HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-06-15, Page 15rich
s. L.
)e in
Institute sees telephones
A most interesting a
Mrs. Mildred Kellerman, man
meeting was planned by the Mrs. Hilda Rader, Mrs.
Education and Cultural Ac- Mervyn Tiernan, Mrs. Ross
tivities group with Mrs. Love, Helen Nadiger, Mrs.
Emil Becker convener for Jessie Rader, Mrs. Beulah
Tuesday. The group met at Desjardine wind Mrs. Syd
the telephone building in Neeb joined with Grand
Dashwood and were greeted Bend Seniors for a rainy day
by Bill Wagner and Bob Hen- bus trip to Kitchener where
Brick. A display of modern they visited the Farmers'
telephones was admired by Market and Doon Village,
all. The ladies received had their lunch and returned
souvenirs. A conducted tour to Stratford to a shopping
of the building left one a lit- centre and had supper at the
tle wiser and amazed. Ponderosa before returning
From there the ladies home.
went to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hoffman where Rader reunion
Harry treated them to a dis- The Rader reunion was
play of the past with phones held Sunday, at Dashwood
dating back to 1881. Harry, community centre pavilion
who was with the telephone with a good turnout. Ray
company for many years, Rader, president welcomed
hopes to get them all all and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
refinished and working. Miller conducted sports with
Mrs. Eben Weigand con- winners in the running races
ducted the business. Roll as follows: pre-school' -
call was to give your phone David McGuire; 5-8 , Karen
number before dial. Some of Miller and Michael Rader;
the 17 members present 9-12 - Charlotte Miller and
could not remember. There Robert Rader; young ladies
were 6 visitors . The - Carol Rader; young men -
Institute gave gifts to the 4- Ray Taylor; married ladies
H girls for County honours, - Mrs. Fred Miller; married
Kim Gaiser, Pauline men - Paul Rader; minute
Dietrich, .Brenda Riddell walk - Mrs. Earl Rader;
and Razma Zemitis. Those kick the slipper - Robin
receiving Provincial honor Rader, Michael Rader, Barb
gifts were Cindy Becker, Rader and Earl Rader;
Cathy Becker and Sandra balloon throw - Julie Rader
Schroeder. The leaders also and Tracey Soldan; Fred
received token gifts.. Miller and Paul Rader;
Mrs. Ray Rader gave a push-ups - Paul Rader; sit -
report of the Officers' ups - Charlotte s Miller and
Convention and the District several relays were en -
Annual. Duties at the plow- joyed. Mrs. Dave Rader won
ing match in September for guessing number of beans in
members of Dashwood thejar.
Women's Institute were Several special prizes
read. Mrs. Eben Weigand were given at the supper
and Mrs, Stuart Wolfe are in time. Ray Taylor - lucky
charge of the Fair exhibit. plate; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Fifty tickets have been Miller - nearest wedding an -
ordered to two plays at the niversary; youngest present
Country Playhouse and - Shelley Miller; oldest -
these may be purchased Mrs. Adeline Kraft, 89.
from Mrs. Harry Hoffman. The next reunion will be
The first is for July 18 name- held the second Sunday in
ly "Parlour, Bedroom and June, 1980 with President,
Bath"; the second is for Bill Wagner; vice-president,
Au g us t 8, n am el y Ernest Miller; secretary,
"Oklahoma". Mrs. Wendell Gamble;
Mrs. Weigand wished us treasurer, Dave Rader;
all an enjoyable summer sports committee, Mr. and
and lunch followed. Mrs. Fred Miller, and Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Rader; table
Visit Kitchener convener, Mrs. Dave Rader.
The Senior Citizens will
meet at the community cen- Attends convention
tre Monday, June 19 at 6:30 Pastor M. Mellecke and
for a picnic. They are Earl Keller attended the
reminded to bring a pot luck 63rd convention of the
lunch and cutlery. Plates Lutheran church -Missouri
and cups will be provided. Synod at Wilfred Laurier un -
Eleven members of iversity, Waterloo, last
Dashwood Senior citizens, week. It was requested that
M r . and Mrs. Eben the District Board find ways
Weigand, Mrs. Pearl Miller, and means to supply a field
Pure Pork
Sausage tti .59
Spare Ribs
Schneiders Rindless
Slab Bacon
5 & 10 Ib parcels,
Ib. 494
Ib. $1.69
Sliced lb • $ 1 .89
Schneiders Blue Ribbon
Bologna ib. 1.23 SIi ped, $1.3 3
Fresh Garlic Sausage, Smoked
Sausage, Regular Sausage,
Summer Sausage.
Rev. K. Zorn, Kitchener,
chairman of the District's
board of Evangelism felt it
was the greatest develop-
ment in the last 10 years. He
said the greatest need for
our congregation was to
reach out and bring. the
Gospel of Jesus Christ to
others. Rev. K. Hahn, Lon-
don, called the decision of a
field worker "An invaluable
Once again in District's
budget there is provision for
the establishment of a
ministry to the retarded of
the Province.
Lightning strikes
Lightning struck the tower
at the Lutheran church Mon-
day afternoon. Fortunately
there was no fire.
in On -
Citizens News, June 15, 1978
Page 15
TIED FOR FIRST — In the junior olympic competition held at'Zurich Public School, two boys
were tied for top spot in the junior division while Michelle Allison was the lone winner in the
girl's section. Steve Consitt and Aaron Bullock were the two top boys. Staff photo
lot of people have some pretty strange ideas about
Canada's immigration law. And, as a result, a lot of
bpeople suffer from believing them.
The fact is, the most reliable information comes from us.
In other countries, we're in Canadian Government visa offices.
Here at home, it's your Canada Immigration Centre.
If you know someone who'll have to pass through
Canadian Immigration in the near future, you'd be
doing them a favour by pointing them in our direc-
tion. Especially now that there's a new
immigration law.
Now, the new law doesn't mean a
lot of changes for the average immigrant
or visitor. Here, nevertheless, are a few
things that might affect you or someone
you know.
From now on, immigrants and those
visitors who come here to work or study
must make all immigration arrangements
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Remember that money can't buy
your way into Canada. All the help you need
is free.at any Canadian Government
visa office or Canada Immigration
'Canadian immigration officers
do not discriminate on the grounds
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A new adjudication system gives
greater protection to the civil rights of people involved in
immigration proceedings. And deportation will no longer be the
only possible penalty. There are now less drastic alternatives for minor infractions of
immigration law. The new law does not make immigration easier, but it does make it more pre-
dictable. If you need to know more, ask at a Canada Immigration Centre.
If you know someone abroad who needs information, tell them to contact their Canadian
Government visa office before they make a move. That way, they'll know exactly where
,they stand when they step off the plane.
Employment and Emploi et
immigration Canada Immigration Canada
Bud Cullen, Minister Bud Cullen, Ministre