HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-09-28, Page 10Page 10 Citizens News, September 28, 1978 .A4ivi mAr i)17ra • I[M([ rkIRNI 'ow cite IP reRl ...Dpi ... 'G�1{ Ilii 1 Au .MAN ed ale OCL M1-1700 m For Sale APPLES — pick your own, starts Saturday, September 30, Picking day — Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Kings, Snows, Sweets, Delicious, Russets and Greenings. Spies and Baldwins from October 7. Ready -picked apples also available — all varieties in- cluding MacIntosh. McCly- mont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna, 482-3214. 39:40c GARAGE — 24' x 30' — cedar construction. In good condition. Must be moved immediately. Call Russell Grainger, 565-5352. 39c Help Wanted CARPENTER'S HELPER pole frame construction, full time position. Call 236-4081 after 6 p.m. 36tfnc Services ANYONE WISHING roadways cut in corn or harvesting done with 3 row self propelled harvester phone Lawrence Becker, RR 2, Crediton, 234- 66486. 35tfnc For Rent NEW semi-detached, over 1200 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, $200.00 monthly, available in Zurich, 1-519-886-3090, 9:00 - 5:00. 23tfn CONSTRUCTION EQUIP- MENT, plywood forms, ties and wedges stocked, power trowel etc. 236-4954 weekdays after 5 p.m. Any- time weekends. 20tfnc f?'OR RENT — 3 bedroom. tome, available after, Sept. 1. Phone 236-4873 after 6 p.m. 28t; UPPER APARTMENT, downtown Zurich, 2 bedroom. Available November lst. Phone 1-453- 2579 or 1-236-4861. 38tfnc Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Armstrong, RR 3, Bayfield, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Winnifred (Winnie) to Mr. Gary Thomas Darnbrough, son of Mr. • and Mrs. H. Darn- brough, Bayfield. The wed- ding to take place at three o'clock, October the fourteenth, Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. 39c r c.vor+i as FORE$r HIlL5 IRM$ $71" Cards of Thanks Sincere thanks to my relatives and friends for kindnesses shown me and my wife in so many ways while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. — Harvey Hohner 39c My sincere thank you to my friends and relatives for the many get well cards, flowers and prayers while confined to hospital. I also wish to thank Rev. B. Guy for his visits, doctors, nurses and orderlies at Vic- toria Hospital, who helped to make my stay pleasant as possible. — Norman Gascho 39c We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends, relatives and neighbours for the lovely cards, flowers and good wishes on our 50th wedding anniversary. A special thank you to those who helped at the Dashwood Community Centre and the United Church Women. Your kindness was greatly ap- preciated and a happy occa- sion we will always treasure. — Vernon and Idella Schatz 39c In Memoriam FINKBEINER — In loving memory of our dear son and brother Roy Kenneth who passed away 2 years ago, October 2, 1976. He Left quickly, thoughts un- known, But left us a memory we are proud to own So treasure him Lord in your garden of rest, For when on earth he was one of the best. Sadly missed by Mom, Dad, brother, sister and family. 39c Coming Events AN OPEN WEDDING reception will be held for Kevin Asmus and Marie Boyle following their marriage on Saturday, Oc- tober 7, at the Lucknow Community Centre. Dancing 9-1 to Lincoln Green. Everybody welcome. 39c GOSHEN TURKEY SUPPER, on Wednesday, October 25. Tickets $4.50 each. Two settings — 5 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Tickets will go on sale October 6. To order call 565-2124. Advance sales only. 39:40c ATTENTION CITIZENS OF ZURICH Funds from the Ontario Home Renewal program are now available For more information please contact the Village Office. N. Y' �4ARRINGrON u-• cr it' T. it [ k DISTRICT OBITUARIES John Petty John Petty of Hensall passed away at the Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, Saturday, September 23, 1978, in his 94th year. Surviving are two sisters Miss Olive Petty, Hensall, and. Mrs. Charles (Nellie) Green, Egmondville. Predeceased by his first wife Beryl Boyle (1937) and his second wife Florence Nesbitt (1965) also two brothers William and George Petty and two sisters Mrs. Beatrice Wren, and Mrs. Elsie Tippet. Funeral ser- vice was from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Tuesday, September 26, at 11 a,m. Rev. George A. Anderson officiating. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Pallbearers for Mr. Petty were: Donald Joynt, Frank Forrest, Robert Raeburn, Cecil Kipfer, Emmerson Anderson, William Smith. PETER DESJARDINE Peter Desjardine of Bayfield passed away at Strathroy Hospital, Monday, September 25 in his 86th year. Surviving are daughters Luella, Mrs. Robert Desjardine of Exeter; Nina, Mrs. Harold Wilke, Kitchener; Vivian, Mrs. Harry Preston of London, Betty, Mrs. Emanual Riccirdi of Mon- treal; a sister Mrs. Cora Vincent of Strathroy and a son, Floyd of RR 4, Thed- ford. Also surviving are 18 grandchildrenand 19 great ch 1 t YCile.6 Emmanuel United Church Pastor BRUCE GUY, B.A. Sunday, October 1 11:15 a.m.—Church Service Sacrament of Holy Communion Everyone Welcome St. Peter's Lutheran Church Organist Mrs. Christine Eagleson B.M.A. Sunday, October 1 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School (nursery to grade 8) There is a nursery for small children which is supervised during the worship service. Everyone Welcome Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor CLAYTON KUEPFER Sunday, October 1 9:45 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School Wed. 8:00 p.m.—Adult, Youth Praise Bible Study and Prayer Service Thurs. 8:00 p.m.—Boys Club Meditation Autumn Message — To la- ment summer's end is to miss the beauty, the wonder of the new. Mildred N. Hoyer Praise ye the Lord; for it is good to sing praises unto our God. Psalm 147:1 BOOKKEEP�' N• r. ib UjPNS,P••• " grandchildren, Mr. Desjardine was predeceased by wives Elsie Schrader (1931), Gertrude Wright (1975) and a daughter Shirley, Mrs. William Romeo of London. Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood where the funeral will take place today at 2 p.m. with Reverend John Campbell officiating. Burial in Bayfield Cemetery, Mrs. Adeline Taylor Mrs. Adeline (Sararas) Taylor resident of Queen- sway Nursing Home passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday, September 19, 1978 in her 89th year. Wife of the late Harry Milton Taylor, she is survived by Delbert R. Taylor and Milton L. Taylor, Exeter, Ivan R. D. Taylor, Kitchener, Frederick J. Taylor, Clin- ton; Mrs. Harry (Melba) Walper, Exeter, Mrs. William (Verna) Gibbings, Clinton, eighteen grand- children, fifteen great grandchildren. Two daughters, two sons, two brothers and two sisters predeceased. Funeral service was held from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, Friday, September 22 at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. Grant Mills. Burial in Baird's Cemetery. Mrs. Maude McDougall Mrs. Maude (Drover) McDougall passed away in Hensall Saturday September 23, 1978 in her 88th year. She was the wife of the late Alex McDougall and mother of John, RR 1 Hensall, and Lloyd, Exeter. One sister Miss Isobel Drover, Hensall also survives, predeceased by two brothers and four sisters. Funeral service was held from the Bonthron Funeral Home an Tuesday, September 26 at 2:30 p.m. Rev. John B. Fox officiated. Interment in Staffa Cemetery. Pallbearers for Mrs. McDougall were: Ken Williams, Floyd Stewart, Jim Burke, William Lam- port, Ed Alexander, Otto Walker . CHANGE IN NAME INDEPENDENT SHIPPER TO United Co - Operatives of Ontario Livestock Department Toronto Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL Dashwood Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyard previously Roy Scotchmer CaII Dashwood 238-2707 or Bayfield 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday for prompt service. No charges on pick-up E4P CRAFT SUPPLIES Chair caning; Macrame; Fun Fur; .Rowney Art Supplies; Beads of all types; Instruction Books. M & M STORE Queen and Water Streets St. Marys Open seven days 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Huron Dead Stock Removal Clinton Attention Farmers For dependable, efficient service on all farm stock, call Collect 482-981 1 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week. Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. JEFFREY BROS. LTD. CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES RENOVATIONS - ALTERATIONS • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING • (SERVICED) LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM! RR 2 ZURICH 236-4757 1E Ler AY/iS win�ero . rwi l 25th Wedding Anniversary for JIM & DORIS DINSMORE Sat., Oct. 7 9:00 p.m. PINERIDGE CHALET No Gifts Please HELP WANTED Zurich Arena Board requires adult assis- tant to the manager for winter months. Must be able to work on a shift basis. Duties to commence October 23rd. Apply in person to Jerry Rader at the arena Prior to Oc- tober 3rd. Telephone 236-'4969 AUCTION SALE Fri., Sept. 29 1978 50% DISCOUNT SALE BEGINNING AT 9 A -.M. to 5 P.M. Remaining articles to be auctioned off at 7 p.m. sharp We have been instructed by the owner of the Lighter Side, Mr. Robert Woolner to clear the walls of all inven- tory. - 3-5 light deluxe colonial chandeliers - numerous quality colonial to modern table, wall, ceiling, swag lamps, singles and pairs - original 2 -speed Casablanca ceiling fan with globe - door chimes from A -Z - top j line deluxe tiffany chandeliers (18" - for the rec. room: wiring, boxes, lighting accessories, display drums, etc. - hallway, bedroom, bathroom lights and accessories - bulbs, glass shades and globes - elaborate exterior lights - one new 10,000 B.T.U.three-speed air conditioner MIDWESTERN AUCTIONEERING AND SALES MANAGEMENT Phone 245-3380, Strathroy Decisions of the auctioneers are final. Terms Cash, Charges or Mastercharge. PLACE: 37 FRANK ST., STRATHROY (Across from library)