HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-06-01, Page 15r r r1 E ,By JACK RIDDELL MPP Huron -Middlesex A legal drinking age of 19, increased fines for under- age drinking and tougher penalties for drinking drivers were announced in the Legislature this week by the Honourable Larry Grossman, Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations. These measures are part of a legislative package and will be introduced in the fall. If passed it would — Raise the legal drinking age from 18 to 19 effective September 1. — Increase maximum fines to $10,000 from $2,000 for drinking under age and for serving alcoholic beverages to those under age, and establish a $500 minimum fine. - Eliminate the requirement of a sit-down meal with a Sunday drink. Allow Liquor Control Board outlets to remain open on election days. — Exempt airlines from the normal limitations on hours during which alcoholic beverages may be served. The new measures on drinking and driving an- nounced by the Minister include - - More portable screening devices in patrol cars. — A mandatory three-year Face stiffer drinking fines licence suspension for a third drinking and driving con viction. — A 24 hour on-the-spo suspension for motorists where the portable screening device 'has indicated a degree of impairment suf- ficient to make the motorist a risk, although not legally impaired. Other meaures proposed by the Minister — An Education program for the schools and an ad- vertising campaign on alcohol moderation. — Amendments making it illegal to carry open bottles or glasses of Liquor in public places. — Increased promotion of the photo identification cards provided by the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations as proof that an applicant is old enough to drink. In addition, driver's licences with photographs are being in- troduced. — Obligation of liquor licence holders to request identification from anyone who might be under age, as well as the increased fines for serving to and con- sumption by under -age people. The Minister said the penalties currently being imposed are often too low to warrant police action or to deter illegal behaviour. — Municipalities will be given the right to pass by- laws making possession of alcohol illegal in specific parks, arenas or stadiums controlled by the t municipalities. $ A grandfather clause in the bill will enable those turning 18 before Septemb - 1, to legally consu alcohol, t Dr, Stuart Smit Opposition Leader, said th he would have preferred see the Government attem an education campai against alcohol abuse. that didn't work. we wou raise the legal drinking a as a last resort,"he said. Agriculture and Foo Minister Bill Newman h announced a new asparag marketing plan for the 19 season, The new plan wi include all asparagu producers, allow fo collection of licence fees o an acreage basis, and enabl the board to determine th minimum price fo asparagus for processing Mr. Newman said that th Farm Products Marketin Board conducted an ex pression of opinion o asparagus producers an 75.5 percent of those votin supported the proposal fo changes in the marketing plan. Under the new marketing plan, an industry advisory committee o processors and producers will hold formal meetings to review asparagus requirements and market conditions before the board established the price to processors. The Farm Products Marketing Board, at the request of the Asparagus Board will establish a licence fee of $25 per acre for 1978. The maximum fee approved by the producers in he expression of opinion was 35 per acre. Premier Davis and Premier Rene Levesque of Quebec met at Queen's Park er me h, to pt gn `If Id ge as US 78 11 s r n e e r e g f g r told a press conference that, he and the Ontario Premier should meet at least once a year. His own conclusion would be that the two provinces can continue their close association even if Quebec leaves Canada — "Whatever the future may hold, they will continue to be neigh- bours," he said of Ontario and Quebec. There has been con- siderable debate in recent weeks about a Toronto tabloid "Strike", which has received a number of grants from the Provincial_ Government — from the Ontario Arts Council and Wintario Funds. Liberal Leader Stuart Smith charged that the Minister of Culture and Recreation, Robert Welch, gave personal approval. The tabloid is owned by Kensington Art Association, and has published pictures of bullet -riddled bodies, ad- vocating terrorism and stating that, it "supports leg shooting knee capping to f accelerate the demise of the old system". The Minister has now backtracked from earlier statements that the tabloid had no connection with the Art Association, and has said that a cheque for a further grant will be blocked until "a full review", is run on the group. He conceded in . the Legislature that "there are similarities in some of the names" of the directors of the association and the tabloid. Four of the seven directors of the association are also listed on the tabloid's editorial board, including the president and vice-president. 111111111111111111IIIIIIl11111111111U1111111IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIlI11IIIIINllli111IIIIII111111111110IIII1111111111% 1978 Dogs Tags 1978 Dog Tags are now available at the Municipal Office at the following rate structure: 1st male or spayed female $4.00, 2nd $8.00; 1st female $8.00, 2nd $12.00; 3rd of either $50.00 and if not picked up by June 15th, 1978 the rate will be doubled to cover costs. Sharon A. Baker, t d nc p t a g. a €o fr jo no re Clerk -Treasurer. = re a1111111111111111111111iINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll8(i7:: wo la • Qu Mi co his week, and apparently ealt with the question of ational unity only in- identally. The Premiers' 13 age communique referred o vaguely worded greements to end several nter-provincial irritants, nd they spoke of agreement n "equity and reciprocity" r construction workers om one province holding bs in the other. Mr. Levesque said that did t mean that he will drop a gulation planned to go into £feet July 1, which would quire extensive Quebec rk experience for Ontario bourers seeking jobs in ebec, and that the two nisters of Labour are ntinuing negotiations. He STARLITE OPEN NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk 5��!:•. ice' "'ice Children Under 12 in Cars Free GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY — JUNE 2 - 3 .� The Rhus Family: They're Not Roasted. They're Not Salted. They're Just Plain Nuts. Adult Entertainment "One of the Best Movies of 1974:' —Genn Shari', NBC-TV "HARRY &TONTO"E Adult Entertainment St. John Ambulance safety oriented First Aid training teaches First Aid and acci- dent prevention. uoIJJeuo.7idtoed 'awos kil •unJ s! ssawdd •;a5Je1 6iq e Awaua aye enl61,uop pue — adeps ui lap •6uiwoo ees aanau ii,noA ssauill ayl O 0 R WNIE' Citizens News, June 1, 1978 Page 15 WATCH FOR THE OF THE TOWNE AND COUNTRY DINER ZURICH (THE BIG DIP) JUNE 12 Breakfast served from 7 a.m. Phone: 236-4923 for take-out BEECH ST. CLINTON FRI. - SAT. — JUNE 2.3 4 IT'S THE WORLD'S GREATEST GAME (AND IT SURE AIN'T FOOTBALL.) DORY REYNOLDS • KRIS HRISTOFFERSON JILL CLAYHOROI See Our Selection Of USED TORCYCLES Whether you're looking for a new or used motorcy- cle it's nice to know there's a place you can go where there is a real selection. Come look us over... chances are we have just the machine you're look- ing for. THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE OF THE VALUES AND SELECTION WE HAVE FOR YOU. MOST PRICES INCLUDE RECONDITIONING AND SAFETY CERTIFICATION. 1974 Honda CB350.......... $895 1977 Kawasaki KM 100 .... $545 1976 Honda CY70........... $445 1976 Kawasaki KD100 ..... $440 1977 XR75 Honda ., ,....,., $475 1977 Yamaha 400....,..,. $1095 1977 Yamaha 125...,,......$895 1976 CZ 250 .......m...,...... $695 1977 Yamaha YZ80 $475 1977 CZ250.....,,.,,,,,,e.,.o $795 1976 CZ400$9''5 1977 Ho =da C8550K., $1995 1976 Suzuki R' x370..<.... $1095 1972 Hond• CL70 $150 1977 Kawasaki KM100 .... $525 1973 Suzuki TS250 , ..... , ... $445 197411 nil XL75 $200 1976 Suzuki 75$425 1973 Yaraa:h, 750 $995 1975 K:. w:. s • ki G3100 $395 1977 Can -Am 250,....,.,. $1095 1973 Honda CT70 $225 1974 Kawasaki OHC400 ... $875 1977 Suzuki RM80..,........ $545 1974 Kawasaki 750 ....... $1095 1973 Kawasaki 100 , .. , , , , .. $495 1975 Kawas ki 500 ....... $1095 1975 Kawasaki 500....... $1295 1976 Suzuki TS100 ...,...,.v $S95 1977 Suzuki PE250 $1088 1974 Kawasaki 250......... $845 1975 Kawasaki 53400 (2) .$850 & $995 Three Used Go -Carts In Stock JULIE CHRISTIE CARRIES THE �B81RICikI��'D MON SEED" Fear for ler, JUIJE CHRISTIE „'DEMON SEED" FRITZ WEAVER SPORTS & RECREATION LIMITED 262-5809 VARNA, ONT.