HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-11-21, Page 9THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE c South Huron AMR discuss projects Common interests were dis- cussed at the board meeting of the South Huron Association for the Mentally Retarded when members of the Lainbton Ass- ociation were guests. The main topic of dicsussion was the new home being plan- ned for Thedford for young people. The young people from this new home vould use the facilities of the ARC work- shop in Dashwood. Martin Van Raay, chairman of YACHMR, presented a chequt for $1,50 0, the proceeds from the Skate-a-thon held last May, The board discussed day care centres in the neighbouring municipalities and the feasibil- ity of seeking methods of co- operation to help the handicap- ped children through these centres. Progress on the brief to the Boards of Education in Huron and Lambton and the two County Council was reported. 0 Bayfield news The November Meeting of Unit One of St. Andrews United Church women was held at the home of Mrs. Reddoch on Thurs day, November 8 with 17 mein- bers present. Mrs. Lloyd Makins was in charge of the devotional period, Her theme was "Learning to Walk in Step with God's Time,' She stressed the need for a time of quiet in our daily lives; a time to wait and a time to strengthen our faith. Mrs. Margaret Scotchmer was in charge of the business meeting. plans for a joint meeting were discussed for December and an appeal from Hurnnview was read. They are asking for don- ations to make their Christmas Bazaar a success. The president thanked Mrs. Reddoch and the members of the lunch committee, Mrs. Jean Greer, Mrs. Clara Johns- ton and Mrs. Dorothy Merrier. St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A., B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 10: a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School Everyone Welcome Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 10 a.m.- Sunday School 11 a. m. - Worship Service 8 p.m. - Sun. Evening Service Wednesday Evening - Prayer and Bible Study 8 p. m._ Choose ye this day whoin ye will serve 0 people --as ye stand at the break of day, As it were at the foot of the hill Will you halt and think ere you choose your way, For choose you must, not choose you may; Yes, shoose you must and will Josh; 24 : 15 Everyone Welcome Nommsmemmatimmome Golden Glimpses , . i a Most of us are glad the snow has gone, but we are still not too happy with the replace- ment of fog and drizzle. Per- haps good nippy weather would be better for all the aching bones. Monday evening was film night. The films shown were "Christmas Customs Near and Far" and East 1, West 1." Following the movies, refresh- ments were served. Tuesday morning Mr. Law- rence Wein of Exeter joined the residents in the dining -room and accompanied thele in a sing -a -long. On Tuesday evening, the members of the Crediton Wom- en's Institute sponsored the monthly birthday party. Sever- al musical numbers and a num- ber of readings were given, which were very much enjoyed. Following the program, sand- wiches and birthday cake were served. Residents having birth- days during the month of November are Mrs. Alice Baker Zurich 4-H group decorate cup cakes for project (by Carol Smith) Our last 4-H meeting was held at the home of Jannie Willerts at 7:30, November 11, 1974. We discussed decorating cup cakes. Each girl had to make two decorated cup cakes. We then had the pleasure of eating the ones we had made. We also had to write back a reply to an invitation. Our next meeting is our tea at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 24 10 a.m, - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Church Service Everyone Welcome immumamm Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.- Sun Church School MEDITATION Behold happy is the man whom God correcteth;therefore despise not thou the chastening- of hasteningof the Alinighty, for He mak- ed.) sore and He bindeth up. He woundeth, and His hands hake whole. Job 5: 17, 18 Everyone Welcome Miss Luella Kuntz, Mrs. Jane McGregor and Mrs. Susie Snid- er, Birthday gifts were distrib- uted, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary. The sympathy of residents and staff is extended to the family of the late Mr. Henry Flaxbard, On Wednesday evening, the young people of Zurich Men- nonite Church entertained the residents with a musical prog- ram. On Friday evening bingo was .enjoyed, followed by refresh- ments. We welcome Mrs. Alice Phillips to our Moine, On Saturday afternoon the annual anniversary' bake sale and tea was held at the Houle. 1 ani sure the Ladies Auxiliar were very grateful for the don- ations of baking, bazaar items and for the large number who attended the tea. Proceeds will help with the projects plan, sed for resident comforts, The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Donald Beck, of llensall United Church. I\1rs. Lenora Turkheilu presided at the organ and acc- ompanied the Hensel' choir who sang several numbers. Special Musical numbers during the chapel service is always very much appreciated by the residents. About people you know! Rev. L.H. Kalbfleisch cond- ucted the regular service in Trinity Lutheran Church, Ayton and St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Neustadt, on Sunday, November 17. He was accomp- anied by his wife. Rev. and Mrs, S.J. Wittig, Waterloo, were visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Kalb- fleisch last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Neeb and Edward, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Meyers, motored to Kingsville, to visit the Jack Miner Sanctuary. To see the wild fowl and the thousands of geese resting and feeding, was a wonderful sight to behold. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cecile, of Tecumseh, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Sweeney, in Zurich. HOME-MADE Sausage PORK Spare `'' ibs CANADIAN BONELESS Pot Roasts LB LB LB SCHNEIDER'S TIIURINGER BY -THE -PIECE Sausage 61 9c BURN'S 10 LB BOX 1,4 Weiners LB4o98 BURN'S BY-TIIE-PIECF. Sausage SUMMER 1.38 READY -TO -EAT 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 LB AVERAGE Din a Has 1.58 1 58 SC1INLIDER'S Breaded cool<cd leas or breasts ¢e ' Chicken 11/L LB BAG 1 ®38 GRADE "A" Fresh Ca ons 6-10 LB AVERAGE 678< BEAT THE HIGH CQSI' OF EATING...SHOP THESE SUPER SPECIALS -Nevem bei 25, 26, 27 GROUND 10 LBS & OVER Chuck ONTARIO NO 1 - 75 LB BAG Potatoes LB MAXWELL HOUSE 10 OZ JAR - INSTANT Coffee $2.39 WM MOVE TIN MOOT TO UNIT :fly. 40 OZ BOTTLES - plus deposit Coke/Fanta 3/$1.09 PEPSI or CANADA DRY 10 OZ TINS CANNE POP CASE OF $3.59 NEW CINNAMON DANISI-1 16 OZ BAGS D:',; E'S COOKIES \,10NARC1.1 CAKE & PASTRY rItitUr 7BAG $1.15 MAXWELL HOUSE 1 LB BAG Coffee $1.19 1.1 E1NZ 11 OZ ketchup 2/75G WESTON'S 12 OZ ANGEL FOOD C ke 791 DUNCAN IIINES ALL VARIETIES C Mix 69c ROYAL 3 OZ JELLY Powders 4/89G With every purchase of $10 or More, fill in this coupon and drop it into our store. DRAW FOR $25 MERCHANDISE (Name) (Address) Last week's winner: Mrs. L. MacLennan, R. R.2, Grand Bend Open Monday to Thursday - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ?riday, 8 to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 8 to 7 p.m. THE TENDER SP PHONE 238-2512 — GRAN END