Mon- day, May 2, 1977 for the purchase of the above men- tioned property consisting of approximately 5.5 acres. Tenders to be clearly mark- ed as to content. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mel Graham Clerk/Treasurer R.R. 1, Brucefield Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery & Household Fri., April 22 at 1 p.m. On Highway 21, five miles north of Grand Bend. Estate of Ira Desjardine. Terms Cash Day of Sale Not responsible for accidents Hector McNeil AUCTIONEER Alvinston 898-5330 111111111111111111111111111111u111u1u11u11111u111111L1111111111111191111111u1111M1111111111111111111111U J11111111111111111111L11n11n11n111111111fu111u111111111P1111111111111111111111111HIM1111111111111111111H PROPERTIES SOLD Ti Furniture, Antiques & Household Items From Two Homes Saturday, April 30, 12:30 p.. Sale to be held on premises, Main St., East, first house past liquor store, Zurich. Press back chairs, drop leaf table, blanket chest, organ stool, lamps, book case, kitchen set, buffet, studio couch, benches and tables, COUNTER SCALE 240 lbs. with scoop, rugs, RCA stereo, bed and springs, radio, kitchen table and 4 chairs, 2 hairdressers chairs, picnic table, 22" Kelvinator stove glass window in oven, bathroom space saver, electric lawn mower, sofa bed, 2 leather couches, bassinette, Inglis fridge (like new), Lawn Boy mower (new condition), wringer washer, sump pump and draining hose, step ladders, planks, wheelbarrow, garden tools, door track with hangers, 4 burner electric stove, Singer vacuum cleaner, floor polisher, card table, odd chairs, radio record player, extension ladders,' lawn chairs, lawn edger, hedge clippers, 2 medicine cabinets, complete volume Colliers encyclopedia, including complete•children's volume and also a complete volume of classic novels, spray gun and compressor, wood vise, FRANKLIN FIRE PLACE 22" with draft and screen, matched pair French Provincial doors, 3 Georgia pine doors, benches, antique sink and iron bathtub on legs, toilet; bird cage, sealers, crocks and jugs, wash board and tub, naptha burner stove (new), garden tools and hose, many other items, oil cloth rug, 2 single mattresses. TERMS OF SALE — CASH PERSONAL CHEQUE AND IDENTIFICATION OWNERS: MRS. BECHARD 236-4951 CLARENCE FARWELL 236-4973 PLEASE NOTE: All Bidders register and receive a number. Sold items the responsibility of the purchaser at end of bidding. If paying by cheque supply own personalized cheque form from your bank. Proprietor or Auctioneer Not Responsible for Accidents Day of Sale. Percy Wright AUCTIONEER KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515 111111I{11111111111II111I11IH 111111111111II11111IIIU FARM SOLD UCTON S LE Featuring Tractors, SP Combine, Baler Silo Hammermill (Whitmore -like new) and Farm Machinery Monday, April 25, 12:30 p.m. Sale to be held on premises, Lot 23, Usborne Township, 2 miles north of Thames Road Church via Highway 83, 4 miles east of Exeter or 6 miles east of Hensall Township Line. SPECIAL ITEM: Whitmore silo hammermill for cracked corn, cob corn or other forage crops (excellent condition). TRACTORS: Massey Ferguson 165 diesel, Massey Harris model 44 gas, combine MH model 90 SP fully equipped for beans ready to work, Massey Ferguson baler #3 like new, CORN PLANTER International 465 - 4 row dry and wet fer- tilizer tanks, Massey Harris #20 15 run fertilizer grain drill, Denmark 11 1/2 ft. cultivator, Massey Ferguson 3 PTH 101/2 ft. discs, Massey Ferguson manure loader for Massey Ferguson 165 tractor Allied (new condition), IHC 17 ft. cut trail mower, Cockshutt 3 furrow 16 inch trip beams (good condition), George White crop sprayer 250 gallon PTO trail, elevator detrich 30 ft. grain elevator with unloading conveyer, land packer 10 ft. scraper blade, Massey Harris siderake 4 bar, JB stiff tooth cultivator, drag harrows, John Deere manure spreader, McKee fine cut harvester with pick up and chopper, hammermill and belt, Massey Harris seed drill, 6 section drag harrows and draw pole, Bissel packer and small dishes. TRUCKS: 1951 Dodge 2 ton, 20 ton hoist running condition, 1956 Dodge 1/2 ton both sell as is, hopper box 50 bushel for small truck (wooden), fuel tanks 250 gallon, bean puller, Targe heavy duty storage tank 1000 bushel, capacity 3/4 inch plate fibre glass lined, Massey Harris walking plow, 40 rod new woven wire fence, assortment boxes of nuts, bolts, etc. A quantity r of scrap iron, feed chop box (wooden), antique round flat iron vise for setting steel tires on wooden wheels, some chains, farm tools and many other items found on a farm. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS TERMS OF SALE CASH Personalized Cheques And Identification Charles Glanville, Owner, R.R. 1, Hensall, Tel: 262-5418 Percy Wright, Auctioneer Ki p pen, Ont. 262-5515 111lIIIII111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 1111.11111,711111 :,.n1I111111111In111111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111111111111111111I111II11II1I11111u1nn11111111111111Y. F9 111111HIIIIInu11111111111111111111 11111111111111un11u111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111ot