Zurich Citizens News, 1974-11-21, Page 16THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE J7 a I 1. 1 1. 1 1$ 1, 1f f !. . .., . DAS/IW000 and DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader nom The November meeting was under the direction of the stew- ardship and recruiting group with Mrs. Harold Hendrick, chairlady. A reading was given by Mrs. Sycl Neeb followed by a prayer by Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mrs. Don Gaiser gave a read- ing, "In God's Hands." Mrs. Bruce Guy read the scripture reading and Mrs. Hendrick led in prayer. A film, "Apartment 209, " was presented. This was inspir- ed by John Kellerman and the Department of the Ontario Governrnent produced it. President, Mrs. Mervyn Tie- rnan, conducted the business. The ladies donated to Care, CNIB, Leprosy Mission, Child- ren'a Aid, Bible Society, Crippled Child Treatment Centre, War Meinorial Hospital and World Relief. The Christ- mas dinner will be held Dec- ember 10. The Sunshine com- mittee is Mrs. Lloyd Guenther and Mrs. Jack Gaiser. Rev. Bruce Guy read the report of the nominating com- mittee and the following are the officers for 1975. Past pres- ident, Mrs. Gordon Bender, president, Mrs. Mervy Tiernan; first vice-president, Mrs. Don Gaiser; second vice-president, Mrs. Hugh Boyle; recording Bowling scores at Zurich Lanes LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE, November 11, 1974 Total Points Points 28 23 21 47 35 6 20 33 18 54 55 38 Alley Oops - Mary Laporte - 565 Angels - Carmel Sweeney - 585 Ups & Downs - Irene Hartman - 507 Road Runners - Helen Faber - 636 Jolly Six - Mona Campbell - 630 Happy Gang - Sheila Willert - 503 Dashwood Tigerettes - Carol Luther - 460 Slow Pokes - Helen Ryan - 560 Super Six - Rita Mommersteeg - 652 Packers - Leona Rader - 588 Starlites - Pat Schroeder - 596 Town & Country Six - Hilda Vanderhoeck - 573 HIGH SINGLE - Erla Srnale - 298 HIGH TRIPLE - Anita Faber - 692 HIGH AVERAGE - Leona Rader - 199 MENS BOWLING LEAGUE, November Discount Daves - 13111 Vanderwerp - 645 Go Getters - Hugh McEwen - 675 Flyers - Earl Horner - 583 Wild Bunch - Doug Debus - 641 Blue Water - Gary Rau - 548 Head Pins - Mozart Gelinas Jr. -562 D,J.'s - Joe Kenda Jr. - 545 Rockets - Orlan Schwartzentruber -644 HIGH SINGLE - Bill Smith - 344 HIGH TRIPLE - Jiin Bedard - 757 HIGH AVERAGE - Tony Bedard - 213 12, 1974 4 37 3 39 0 37 7 23 2 22 5 30 4 30 3 34 JUST ARRIVED TWO DEEP FREEZERS BY I L. S CO hi OF GUELPH ZURICH HARDWARE PHONE 236-4911 MAIN INTERSECTION — ZURICH secretary, Mrs. Jack Gaiser; assistant, Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson; treasurer Mrs. William Chandl- er; pianist, Mrs. Ken McCrae; assistant, Mrs. Mervy Tiernan; card convenor, Mrs. Harry Hoffman, assistant, Mrs. Stu- art Wolfe; flower convenor, Mrs. Harry Hoffman; Sunshine and church flower committee. Mrs. Jessie Rader and Mrs. Ralph Weber; program commit- tee, the executive; auditors, Mrs. Letta Taylor and Mrs. T.1 - Hoffman. LADIES AID Group IV of Zion Lutheran Church Ladies Aid was in charge of devotions and lunch for the November meeting with Mrs. Louella Tiernan, oonven- or Pastor Frank Morgret took as the topic, "Sermons, " He dis- cussed bis method of preparing a sermon and passed out several of the many books he uses. The ladies then discussed the interpretation of several Bible passages. Mrs. Arnold Becker, presid- ent, dealt with the business. There were 18 members present, The Altar Guild made fifteen visits and took four treats. The new Guild is Mrs. Louella Tie- rnan and Mrs. Hilda Haugh. • Mrs. Irvin Rader and Mrs. Lorne Becker are the nominat- ing committee for a new sec- retary. Donations were made to the Children's Aid, Blind, Missions and the Lutheran Hour. 4-H MEETING The Tea Totin Twelve held their fourth meeting at Mrs. Delmar Miller's home Novem- ber 12. The leaders discussed formal and informal teas. They also showed the girls the dainty sandwiches served at a tea. At their formal tea the girls served sandwiches, which they made, hot tea, and finger squ- ares. Friends from Dashwood att- ended the 25th wedding anniv- ersary of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Holobowitz, Kitchener, at the Polish Legion Hall. Joey Becker, twelve year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Becker, was thrilled to be one of 25 Freee Press carrier boys to be guests of the London Free Press on a trip to Montreal. They flew to Montreal where they stayed at the Sherriton Royal Hotel. They enjoyed tours of Montreal and saw the Vancouver -Montreal hockey game Saturday night. Joey arrived home Sunday night, tired, but delighted with the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J1rn Ilaytcr and family, Goderich, were in Windsor, Sunday, where they visited wit Varna EXPLORERS Luann Taylor opened the meeting. The purpose motto was recited and the hymn sung. The offering was taken up by Tanis Chuter and the dedication repeated. The treasurer and secretary's rep- ort were read. Sorne letters that were received from their adopted girl were read. It was decided to send her $15 for Christmas. The girls read their Bibles and worked on crafts. Prayer was said. Luann closed the meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Bruce and celebrated Joe's birthday. Jim Becker, Lawrence Beck- er and Michael Hartman were among a group of hunters in the Parry Sound district who bagg- ed three deer. Sharon Rader and Bill Ben- nett, London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader. TOWNSHIP OF HAY MUNICIPAL ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, that in compl- iance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1974, a Ballot will be held for the following offices, REEVE and COUNCIL POLLS WILL BE OPEN ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1974 Frorll 11 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 o'clock in the after- noon at the following locations! POLL NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOCATION JIM SANGSTER, RES., -LOT 7, CON, 4 DAVE INGRAM, RES., -LOT 21, CON. 2 HAY TWP. HALL - VILLAGE OF ZURICH GLEN THIEL, RES„ -LOT 20, CON. 14 E. GUENTHER BLOCK -VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD BAYVIEW GOLF CLUB -LOT 13, 14, CON. L.R.E. An Advance Poll will be open in the Clerk's Office of the Municipality of the Township of flay, on Saturday, November 23, 1974 from 11 o'clock in the forenoon to 8 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of receiving votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on the regular polling day. All elections are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. ZURICH, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 18, 1974 WAYNE C. HORNER RETURNING OFFICER chair LAY -A -WAY NOW,„ for CHRISTMAS Don't forget WE HAVE MOM Too! OUR GREATEST SELECTION EVER... RECLINERS FOR SITTING BACK ...STRETCHING OUT REST ROCKERS, RECLINERS, ROCKER RECLINERS, SWIVEL ROCKERS, LAZ-Y-BOYS, ETC. PRICES START AS LOW AS $59. 00 Westlake Furniture PHONE 236-4365 - ZURICH