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Zurich Citizens News, 1978-02-16, Page 7
P ...10:1..1.— _. JllNllUl Ullllllllllll1112n;!iltfj SAVE KNELLING 'N‘x ‘‘.% \\RUSTICE� Save 2.00 Per Sheet ©nk.°Old Spanish" an "Rustic Pine" Citizens News, February 16, 1978 Page 7 Now in its 2nd BIG WEEK Discount Dave's "Carnival of Values!!!” ul"tAlAIO"' 1P4IS1j OUR USUAL CASH & CARRY 13.99 1 Multipurpose SUPER 1A1O For all 3 classes of fires. Not only liquids such as gasoline, oil, paint and cooking fat AND electrical fires such as motors, appliances andd switches BUT ALSO class A fires such as paper, wood, fabric, rubber and certain plastics, YOU'VE DOTTOSEEIT 0 BELIEVE IT! ' 299 A TRULY Sensational PRICE! REFILLABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Complete With MOUNTING BRACKET & PRESSURE GAUGE Wit OUR USUAL CASH & CARRY 19.95 MI The names we give to all our panels are simply intended to convey to the reader the color and appearance of the panels. Most of our panels are prints or paper overlays. Here's a good look- ing panel at a vrice • economp icountcaDFirtave's. l p See it this week at Dis Qvwlity 4x8 panel Shop An Compare! BUT HURRY! BUY NOW WHILE STOCKS LAST! INCLUDES VEHICLE MOUNTING BRACKET ONLY 21 OR SUPER 116,1 REFILLABLE EXTINGUISHER Shown here is the SUPER 6 refill- able dry chemical fire extinguisher with pressure gauge and safety handle discharge. It's effective on Class B and Class C fires; liquids such as gasoline, oil, paint, cooking fat AND electrical fires such as motors, appliances, swit- ches. FLECYT. Wood stain Alill IS ' Liti �ntut,e' Poul' apl' a..ir At Discount Dave's, ooking you'll find everything you need to get a professional l , job! �, •011 sliqa' Show At Right, #105 5 -DRAWER CHEST J 7 SP- Model 125 STUDENT'S DESK Pre -sanded and ready to finish fur- niture. A good selection including the pieces shown, the student's desk, the wardrobe and the 5 -drawer chest. They're specially priced now at Discount Dave's! 4 saL!! 1OONYLOE CARP. !STORE HOURS MATTHEWS MON.-THURS. 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. FRIDAY 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. SATURDAY 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Delivery And Credit. terms Avaitabi', At Extra Cost KITCHENER KINCARDINE WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST MON.-THURS. 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. FRIDAY 8 A.M. . 9 P.M. SATURDAY 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Arnherstburg, Kingsville, Goderich, Rldgetown, Owen Sound and Southampton: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. till 5:30 p',m., Saturday 1111 4 p.m.! Exeter, Grand Bend, Harrow, West Lorne and Thedlord close Saturday at 1:00 p.m. 16 Branches to Serve You Including: AMHERSTBURG 736-2151 HARROW 738-2221 KINGSVILLE 733-2341 RIDGETOWN 674-5465 EXETER, 235-1422 GRAND BEND 238.2374 GODERICH 524-8321 KINCARDINE 396.3403 WINDSOR EAST 727-6001 WINDSOR WEST 734-1221 MATTHEW'S 254-1143 WEST LORNE 768-1520 KITCHENER , 744.6371 OWEN SOUND 376-3181 SOUTHAMPTON 797.3245 THEDFORD 298-4991 KITCHENER Out -Of -Town Call Free of charge 1-800.265.8990 or 1-800-285.8991 It's called Castle Harbour, a beautifully sculp- tured hi -lo textured loop in 100% nylon that's stain resistant and non -allergenic, too. And just wait till you see the enchanting colors available! They include Bermuda Blue, Earth Nut, Orange Embers and Starshell Beige. Not All Colors Available At All Branches. CUSTOM INSTALLATION by TRAINED INSTALLERS Available At Extra Cost! )7 4'x8' RIGID INSULATION Easy to install and acts not only as a barrier to cold and dampness but also tones down outside noises. WIii'LITE CASTLE HARBOUR by Coronet • hile Stocks 5tE tAw COROW 0 SALE ENDS ON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1978 Our Usual Cash & Carry Price 4.99 All Prices Shown are Cash & Carry HARC, FC!— ..a.. NA WM A (-3 0( Falreml.Aul *I KITCNENEII s 1_I KINCARDINE 589 Fairway Road South nes Hwy. 21 North opposite the Sutton the Mall. Phone 744-8371 Park Inn. Phone 396. 3403 Highway 2 at Springmount Corner. Phone 378-3181 LP\eH-,an InsomilM 1, 411EDFORD -�.....,t�.i. 1111.\ •�. aiscouir II @1' HOME CENTRES N� tilwl Mt NMI Lit .avid A Olv.S'ON Ofemaigth LUMefa CO LTO TMn Hwy. 82 approx. 1 th miles weet of Thsdlord. Ph. 296-4991 Lots of Free Parking