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Zurich Citizens News, 1978-04-06, Page 16
Page 16 April 6, 1978 Friendly dogs We've often heard the cliche "a dog is a man's best friend", But the rush for the hot dog vendor during the seventh inning stretch might lead us to believe that the cliche was not meant for the four -legged dog! The man-ufacturing process of the wonderful wiener is quite a complex procedure and each in- gredient used has an impor- tant role in making a top quality product. In the first stage, the meat is chopped and mixed with a salt brine. The sale provides that dis- tinctive flavor and it retards bacterial growth in the meat. It also has an impor- tant role in stabilizing the meat mixture. Next, other ingredients are added. These intrude a filler, such as milk powder, cereal, flour or starch, which may not exceed 4% by weight as analyzed by a specific method. Other in- gredients are salt, nitrite, various forms of sugar, spice or other seasonings. All ingredients must comply with regulations set down in the Food and Drug Regulations. No dyes are permitted in any Canadian wiener! Each item contributes in its own way to make the perfect hot dog, Milk, flour and cereal improve the cooking quality, flavor and juiciness of wieners. Seasonings obviously provide flavor but some like ginger, black pepper and rosemary are also. an- tioxidants which retard ran- cidity of fat. Nitrite turns the grey color of the meat into an at- tractive pink and gives the distinctive cured flavor. Above all, it inhibits bacterial growth. Once all these ingredients are mixed, they're pumped into cellulose casings and links are made to form in- dividual wieners. After smoking and cooking, the casings are peeled off and the hot dogs are vacuum packaged. When shopping for wieners, look for the round "Canada" mark on the package label. That's your guarantee that the meat has been health inspected and was prepared in compliance with regulations set down by the federal Department of Agriculture. A final point in favor of the hot dog — don't consider it a junk food. One wiener on a bun contains as much pro- tein as two eggs. Food consultants at Agriculture Canada remind you to keep your hot dogs cold by storing in the - refrigerator for. up to three to four days. Or freeze them for two to three weeks. But when the eating time arrives, heat them up and enjoy the all -Canadian hot dog, not only in the ball park! TED V©0GEL And Sons Ltd. BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages * Renovations CUSTOM BUILT Homs Fres Estimates! DASHWOOD R.R. 1 PH: 238-2742 1 sionsammume, MAW 4111111111111111211 towassaffloissososs DIVIDDIR" 111111:41111 OMR 111181111111MISINW 11111111111 11111110111 . 1111111111111110DINDID. sum some Wok 111011111101111* sem. 1111411110111■1111111011 UMW JallaWAINI MEM WWI 11011111100"",410111011 BMW 108111101NEMINEW 11111111111111 WNW 1111111111Umia 11119111111 111110101011MOVIIIIMI MOM WNW JOYAIRDIANI E 1:M 1111111111.111 1111111111111 EDIMIDNIMINAl=ir =ma OEM ng.,WE gaff a i i rE iii n E°orE �r•rEE�� r Maple Leaf Red Sockeye Salmon Weston's Sesame 73/4 oz. $ 1 3 8 %v Kraft Velveeta Cheesy 2 Ib. $2.98 CHICKEN LOAF ,e 98' Rindless.Maple Leaf or Schneiders BACON 1 Ib.p kg., Ib. $ 1 .68 Utility Grade Fresh ASTING 5 lbs. and up, CUICKE , 5 Fresh Select Whole Highliner Haddock FISH STICKS 14 oz. 11 068 PORK LOINS will process no charge, Ib. ��$ Extra lean GROUN ' EEF Ib. Nestles Soup Time Soup Mixes Five Roses All Purpose Flour Li bby's Sauerkraut Rich's Powdered 7lbs. a, S9< '1.3 63' 8' 54' 73' glass jar, 32 oz. Coffee Cr sumer 11 oz Weston's Dinner 'I oils Raspberry Swiss Rolis 12's 4's EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Silverwood's 2%Bug Milk 39191.39 Homo or Skimmed $ 55 3 qts. 1 4' Weston's White Sliced 24 oz. reu 3/x1.19 Butter 29 easill al ----z MMMMMM---e-e--e--------e--e-ill MMMMMMMe----IM---e Ell - VALUABLE COUPON Fresh County Cut Fryer Ports family pack 5 to 6 lbs. avg., Limit 2 packs per family with coupon and $12 order excluding cigarettes, tobacco and coupon item. Ib. 584 Save 30c Ib. Expires April 10 Prices Effective Apr. 5 to 10 STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8-6 Friday 8-9 Sat. 8-6 Open Sunday 9-5 OWN G00D ON tUESDAys 'Tb ANY PERI ON ds YEARYbi AGEoR GIDE UPON 'PRE ENtAtION OFF NEIIL oDYERNMENT HEA4(44WIDAR@IbENTITY DAAD.. SAVE 6%. CASH DISeduNY ON Mini itiEtNAEE'.oN Excluding Cigarettes and Quarters of Beef Palmolive Soap for Dishes Tempo, Extra Strength family pack formerly steak, 32 oz. Garbage Bugs 1.5 ml, 26' Palmoli' a Bath Size Bur Soap Fleischman's Soft Corn oil Margarine GREEN PLANTS Assorted 4" pots each '1.68 2-8 oz. ®3 $1 8 'x36" 68 2's 7 4 '1.04 1 We have all sizes of peat moss for your gardening needs. 6 cu. ft. '5.98 4 cu. ft. $4.98 2 cu. ft. '2.98 - Produce of U.S.A. Sweet Valencia ORANGES Product of U.S.A. Fresh GREEN ONIONS Product of Mexico Vine Ripened TOMATOES TWO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT 1 13's, doz. 98' 2 bunches 48' 3 lbs. 9' BABYNOMUS -CAEH; YOuR PAM,Iy ALLoWANCA'bitOUA At THE TENbfpSPOr AND SAVE 6la ON YOUR KIRCNASE' ONLY Oil 9 of or, ANYtiME.. .y Excluding Cigarettes and Quarters of Beef