HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1977-06-06, Page 4Page 4 Citizens News, April 6, 1977 I 1 (7; \ 1 1 I;; 1 \ \ \ \� _ _ �/ / \ N. _�- / / \ \ / hoard S Huron county taxpayers must obvious- ly cheer the decision made by the board of education last week in declaring two superintendents' positions redundant and moving the two men involved back into the role of principals. Many people have questioned the huge administration costs over the past years and hopefully the board will continue to take an objective look at the overhead costs of education in Huron on a systematic basis. Enrollments will continue to decline in the next few years and obviously other per- sonnel cuts will have to be made in the future to reflect this decrease. One of the frightening aspects of last uffles week's report on the board decision was a comment from director of education John Cochrane advising the board they would have to move now on the shuffle or live with the present staff for the next eight to ten years because he couldn't foresee any openings at the principal level for that period of time. Surely the board does not have to wait for staff retirements or resignations before they can consider reducing staff numbers. Taxpayers would like to think that as the enrollments drop in the county school system, a corresponding decrease can be made in the teaching and administrative staffs without having to wait for retirements or resignations. Waste of The Ministry of Education has done it again. They have been saying for a long time how tight the money situation is and how there could be cutbacks in ex- tracurricular activities and how teacher - pupil ratios will not be lowered because they can't afford to pay extra teachers. There is no money they cry. Well we would like to know who establishes their priorities because who ever it is needs their head read! The Ministry of Education is presen- ting every school child in Ontario with a medallion to commemorate Queen Elizabeths 25th Anniversary this May 20th. Not only that, they are also sending all the public schools "resource kits" for oney suggested activities to celebrate the occa- sion. If that isn't a waste 'of the taxpayers money then we don't know what is. Most of those kids will no more treasure those medallions than fly to the moon. As for the resource kits, I just wonder how many of our tax dollars went into their preparation when we feel sure the teachers and pupils in individual schools have just as good im- aginations as some one on staff in Toronto and can think up their own ideas. It's about time this flagrant waste of taxpayers money ended and the only way that can happen is to let the Ministry know what you think of how they are spending your money. We think it is a disgrace, how about you? FIRST WITH LOCAL NEWS Published Each Wednesday By J.W. Eedy Publications Ltd. Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Manager - Betty O'Brien News Editor - Cathy McKinley Second Class Mail Registration Number 1385 Subscription Rates: $7.00 per year in advance in Canada $18.00 per year outside Canada Single copies 20d I think I will have to invest some money in new glasses. The Ontario Safety League reports that an English inven- tor, Mitchel Litman, has developed glasses to stop you from nodding off. If your eyelids close for longer than a normal blink, a battery operated buzzer sounds in your ear. Mr. Lit- man believes that his invention could be of value if used during boring business meetings, or by motorists making lengthy freeway trips. Whether you have spectacular buz- zing in your ears or not, the Ontario Safety League recommends frequent rest stops to prevent highway hyp- nosis. It makes no recommendations for dealing with bor- ing business meetings i First the government tells us we are littering too much and plan a ban on non -returnable bottles. Then the bottle in- dustry sets up a campaign to tell us that is not fair. The government should ban cans not just non -returnable pop bottles. Better yet, they say, don't ban anything. Let people have the choice to between returnable and not returnable bottles. Then the government tells us we are spending too much money, then they tell us we are not spending enough. Then the government says its new budget will make more jobs and decrease unemployment, then the opposition says the very opposite. Then the prime minister says if you can't find a jobherethat's tough, why not leave the country for a while and then you'll see how well off you were here. Then big business and labor bury the hatchet long enough to present a united force to the government concer- ning the removal of wage and price controls while at the same time the govenment is saying this is not possible at the present time and would be very bad for all of us. All these groups seem determined to spend a fortune to try and convince you and I they are doing everything for "our" best interests. We are continually bombarded with different versions of the same story and all sides are claim- ing they have only our best interests at heart. Even the government's ridiculous ban on saccharin has two sides and it's a good job most of us have the ability to laugh at ourselves, the rest of the world is. The United States press are having a heydey with Canada's wonderful discovery that saccharin is dangerous to the health of your rats. Art Linkletter broke the crowd up on the Johnny Carsen show with his remark the Canadian government is now banning sex because after studying rats fora number of years they have discovered frequent matings in rats cause offspring. Yet the Canadian government insists they are only try- ing to protect"us" In fact everyone seems to be saying they are only trying to protect"us", that they have "our" best in- terests at heart and are not thinking of themselves. Well I for one did not ask this government or unions or big business or anyone else to protect me. There has to be a limit. At the rate we're going this desire to protect "us" will end up with "us" not having any rights left to protect. As for those who say they only have my best interests at heart, I say poppycock. I have been on this earth long enough.- to know that any man who begins a conversation with "it's for your own good", or "I'm only trying to protect you," is a liar and not to be trusted. An honest per- son is honest with themselves and anyone can see no one is going to do anything unless they get some benefit or pleasure. Before you protest too loudly, think about it. The benefit you get may only be your own satisfaction at doing something for someone else, but somewhere along the line I think you'll see I'm right. It's about time all this nonsence about protecting the in- nocent and doing things with only our interests at heart stopped. I would like to trust our government and the leaders of big business and unions, but they will have to earn that trust and asfaras I'm concerned they are not do- ing a very good job. Honesty is the best policy, I just wish we could see more of it. By the way, the answer to the riddle I gave you last week is very simple and logical. The question was to place these four items in a LOGICAL order; a bed, Long John Silver, a milking stool and yourself. The answer has to do with legs as Long John Silver has one leg, you have two legs, a milking stool has three legs and a bed has four legs. This question was on a law exam given to Ontario law students last year so if you didn't get the answer don't feel bad, not one of those students got it either.