HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-12-21, Page 20Page 20 Citizens News, December 21, 1978 it's not all gifts Letter To Santa BY STEVEN SHANTZ Grade 1 Zurich Public Dear Santa Claus I want a Max -Machine and a hockey game, Also a Steve Austin and a Stretch Arm- strong and a pick-up and a Motor -cycle. We have a new chimney For You. Christmas BY SCOTT WILLERT Grade 4 Zurich Public Christmas is things to hear, Santa's ho ho ho. The jingling of the church bells. The choir singing carols. A little bird singing The music of the organ. The fun and laughter of Christmas. New year's resolution BY DWAYNE MARTIN Grade 8 Zurich Public If I were Prime Minister of Canada, my New Year's Resolution would be to make sure that there are enough jobs in Canada for people who would like to work. First of all I would fire the people who always go on strike and replace them with people who are willing to do the job. After that I would reopen old industries and develop new ones. If this could be achieved, the poverty in Canada would be greatly reduced. My New Year's Resolution BY ELIZABETH SANGSTER Grade 5 Hensall Public "Stop eating so many potato chips," mom says. Not only am I making the grocery store manager rich but I'll get so many gum boils I won't be able to eat! I must start brushing my teeth regularly! My brother says they look like lemons. Start gargling regularly! My breath smells like rotten eggs! Stop biting my nails. All I've got for nails are twenty little stubs! New Year's Resolutions — to me are made to break! JACKPOT 3500 in 54 calls 11 Reg. games $10 prize 3 Special games $12 prize 1 Share -the -wealth game Wed., 0 Dec2O ' Due to poor atten- dance, this will be the last bingo. 8:30 P.M. ZURICH ARENA SPONSORED BY ZURICH PEC BOARD amersweememasimeposnammeemen NO PERSON UNDER 16 WILL BE ADMITTED Mr. Squirrel BY SONYA LYNN SHANTZ Grade 3 Zurich Public One Christmas Eve at 7 o'clock Mr. Squirrel was reading the news paper. All of a sudden he heard some singing, He looked out of the window. There he saw carol singers. Then he told then to come in. Then they had a party. Christmas BY MARK JOHNSTON Grade 5 Zurich Public Today Santa Claus is Coming to Town. He's going to Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly. He is coming with Rudolph the Red -nosed Reindeer, and We Three Kings of Orient Are. He's going to Wish you a Merry Christmas. He brings Joy to the World! Recipe For A Merry Christmas BYSHELLEYMCLEOD Grade 6 Zurich Public love 1 c. joy 1/2 c. laughter Dash of presents 11/2 c. sharing 13/4 c. giving Mix joy and love together. Add laughter. Mix in another bowl sharing and giving presents. Put in another bigger bowl and mix all together and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The True I'/ eaning Of Christmas BY GREG HARTMAN St. Boniface On Christmas you should always think more about the birth of Christ than all the presents you might get. They should represent love. Christmas is a day when all members of the family should celebrate together at A Church service as well as at home. TREE DECORATING TIME — Putting some decorations on the grade eight Christmas tree on Monday were Dennis Bedard, Steven Creces, Tom Ducharme and Dennis Jeffrey. Staff photo Christmas BYJAMIE LESPERANCE St. Boniface Christmas isn't all gifts and candies. It is a birthday, the biggest birthday ever! Christmas is the birthday of Christ our savior. It is the day in which Mother Mary became the mother God. Christmas is a family celebration and a time for giving gifts. (but you mustn't get carried away.) I think it is better to give to someone something you made yourself than something that is really fancy or something that comes batteries not in- cluded. Christmas is a time for remembering not just giving. The Real Meaning Of Christmas BY KANDY DOBSON Grade 6 Hensall Public Christmas is the best time of the year. I like to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The flickering bright lights on the soft snow gives me a warm feeling inside. Even the folks on the streets shopping for gifts seem to have a happy glow on their faces. I wish this special feeling would be with people the whole year through. Christmas BY TIMMY REGIER St. Boniface The true meaning of Christmas is the birth of Christ. At Christmas God gave us a Savior and a way to Eternal life as a family we celebrate, Christmas in giving and recieving gifts. The Mother Mary and the Son Jesus. Jesus he died for our sins. Pollution BY TIM EASTERBROOK Grade 6 Hensall Public To solve some of the majcr problems in the world I would fine anybody that threw garbage all over the ground at least 50 dollars. Our world is getting more and more polluted so we have to stop it or soon our world will smell and everywhere we go we will see garbage. Christmas Is... BY DENNIS DENOMME St. Boniface Christmas is, to the little ones, is Tonka trucks, race sets, dolls and even smash up. derby. Christmas night the little ones are like rubber ball bouncing, rolling all over the place and opening gifts. To the older people who understand the true meaning of Christmas it is a time of giving love to each other. To me - Christmas is one great time watching everybody going crazy over all the gifts. TRADITIONAL — One of the traditional decorations for the Christmas season is a Christmas tree. Looking over a modified version in Mrs. Westlaken's grade six class at St. Boniface school are Donna Regier, Kim Moss, Andrea Zimmer and Tracy Lesperance. Staff photo eleope the holiday is tilled with pleasant surprises! Thanks. YUNGBLUT'S MEAT MARKET May you enjoy the treasures and pleasures of this merry magical time! To friends big and small ...thanks. Sincere best wishes from The Staff at HEIMRICH'S This frosty ' fellow brings our holiday wishes and many thanks for all your :. trust.