HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1978-02-16, Page 2and thanked them for their dedication and also to Mrs. LeBeau for opening her home, During the business. session it was suggested that because of over abundance of Altar linens, that perhaps they should be checked and shared. Also under discussion was the purchase of a Cope for Reverend Bennett. Mrs. Lillian Higgins president and Mrs. Helen LeBeau secretary were returned to office for another year by acclamation and Pat Van Potter offered her services as secretary from the retiring Vina Parker. 129th Anniversary services of Trinity Church were discussed and will be brought to the attention of Trinity Board of Management for its ap- proval. Miss Kay Reid donated some hand embroidery of a veil and burse in Lutheran green and ivory, from France in the Tudor Rose pattern. It was a work of art done by Miss Reid and a friend and also a credance cloth beautifully em- broidered by Miss Reid. Reverend Bennett has been asked to send their thanks to those responsible for the gifts of the lovely new linens. ' Page 2 Citizens News, February 16, 1979 Anglican church will celebrate 70th anniversary of scouting Reverend William Bennett celebrated Holy Com- munion, Sunday morning in Trinity Anglican Church, He was assisted by server Andrew Erickson. During the Communion Service, Reverend Bennett Hayfield by Mitrona Erickson dedicated six Prayer Books. Two from Dick and Ruth Moore in memory of Tammy Archer; two from Catherine Cluff, Cindy and Colleen in memory of her husband and the girls father, William H. Cluff and two from Milvena Erickson in memory of . her cousin, H. Newton Sturgeon: Robert Scott and Morgan Smith received the offering and Jeanne Bennett and Cindy Cluff taught Sunday School. Lillian Higgins read the epistle for the First Sunday in Lent dealing with the proofs of St. Pauls faith- fulness. The topic for Reverend Bennett's sermon was "Self- dicipline" and he suggested that now is the time to find your Bibles dust them off and read, mark, learn and inwardly digest what is written. Facts indicate that Lent is not what it used to be. Christ found ignorance, super- stition, 'disease in the world of his time. So do we! He gave Himself completely and utterly to serve the common interest of everyone in the world. So should we! Indeed --that is what the gospel calls upon us to do. Lent is important. It must, each year, give the energy and faith to carry out what is clearly God's purpose at a point in human history which is crucial for all men everywhere. The Rector announced that next Sunday marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Scouting Movement by Lord _Baden Powell and in keeping with Boy Scout and Girl Guiding week (February 19 to 26) the Bayfield, Brownies will at- tend Trinity Church and have a new Brownie Flag 'dedicated. Brownie leader Eleanore Ritchie will read the lesson at the Sung Mattins service at 10:00 a.m. The Brownies meet each week in Trinity Parish Hall. Elect Officers On Thursday, ten mem- bers of Trinity Anglican Church Chancel Guild met at the home of Helen LeBeau. Jeanne Bennett read from "Good News for Modern Man" taken from the book of Matthew. President Lillian - -Higgins welcomed everyone Valentine party a success, all age groups participate The Stanley Recreation Commission had a suc- cessful Valentine Skating Party again this year, with skaters of all ages par - Varna by Mary Chessell ticipating. Prize winners were: youngest girl skater, Brenda Consitt, youngest boy, David Draper, lady skater wearing the most red, Mrs. Donna McBeath, oldest man skating, Mat Webster, coupie with anniversary closest to Valentine's Day, Dave and Bonnie Roy, girl with birthday closest to Valentine's Day, Shelly Hayter, boy with birthday closest to Valentine's Day, Steven Taylor, family with the most members skating, Harold Dalrymple's family. The hockey trophy in the Mothers vs. Daughters game went to the Mothers this year in a close contest. The program wound up with a broomball game between two men's teams. Win prizes There were twelve tables of euchre at the L.O.L. card party on Friday night at the township hall. Prize winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner; low, Mrs. John Ostrom; men's high, Bill Pepper; low, Bob Stirling. Draw prizes were won by Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Charles Reid, Mrs. Fred WANTED SECRETARY7TREASURER FOR BAYFIELD AREA FIRE BOARD REMUNERATION NEGOTIABLE Apply in writing by March 1, to G. Graham Clerk -Treasurer Box 99, Bayfield Thursday, March 2nd The Blue Bonnet formally Gascho's Drygoods Watch for Opening Specials In Next Weeks Issue Some Articles Reduced As Much As 50 to 60% Telford and Mrs. Wat Webster. Completes Ski-athon Paul Consitt completed the ten -kilometre course in the Ski-athon for the Mentally Retarded on Sunday. He had pledges totalling $123.00. Well done, Paul. Breaks leg George Whittaker had a very painful accident on Sunday, when he broke his leg while skating. It will be in a cast for several weeks. Personals Dave and Kathy Mustard spent is o marvellous weeks in Jamaica, near Montego Bay, recently. They had lovely warm weather. They took one tour to Dunn's River Falls where the scenery was very beautiful. There were several couples from . this area holidaying there. Bill and Helen Taylor have returned from a vacation in southern Texas. They visited many of the well-known centres, San Antonio, Laredo, Corpus Christi, Brownsville and South Padre Island. Bev and Shirley Hill spent a pleasant two weeks camping, mostly in Brownsville, Texas, with trips to South Padre Island, Mexico, etc, and with stopovers at Nashville and Windsor on the way home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Horton visited with them for a few days in Brownsville. More hubcaps among missing One more case of missing hubcaps was added to the list being investigated by the Exeter OPP. The latest theft involved four hubcaps from a van owned by Bryan Fink, Hensall. They were valued at $91. The police are in- vestigating the theft of hubcaps from three other vehicles in the Hensall and Zurich areas. One incident of vandalism was also reported. Two windows at the Usborne Central School were smashed sometime over the weekend. Damage was estimated at $125. Boost YOUR HOME TOWN Bean supper soon The reguler meeting of Unit 1, U.C.W. of St. Andrew's United Church was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Doris Reddoch. There were 18 members present and Miss Ruby Comrie was a guest. The devotional period was led by Miss Dorothy Cox assisted by Mrs. Nellie McRae and Mrs. Esther Makins. The book, "Great People of the Bible and How They Lived" was used as the basis for an inspiring study of the important events in Christ's life, leading up to the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Mrs. Jean Greer con- ducted the business meeting. The World Day of Prayer will be held March 3 in St. Andrew's United Church. The ladies are reminded of the Annual Bean Supper sponsored by the Board of Stewards on Saturday March 25. Cancer can be beaten PUBLIC SKATING ZURICH ARENA Sat., Feb. 18 due to prior reservation wambilumorami Ontario ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO THE Confidentiality of Health ecords in Ontario By Order -in -Council dated the 21st day of December, 1977, The Honourable Mr. Justice Horace Krever was appointed pursuant to The Public Inquiries Act, 1971, to: 1. review all legislation administered by the Minister of Health (for example, The Public Hospitals Act, The Health Disciplines Act, The Health Insurance Act and The Mental Health Actl, together with any other relevant legislation administered by other Ministers, • and any Regulations passed thereunder, to determine whether proper protection is given to the rights of persons who have received, or who may receive, health services, to preserve the confidentiality of information respecting them collected under that legislation; 2. to review the legality of the administrative processes under the above Acts; and 3. to report thereon to the Minister of Health with any recommendations for necessary amendments to the .legislation and the Regulations passed thereunder. NOTICE OF HEARING The first session of the Commission will be convened on Monday, the 20th day of February, 1978, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Sutton Place Hotel, 955 Bay Street at Wellesley, Toronto, Ontario, for the purpose of establishing procedures and granting, status to interested individuals and organizations. Any- one intending to participate in the Commission's hearings is invited to attend and may make submissions at the above noted time. The dates, times and places of public hear- ings will be announced at a later time. -- The Commission is asking for opinions, com- ments and information from all interested in- dividuals and organizations. Anyone wishing to make a written submission or deliver relevant information to the Commission may do so, addressing it to: ROYAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF HEALTH RECORDS IN ONTARIO, 22nd Floor, 180 Dundas Street West, TORONTO, Ontario M5G 1Z8. Telephone: (4161 965-4003 The Hon. Mr. Justice Horace Krever, Commissioner. Harvey T. Strosberg, Counsel to the Commission.