Zurich Citizens News, 1974-12-23, Page 22PAGE 22
In a world torn with vio-
lence at almost every lev-
el, through formally or in-
formally declared war, in
rioting, anarchy, in cruel
discrimination, it is diffi-
cult for thinking people to
truly experience Christ-
Yet, through the very
meaning of Christ's corn-
ing, every man, of every
persuasion . . , whether
„Christian" or not, can
take Christmas to his
heart and profit by it.
For Christ personified
brotherhood, abiding love,
tolerance; if Christians
have gotten away some-
what through the "out-
ward and visible signs,"
the ceremonials and the
trappings — perhaps this
is the year to. come home
to Christ,
Whatever the rest of
the Nvorld is doing, let each
of us celebrate Christ's
birth in our individual,
personal ways.
Let us forget self. let us
truly open our hearts, to
genuinely offer friendship
and brotherly love.
Let us "d0" for of he rs.
not ,lust through organ-
ized charities, or group ef-
forts, Discover the thrill
of assisting some less for-
tunate person, someone
who may have much of
this world's goods, but be
impoverished otherwise.
This is the Christmas
to relinquish those petty -
grievances, and perhaps
the important ones, as
This is the Christmas to
really show those you love
that you do love them, in
important, little ways .. .
and in large ways, too. It
is so human to take care of
the vital, "large" ways,
and overlook the small,
also vital ways ! This is the
year to do something
about that.
Arctic Reindeer Flourish,
Crucial to Man's Survival
Reindeer flourish in large numbers near the Arctic Circle
in Europe, Asia, and North America. Norway, Sweden,
Finland, Russia, and Alaska are all places where herds
of at least semi -domesticated reindeer are accustomed to
working with man, particularly the Laplanders.
The reindeer provides a vital source of food, clothing,
and even transportation for many peoples living on the
edge of the arctic world. Among other things, reindeer
milk is as rich as the cream of cow's milk, although avail-
able in much smaller quantities.
There are several species of reindeer in North America,
where it is called the caribou, ranging from the woodland
species, which is found in wild northern woods, through
the barren ground caribou, which is the slightly larger but
close cousin of the European reindeer, to the Peary caribou,
living north of the Arctic Circle.
The present domesticated reindeer of Europe and Asia,
where it can be found in single herds of up to 30,000, is a
descendant of the barren ground species of those regions
and has been successfully introduced into Alaska as a
stock animal. These tame reindeer are gentle and easily
Reindeer and caribou feed primarily on mosses and
lichens in the subarctic regions, a type of fodder which
takss time to replenish itself. As a result, reindeer and
those who depend on them for a livelihood are nomadic
and have no permanent home, since they must move at
frequent intervals to find an adequate food supply.
..n this
merry season,
we are pleased to
greet and thank
all our loyal
Le l's Plumbing, Heating & Electric
PHONE 236-4182
Students write to Santa Cluus
Dear Santa;
I liked the toys I got last year.
I played with them a lot, they
were nice. This year I would
like abirtlistone ring. It is
dark gree. I also would like
liquid thread. Thank you.
When you come there will be
a cool<ie, on the table. I hope
you will like it.
(by Sandra Willert) Grade III
(by Wendy Vanderhoel)
Dear Santa Claus;
How are you Santa Claus?
I like you very much, Santa
Claus your coat is very furry.
What liavc you been doing?
Guess what I want for Christ-
mas? I want a few things for
Christmas. My mother will
leave something for your little
snack. We will have so much
toys to take care of. Do you
know want my best toy is.
My best toy is a hoola hoop.
I like you Santa Claus. Are
your elfs working? Yes they are
working. Grade III
(by Lori Turkheim)
Dear Santa Claus;
Thank you Santa for the bike,
and for my books. Now for
Christmas this year I would like
an easy bake overn, and maybe
a quick girl barbie. But most of
all I would like a Barbie center.
Dear Santa there is two more
things 1 would like. That is a
careg for my bike. And most of
all a mister story. Thank you
very much Santa. But there is
one more tiling and thats snow-
mobile boots. And we will also
leave some cookies and tea
for you. Grade III
(by Kevin Lavery)
Dear Santa Claus;
I saw thankful for the things
that you gave isle last year.
I would like some more toys, I
will put some milk and cookies
on the table went Igo to bed.
I would want air plane and a
case of cars. Grade III
(by Kevin Livingston)
Dear Santa Claus;
Thank you for all the nice
things last year. This year I
will leave some cookies and
milk on the table. For you and
for Christmas I want a pair of
snowmobile boots, and a snow-
mobile suit. I would also
like a pair of cowboy boots.
Grade III
(by Karen Steinbach)
Dear Santa Claus;
I liked my presents last year.
Thank you. I would like an ice
maker, a quick curl barbie, a
guitar, a toy carmera with a
Lassie filen. I would like these
things if you have then, We
will leave a door opened so
that you will be able to get in.
We will leave some cookies for
you and carrots for the rein-
deer. You can decide if you
want to give nee anything else.
Thank you. Grade III
(by Shelley Horner)
I liked the things you gave
me last year..It was really too
much. There was so much I
didn't know where to start.
There will be some milk and
cookies on the coffie table by
the coach. The door will be
open so please don't go the
other way. I'd like a Micky
Mouse toothbrush for Christmas
and some chalk for my chalk
board. Have a Merry Christmas
and A Happy New Year.
Grade III
(by Lisa Gingerich)
Dear Santa Claus;
I am thankful that there is
a Christmas, if there would not
be a Christmas, we would not
have any presents. This Christ-
mas, I want a radio, and a
electrick telephone, I also
want a box with a barby head.
I want a lot more things, but
I have to go now, By.
Grade III
(by Richard Kuepfer)
Dear Santa Claus;
I liked the toys you gave me
last year and this year I want
a racing set, a pare of snow-
mobile boots, new skates, a
Big Jim rescue rig and a Kung
Fu studio and there will be a
glass of milk and two cookies
on the table for you. Grade III
(by Allyson Shephard)
Dear Santa;
How are you Santa? I am
fine. What have you been doing'
Do you know what I want for
Christmas? I would like four
things. First I would like a
chalkboard. Also I would like
two games called Payday and
the Inventors and a barby pool
party. Those are the four things
I would like very much if I had
these things. Well better go now,
by. See you soon. Grade III
(by Shelley ilaggitt)
Dear Santa;
Thank you for the things you
gave to Inc last year, This year
I'd like a Barbie's pool party.
I'd like a walky talky. Look on
the table in the living room for
some mill< and cookies.
Grade III
(by Jeff Consitt)
Dear Santa Claus;
Santa Claus I like everything
you gave me and, you sure tip
toed, I didn't here a thing.
I play with my toys all day.
I never got sleep by playing
things. I won my dad playing
hockey and I never got sick at
all. Dear Santa, I love thein
all. Santa Claus pleas bring me
anything I don't carry just Santa
Claus bring me anything.
Grade I1I
Were joining these carolers iii their
heartfelt refrain: Peace on earth
... good will toward incn. Season's best
to all. To all, our special thanks.
May your hearth and home be
blessed with Christmas riches .. .
health, happiness, joy and peace!
Thanks for your patronage.
Siratic Real Estate Lt
Phone 236-1028