HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-04-06, Page 10WINGHAM, ROYAL HOMES LTD. ONTARIO INTRODUCES A NEW FACTORY ENGINEERED HOME (NOT A MOBILE HOME BUT A PERMANENT STRUCTURE INSTALLED ON A FULL BASEMENT) "J U LIO" 7z�r g't f 3Bedrooms plus Dining and Living Room Quality home design and livability. For every function of today's family — spacious interior for formal entertaining plus step saver deluxe kitchen for efficiency. ROYAL HOMES meet all national and local building codes. They are eligible for 25 year — NHA mortgages, at prevailing rates. INQUIRE RE: THE A.H.O.P. C.S.A. Approved BUY NOW! "THE ROYAL WAY OF LIVING" Experienced by numerous repeat orders and recommendations will convince you of your sound investment. ROYAL HOMES LIMITED Box 370 WINGHAM, ONTARIO CALL COLLECT 519-357-2444 Page 10 Citizens News, April 6, 1978. Softball registration later this month Six members were present for the Recreation Com- mittee meeting on Wed- nesday in Varna. Plans are underway for the summer softball programme. Ross Whittaker will again be the co-ordinator. Registration will be at the township hall Varna by Mary Cbessell on Saturday, April 22nd and Saturday, April 29th from 9.00 a.m. to 12 noon. You may register with your closest Rec Committee represen- tative prior to these dates if it is more convenient. Registration notices will appear in this paper on April 13 and April 20. The fee will remain the same as for last ACET 1°CINLEY MOTOR OILS Distributors of Valvoline Quaker State Medallion Main St., Zurich 236-4830 Huron Dead Stock Removal Clinton Attention Farmers For dependable, efficient service on all farm stock, call Collect 482-9811 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week. Call us first, you won't have to call anyone else. JEFFREY BROS. LTD. CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES RENOVATIONS - ALTERATIONS • ELECTRICAL • PLUMBING • (SERVICED) LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM! RR 2 ZURICH 236-4757 year, $3.00 per child or $5.00 per family. - If you can help by coaching a girl s or a boy s team, please contact Ross. Tickets are still available for the Recreation Dance at Hully-Gully on April 15 from any receation member, and are $10,00 per couple. Visit France Sandra and Janice Web- ster were among the twelve students of Clinton High School who spent ten days in Paris, France. While there, they went on a two-day excursion to the Loire Valley, which is similar in some ways to the coun- tryside here. The roads were winding, and led through little vilages and small pockets' of farmland, where there might be only two or three farms together. There were a number of vineyards in the area. They walked down the famous Champs - Elysees Boulevard, visited Notre Dame Cathedral, the Arc de Triomphe, Napoleon's tomb, the Louvres, and had lunch in the Eiffel Tower. BIG BOOST — The community of Bayfield arena $80,000 fund raising campaign got a big boost last week with a $6,- 000 donation from the Lioness club. Here Lioness treasurer Marg Mayman presents the cheque to John Siertsema, chair- man of the Bayfield Community Centre Board, outside the arena's doors. Staff photo The trip was interesting, but the weather was 50 degrees Fahrenheit and wet, which didn't improve the appearance of the drab and dirty areas they saw. Items in the shops were quite ex- pensive, they thought. They were in Paris during the election, which was held on Sunday to accommodate the working people. Travel to Pot* iac Several local lads went on a bus trip to Pontiac, Michigan on Saturday. The trip was arranged by Hully Gully for their motorbike customers. Among those who went were John Dowson, Scott and David Consitt, Brent Taylor, Jeff Chuter and Chuck and Becky Collins. They attended professional- moto-cross races at the huge Silver Dome Stadium. There was a lot of trick riding, ramp jumps, etc., and the kids enjoyed it immensely. Visit Court On Saturday, the Varna 4- H club visited Ivan McClymont's sugar bush, where Ivan showed them the procedures for making syrup. Thenthey went to Joyce Dowson's for a pan- cake dinner. On Monday morning they attended the provincial divisional court at Goderich where a number of cases relating to drugs, alcohol, etc. were being tried. There will be instruction on baby-sitting at Varna Township Hall on Thursday, April 13. Constable Wilson, community services officer with the Goderich O.P.P. is presenting this course, sponsored by the Varna and Parr Line 4-H clubs. Everyone is welcome to attend., especially parents and young people who do baby-sitting. New Residents We'd like to welcome the Mervyn Erb family to the community. They have moved into Webster's house on the former Taylor farm. Mervyn is the new manager of the Agrico plant at Brucefield. Mr. and Mrs. Erb have three small children. Happy Grandparents Bill and Helen Taylor are the happy grandparents of a baby boy, Timothy Alan, born on March 25. His parents are Clare and Lynn Proctor of London. Babies Baptized Two babies received the Sacrament of Baptism in Varna United Church on Sunday. They were Suzanne Marie, daughter of Paul and Elaine Stephenson, and Elizabeth Janine, daughter of Glenn and Lois Hayter. Visit St. Catharines Brian and Joan McAsh were in St. Catharines on Saturday to attend the wedding of Joan's cousin, Danielle Williams, to Terry Monaghan. A very beautiful five -story wedding cake was baked and decorated by the bride's grandfather, a retired baker. u For details on plans covering Corn, Spring Grain, Beans & New Forage Seeding call: P.A. Roy 17 Gibbings St., CLINTON, Ontario 482-9357 DEMOLITION BID Demolition documents and information are available immediately from the office of: The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, zurich, Ontario. Demolition Bids sub- mitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked as to contents will be received by the under- signed until 3 p.m., April 14, 1978. The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Zurich, Ontario, NOM 2T0. Telephone: (519) 236-4332 or 236- 4381. Lieutenant Watt and members of the Salvation Army from the Goderich Citadel visited the Home on Saturday afternoon and presented each of the residents with a copy of their quarterly magazine. Marie Flynn, Ken Dale, Norman Speir, Cecil Skinner and Rodney Stewart provid- ed the old-tyme music for Monday's program. Debbie and Dawn Flynn entertained with step -dancing numbers with vocal solos by. Ken Dale. The Clinton Christian Reformed volunteers assist- edwith the activities. A group of musicians from the Winchelsea area provid- ed the program for Family Night. The five musicians included Doug, David and Doris Stephen, Lorne Elford, LaVerne Rodd and Clifford Jaques. There were accordion solos, harmonica duets, a vocal quartette, several numbers by the group and a sing -a -long. Cecil Skinner, a personal friend of the entertainers, expressed the appreciation of the residents. Ed Stiles, Goderich visited the Home Thursday afternoon and played an hour of organ music in the Chapel. NAME • ADDRESS TOWN PHONE I HAVE LOT YES 0 NO ❑ REQUEST INFO. ON — TRUSSES 0 DRIVE IN SHEDS 0 COMPONENT HOMES 0 POLE BARNS 0 DURING OUR SPRING MEMORIAL SALE * Two Completely Renovated Showrooms * All Sizes, Colors, Shapes and Price Ranges. * All Priced Below 1978 Prices. * Plus Special Winter Work and Cash Discounts. , 111111111111111111111111111111ID11111111111111tmuutmuuntuuutuuuuuuuuummmunumuui