HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-06-08, Page 3Citizens News, June 8, 1978 Page 3 Install _ execuhve Legion were served and a social hour enjoyed by all. Presbyterian Rev. Fox of Huron College conducted Sacrament ser- vice in Carmel Presbyterian Attendance was good at the annual Blossom Tea held at Huronview on Wednesday. The tea was declared of- ficially opened by Mr. Chester. Archibald and over 100 people were served tea. Prizes were - flow arr ement, er awarded an g LIensanl Hilda Payne Bertha McGregor awarded by Ken Cook's Flowers - Mrs. Gladys Hoggarth, Clinton; wooden bowl awarded by Anstett's Jewellers - Mrs. Grace Peck, Huronview; magazine rack awarded by Beattie's Furniture - Mrs. Lorna Radford, Clinton; ceramic dish, awarded by Clinton Home Hardware - Mrs. Josie Cunningham, Huronview. Clinton Women's Institute was in charge of the Bake Table which did a good trade and crafts were in the care of Diane Elliott. Blyth Women's Institute took care of the tea. Many thanks to all who helped in any way. Honour bridal couple A "Get-together" of neigh- bours was held on Wed- nesday evening, at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Smith in honour of Marianne Luyten and Ted Van Esbroeck, bridal couple of Saturday, June 3. After playing euchre, a gift was presented to the couple by Harry Smith. All were thanked by both the bride and groom. Later, a presentation was made to Mrs. Mary Van Esbroeck on behalf of her daughter Agnes and her husband, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Selin of Ottawa, who were married last August. Present were Mr. & Mrs. Alec Van Esbroeck and Martha, Mr. & Mrs. John McAllister, Mrs. Norman Pepper, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Payne, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Mrs. Orville Smith, and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith. U.C.W. Combining both the devotional and study, Mrs. Nan Britton spoke about the changing conditions of life in the west from when she was a child to the present day at the June meeting of Unit four of the Hensall U.C.W. She took as her motto, "Horizons are greater than fences" and reminded all of the many trials that the early settlers had to put up with. She also told of the love and kindness of the neighbours and how in todays society, all this seems to be lost. Her talk concluded with a prayer for all people in a disturbed world. Unit leader, Mrs. Jessie McAllister, presided and opened the meeting by reading from the Upper Room, based on "Then Job arose and worshipped." She conducted the business before the meeting closed. Mrs. Shirley Luther and her committee served lunch. Reduce debt A cool, sunny day and new - mown grass made a perfect setting for the auction sale held on the Hensall United Church grounds last Saturday. Household ar- ticles, a snack booth, bake sale, attic treasures and second-hand books all contributed to making the sale a success. The sale was held by both Chislehurst and Hensall congregations to help reduce the debt owing on the Manse renovations. Confirmation held Rev. Don Beck conducted the service at Hensall United Church on Sunday morning at which Holy Communion was held and Confirmation of new members and welcoming of members from other churches. Richard Fujarczuk of London was at the organ amd Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey led the choir. Rev. Beck preached on the title, "It's a risk," and spoke about how people react when they encounter Christ. Acceptance of Christ and of those around us open the way to love and help. Have an encounter with Christ - it will make a new person of you. Candidates for Con- firmation were Jacqueline Lee Hyde, John Robert McAllister, David Grant McGregor, Jo -Ann Roberta Pepper and Murray James Wareing, and Mrs. Louise Elizabeth Allan. Welcomed from another church were Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gualtieri. A reception for the congregation to meet the new members was held after the service. Next Sunday, the Huronia Children's Choir will present the musical, "The Boy who caught the Fish" in place of the sermon. Saliya visits Saliya Tennekoon, of Colombo, Sri Lanka, is visiting with Mr. & Mrs. Ian McAllister for three weeks. Saliya works with the "Y" in Colombo and is visiting Canada under the auspices of the Crossroads Inter- national Program, an organization to promote better understanding bet- ween countries. Higher prices Hensall sales barn had an active market with higher prices again last Thursday; supply consisted mainly of heifers and steers. Fat cattle; heifers, $66.50-$70.50, sales to $72.25; steers, $66.75- $72.25, sales to $73.75; cows, $41.00-$47.00 sales to $52.00. Pigs; $35.00-$59.00. Legion meets A large attendance of members attended the joint installation of officers at the Hensall Legion Hall Satur- day evening when the Blyth Legion and Auxiliary were present and installed the Legion Officers and Ladies' Auxiliary of the Hensall Branch. Legion Officers are: president; Grant McClinchey; past president; Murray Traquair; .1st vice- president; Garnet Allen; 2nd vice -present; Irvin Ferris; secretary; Charles Cooper; treasurer; Ted Taylor; sgt. at arms; Larry Uyl; welfare officer; Paul Neilands; executive; Frank Forrest, Stan Kochan, Jim Smale, Murray Traquair. Ladies' Auxiliary; presi- dent; Mrs. Beatrice Uyl; 1st vice-president; Mrs. Margaret Vanstone; 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Alice Neilands; secretary; Mrs. Donna Allen; treasurer; Mrs. Mona Campbell; sgt. at arms; Mrs. Iva Reid; ex- ecutive; Joan Beierling, Jean Munn, Mildred Chalmers, Vera Smale, Wan- da McClinchey. Rev. A.C. Blackwell who is leaving the community was presented with a pen & pencil set by Murray Tra- quair. Refreshments were served and a social hour en- joyed by all. Celebrate 25th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ted Oud celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary at the Pineridge Chalet Saturday evening. A family dinner was attended by relatives :and the family of the guests of honour, followed by a reception and dance with music by Mozart and the Melody Makers. A large number of relatives and friends gathered for the reception and dance. M e Mrs. Oud was pleasantly surprised when her brother Jack Dekker arrived from Holland. Also attending was her sister Mrs. Mary Deslip- po, Sudbury. Refreshments Church Sunday. Miss Bren- da Pepper presided at the organ. The WMS birthday party will be held June 14 at 8 p.m. Please turn to Page t6 BEST °BUYS Dixie, Stems & Pieces Mushrooms Chef's Choice Tomatoes Beehive Corn Syrup MacLaren's Stuffed Manzanilla Olives Dream Whip 170 gr. Dessert Topping Kraft Barbecue Sauce Kraft Salad Dressing Miracle Whip Mellow Roast Instant Coffee Fleecy Liquid 176 fl. oz. 10 oz. tin 19 oz. 2 Ib. tins 12 oz. 59' 39° 79' 99 °1.09 16 oz. 32 °LS 1 .29 ao. oS;,35 +2.29 Fabric Softener Bick's Sweet Mixed and Yum Yum Pickles Weston' Buttermilk Scone Bread 32 11. oz. 9 94 =.o.2/894 Fivzenfoods Savarin Beef, Chicken, Turkey Pot Pies Picnic Lemonade 8 oz. 2/79'. ,o. 39' Store 262-2017 MEAT SPECIALS Abattoir 262-2041 CHOICE LOCAL BEEF & PORK U.S. Whole Processed Pork Loins $1.49 Rib or Sirloin Pork Chops Ib. $1 .49 Canada Packers Store Packed Ib. 79' Store Sliced Side Bacon lb. $ 1.49 Pure Pork Ib. $1.09 sliced, Ib. 99c Wieners Ib. Sousage Canada Packers Country Kitchen Bolognu Sliced Cooked Ham 10 Ib. Box of Turkey Drumsticks 10 Ib. Bag or 3 Ib Bag Beef Patties e $1.98 No filler, Ib. 1 .39 Green Onions 4 bunches 99c NOW IN OUR STORE For Your Convenience Tues. Thru Sat. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Cantaloupe #23 55' Sears catalogues ... a market place for home fashion finds. Shop by phone CaII Sears 262-3316 Beef Slaughter — Monday, Pork Slaughter — Tuesday, Hours for Picking Up Freezer ABATTOIR HOURS or Custom Orders. Tues. to Fri. — 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Prices Effective J une 8 - 9 - 10 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items. Because of increased costs we find it necessary to make a 50c charge for grocery delivery. AL' ARKET ...E. Choice Local Beef & Pork MASKETS GROCERIES & FRESH PRODUCE Abattoir Phone: 262-2041�11�,,,, Tmn .irutia. Phone: 262-2017 Hensall