HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-05-04, Page 20Page 20 May 4, 1978 Industry has commitment Ontario's soft drink in- dustry has made a commit• ment to put 75 per cent of its provincial pop sales in en- vironmentally beneficial refillable bottles by December 31, 1979, Environ- ment Minister George R. McCague told the Legislature today. He explained that the commitment by the industry to a 75-25 ratio in favor of pop in refillable bottles is linked to adjustments made to Ontario's program to con- trol soft drink containers. This includes a change in the Province's previously - announced ban on non- refillable bottles. A total ban on the sale of soft drinks in non -refillable bottles in Ontario was scheduled to go into effect on April 1, 1978. Mr. McCague told the Legislature today, he has modified the regulation to restore equity to the glass industry. While the 300 ml non- refillable bottle will still be banned as of April 1st, soft drinks in the bar -size (200 ml) split and in two family sizes (750 ml and 1.5 litres) may be offered for sale in non -refillable bottles. Mr. McCague said the amended regulation also requires equal display space for 300 ml refillable bottles wherever soft drinks in cans are sold. Similarly, refillable family sizes of pop must get equal display space wherever these 750 ml and/or 1.5 litre sizes of non- refillable bottles are sold. These changes are based on the industry's commit- ment to a 75-25 per cent ratio for refillable versus non- refillable sales, Mr. McCague said. "My Ministry will monitor in- dustry records and perfor- mance to ensure this ratio in favor of refillable bottles is met and maintained." He added that, as part of this voluntary program, the industry will discontinue all sales promotion activity for carbonated soft drinks in non -refillable containers, in- cluding cans, and has already launched a con- sumer advertising campaign to educate the public on the benefits of refillable con- tainers. Ontario's soft drink con- tainer program has resulted in a significant increase in the use of refillable bottles. "It earned an estimated 60 per cent share of the market during the last months of 1977 as compared to about 35 per cent during the same period in 1975," said Mr. McCague. But two measures in On- tario's original program in- tended toconsolidate and im- prove on these gains have not gone ahead, he said — the ban on all non -refillable pop bottles and the proposed five -cent tax on pop cans. The tax was introduced in the Legislature, but not ad- vanced because of opposi- tion. He explained that the total ban, on non -refillable bottles, without the can tax, would create an unfair dis- advantage for a competitive segment of the industry, the glass container manufac- turers. Mr. McCague said the modifications to the govern- ment program, combined with the industry's volun- tary commitment, would meet the government's .ob- jective of reducing the waste generated by soft drink containers by in- creasing the availability and use of refillable money -back bottles. $$$$$$►$$$►$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$ MOM [111111111111011111.1111 NIINININI 11111111111111111111/11111k MIME UMW = MEM MON Mgr m NMIN IIIIIIIIIMMININNi ormisr-wrArmEssa Winn MINN 111111111111111111111111W MIMI MOM —"'= 311111•11161111111111V IIIIIIMI MEN E tEIIIMIIr1y MEIN .11MIMININI INIXIIIMINIIIIIMMI NNNENNEN mammal if MIMS M MOM NUNN Mall ror.o111111101 E'er" aln n. 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