HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-11-07, Page 2PAGE 2 Liberal Leader Robert Nixon's non -confidence motion debated in the House this week and which dealt with the Govern- ment's failure to bring forward effective programs to moderate the inflationary pressures on the cost of living, especially in the areas of food, rent and fuel, was received with some adverse criticism. There seem to be a general lack of understanding as to the non -confidence motion. This is a means of getting serious debate on the floor of the House The Liberal Party as the Offic- ial Opposition is allowed two non -confidence motions a year whereas the New Democratic Party as the third party, is all- owed one non -confidence mot- ion during one session. In fact the Liberals were criticized for not making use of this device. The Liberal Party when intr- oducing the non -confidence motion, as a minority party, did not expect to win the vote in this context but was only affording the opportunity to dis- cuss inflation in the areas where it is of utmost concern to the people. During the debate these vital issues were discussed and by way of specific proposals, Mr. Nixon strongly urged that a commitment for a balanced or surplus budget in 1975-76, must come from the Premier, that a price review procedure must be established by the Province and that a municipal rent review procedure be est - LIBERAL ETING Hensall Legion Hall THURSDAY, NOV. 14 8 P.M. Speaker: JACK RIDDELL, MPP Election of Municipal Chairman for Hensall Queens Park ablislted, whereby a Board should have powers to call wit- nesses and compel evidence as arbitrators in landlord -tenant rent disputes. Mr. Nixon said that expanded powers should be given to the Ontario Energy Board, so that all fuel prices, as well as energy prices could come under its jurisdiction. Ontario's position in negotiating with the federal government in this regard should be predicated on the policy that price increase for Canadian resources trust serve all Canadians and not just those in the Province of origin. Mr. Stephen Lewis, Leader of the New Democratic Party, in support of the Non -confident( motion said that the New Dem- ocratic Party understood the in- ternational realities of inflation, they understood the continental realities, and that they accept- ed the Premier's contention that inflation and the pressures on the cost of living generally are very much a national phenomenon and that it is, therefore, difficult for a prov- ince to intercede. He felt, however, that there are ways for the Province of Ontario to intrude itself in defence of the consumer, and that there has been a total abdication of resp- onsibility on the part of the Government --in fact, a kind of surrendering of the right to govern --by not intruding on behalf of the consumer and protecting the consumer in a situation quite so desperate and so savage as this is, particularly for low and fixed income earn- ers. During the question and ans- wer period, Robert Nixon want- ed to know frorn.ohe Minister of Housing, Donald Irvine whether there was any inform- ation available about the assembly of 10, 000 acres, more or less of land in the Edwardsburgh Township. Mr. Irvine insisted that he did not know for what purpose the land is assembled or who is acquir- ing option on the farmland, He said it remained to be seen whether it would be a Govern- ment undertaking. In reply to Opposition quest- ioning, as to whether any prior- ity is given to children of resi- dents of the Province of Ontario to attend professional universit- HENSALL FIGURE SKATING REGISTRA'^ ION Henson Are , SATURDAY, NOV. 9 FROM 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.rn. Classes Start Thursday, Nov. 14 4-6 P.M. FEES: 10 years and under - $15. 11 years and over - $18 For information call 262-5919 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS les of this Province, The Min- ister of Colleges and Universit- ies Mr. James Ault, indicated to the Legislature that individ- ual universities set admission policies and throughout the Province about 8 ,6 of the first year students are Canadian citizens. For the 582 first year positions available at the five medical schools in the Province there was a total of 8, 733 app- lications. Ontario Health Minister Frank Miller has indicated that there would be no increase in OIIIP premiums in the next fiscal year. There has been reports that ceilings on hospita 1 spending will be removed. Ilowever, the Minister has pointed out that a Provincial "Ceiling does exist. This is the fixed sutra which will be available to the Ministry. The sum total of funds request- ed by hospitals trust be capable of being contained within the funds available. It was agreed that the percentage impact of existing inflationary factors would vary from one hospital to another. The 1975 budgetary procedure for 1975 was accepted in advance by the Ontario Hospital Association. Mr. Albert Roy, Liberal Member for Ottawa East, asked Mrs. Margaret Birch, Secretary for Social Development, about the pamphlets being distributed by the Conservative Party of Ontario, under the title "Body Politic. " The pamphlets were sent to all the Librarians of schools across the Province und- er a letter signed by Duncan Green, which indicated that the staff as well as the students of high schools would find this Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER 9 Air pollution control devices in- stalled in most 1975 cars should result in average fuel savings of 20 percent, accor- ding to the head of the En- vironmental Protection Agen- cy. At the National Driving Center in North Carolina, engineers, psychologists, statisticians and physcians are studying drivers and di-iving, hoping to reduce accidents caused by driver error. Car manufacturers plan to put radial tires on most new cars this new model year. Windshield washers help visibility. Now a German com- pany is offering a headlight washer, said to increase light output more than 50%. The AAA annual survey on road breakdowns indicates that empty gas tanks are in- creasing, up to 14% in 1973. YOU keep the tank full • WE'LL sell you a car that won't break down at Larry Snider's, ry Sig'I'!er MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 727-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1974 information helpful and should prose useful in the Canadian • studies of courses at the schools. The kit contained a picture of Premier Davis, pamphlets titl- ed, A Profile of the Davis Government, The Priorities of the Davis Government, The Progressive Conservative Trad- ition in Ontario, and also descriptions of Government programs. Mrs. Birch indicated that she was not aware that then had been distributed and that she would look into the matter. The Minister of Housing, Mr. Donald Irvine, announced yest- erday the signing of agreements to construct 3, 033 subsidized units under the Ontario Housing Action Program. The Province promised to produce 12, 000 units for the year 1974. It is hoped that the housing starts for this Province will be up to 90, 000 units, a considerable drop from last year which was approximately 110, 000 units. Of the 3, 033 subsidized units under the Ontario Housing Action Program only 1,167 units or 30 of the subsidized units will be priced for the HOME program range of below $14, 500. The income group below $S, 000, which represents a significant number of families in this Province, has not been mentioned. (continued on page 4) H mecare Seaforth CBint Improving your Home is an Investment That Pays Big Dividends Centres Hensall �l� i� liayb• i i t5tti'`';I t ti,wr„T ,NRA NEW KITCHEN The first step in "women's Iib” is a properly designed kitchen for ladies. Regardless of the room we have a style of paneling to match any decor. ENCLOSED P RCH Make your porch usable the year around. Enclosing it is not expensive. di.t` 7l .1, 414,`71 ! 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