HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-08-17, Page 27..::r:•»,,:;:o+xv.o,::,v•,..•r::r,:.v:::r.•:<a.>•:. .,;::: tr:^t,rrr:•>r'•: rr:•+Yin :•,•.,• ::rv:?:•r: :.rr ,�s ..... ., r• :... ,,.. .,.. .. t .., . � ..,. ,. .. .. tw t..... ..% ... : a.;t.yv: vtt ;: :. t•rk . ,••: :..o: ... ., ,... .�. w,...... ..., .•,v.,, •.•::: ...:,xt ... ... ::. ...:xf4,.... :..:.....:....:r..,.;... .:. ::......,..., .... f... a.. ...:...: ...0 :: .::.: ":r... ..., y. t.... .r ........ t. ...a ,� .... ...at,3,a.w..v:. 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The issues cited were Absence of a provincial policy for toxic liquid in- dustrial waste disposal. Withdrawal in March of the ban on non -refillable pop bottles, Government han- dling of the $35 -million suit against Doti' Chemical for mercury pollution of Lake ELCOME TO THE ZURICH BEAN FESTIVAL Be sure to visit us when you're at the Bean Festival on Saturday. 1978 Honey Crop 75° .E. LB. Bring your own containers week days to our Apiary, and have them filled. Open Daily 8 AM To 9 PM Closed Sundays FERGUSON APIARIES Hwy. No. 84 Between Hensall & Zurich 236-4979 COUNTY OF HURON Tenders For Vehicles For Winter Control Maintenance Sealed tenders on forms available from the undersigned will be accepted until 4:00 o'clock local time on: Tues., Sept. 12, 1978 For all or any one of the following pieces of equip- ment -for winter control commencing on or about November 20, 1978: (1) One `Heavy Duty' Tandem truck with driver and snow plow equipment for snow plow duties in the Wroxeter area (2) One 125 H.P. motor grader with driver and snow plow equipment for snow plow duties in the Auburn area (3) 28,000 G.V.W. trucks without operator or box for installation of County's sand spreaders to spread salt and sand, in various areas of the County. 1 TRUCK REQUIRED FOR AUBURN AREA , 1 TRUCK REQUIRED FOR ZURICH AREA 2 TRUCKS REQUIRED FOR WROXETER AREA Tender forms. may be picked up at the office of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessari- ly accepted. R.A. Dempsey, P. Eng., County Engineer, Court house, Goderich, Ontario. Telephone 524-7412 St. Clair - dropped in favour of a paltry $250,000 private settlement with affected fishermen. Failure to make the Environmental Assessment Act effective' and meaningful. Failure to develop a policy to deal with the serious problems of solid waste disposal in Metro Toronto. Failure to act on problems of lake acidification in the cottage country, where fish can't survive. The inability of Ontario to comply with commitments to the International Joint Com- mittee on the Great Lakes clean-up. Stuart Smith's statement followed closely upon the announcement of the Government's decision to relax an eight-year old air pollution control order on International Nickel Co. Ltd., which has been described as dertionstrating the hopeless irony of Ontario pollution enforcement policies. In 1970, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment ordered INCO to stop using two 500 -foot chimneys and one 350 -foot chimney 'at its smelting plant at Copper Cliff, West of Sudbury. INCO complied, replacing the stacks with a 1,250 foot chimney in 1972. However, the Ministry at the same time ordered the company to reduce its emissions of sulphur dioxide from 5,200 tons a day in 1970 to 4,400 tons by the end of 1974, 3,600 tons by the end of 1976 and 750 tons by the end of 1978. According to the Ministry, this order was based "on a need to restrict tonnage emissions due to the unpredictability of disper- sion under all weather conditions" and ."on potential adverse effects on vegetation, soil and water in a large area surrounding Sudbury," Today INCO continues to. emit 3,600 tonna day. Yet the Ministry has issued a new order permitting INCO to maintain that level until 30th June, 1982, simply requesting a report by December 1979 "evaluating the feasibility of controlling" the smelter's pollution. Instead of penalizing the offender, the Government has bent over backwards to rationalize and excuse failure to comply .with the 1970 pollution control order. Apparently, 1976 statistics indicate that Sudbury sulphur emissions accounted for only 4 percent of North America man-made emissions, and only 1.3 percent of global emissions. Also, "the problems of high ground level concentrations of sulphur dioxide and widespread acute vegetation damage in the Sudbury area have essentially been resolved even at current emission rates." As the Ontario Govern- ment sees it, the Inter- national Nickel Company is merely doing the same as everyone else: moreover, the 1,250 foot smokestack has dispersed the emissions to some extent, which has minimized the concern which prompted the issuance of the 1970 order. Murray Gaunt, Liberal Environment Critic, believes that if the Government is not prepared to agree to an emergency debate on the environmental control order, "the best thing would be for George McCague (Environment Minister) to resign...I think he's sold out to big business (in that he's) agreed to almost five times the previously set limit for the next four years." The condition of the Great Lakes has received some publicity recently, following release of a report by the Pollution from Land Use Activities Group, which indicates that both the United States and Canada have adequate laws to prevent lake pollution, but the laws should be enforced more strictly. The group is urging broader and stronger control measures. During the last Provincial Election, Premier Davis, in a tough statement, called for the revision of the Canadian - Please turn to page 16 REDI-MIX CONCRETE All Types of Concrete Work McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237.3647 (free estimates) HAY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ZURICH 236-4381 Farms - Homes- Cottages Elgin Hendrick Hugh Hendrick Jack Scotchmer Glenn Webb Agents Grand Bend Kippen Bayfield Dashwood 238-2611 262-5389 565-5270 237-3229 Citizens News, August 24, 1978 Page 15 BEAN ° Frog Jumping CONTEST (Bring your own Frog or Toad) Bean Festival Mali Area MID-AFTERNOON (Specific time will be announced over the Public Address Sdystem) PRIZES DONATED BY DR. C.T. WALLACE 1 We extend a sincere WELCOME to Zurich's Thirteenth annual BEAN El D 6 DOMINION HOTEL :117:1;11 - Please feel free to drop in and meet us DELICIOUS FULL COURSE MEALS SERVED IN OUR DINING ROOM 5 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE "DWIGHT JAMES" D 111 0 0 0