HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-10-31, Page 11PAGE 12 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1974 CAS increases Huron services The number of families rec- eiving counselling from Child- ren's Aid Societies in Ontario continued an increase which began in 1970. There has been a 120/0 increase since 1970, and at the end of 1973 for the year was 31, 203 families invol- ving 82, 318 children in their own homes. Locally, the incr- ease in Family Services in the County's Children's Aid Society has been higher. In 1970, an average of 105 families were receiving counselling services and by the Spring of 1974, this figure had risen to 154 families involving 359 children. "This is an encouraging trend noted Local Director, B.R. Heath, "particularly when we can identify a simultaneous decrease in children in care. More importantly, family and marital problems can be worked onat a point in time before the situation become intoler- able and irreparable damage done to the children. Even when parental differences are irreconcilable, and separation and divorce do occur, approp- riate counselling and direction can be given to lessen the emotional impact on the child- ren. Presently we are exploring the possibility of establishing a 'conciliation service' in lias- ion with the Family Court due to the increase in hearings and referrals affecting marriages and children before the courts." "There continues, however, to be a hesitation on the part of many people in the com- munity to report immediately Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER Before refilling your radiator with antifreeze and water, have the thermostat tested to make sure it is operating properly and will not cause overcooling. The alternator does not re- quire much maintenance, but should be checked each 5,000 miles, mo're often if you're driving on dusty dirt roads. PCV stands for Positive Crankcase Ventilation. This air -pollution control system collects incompletely burned gases from the crankcase and sends them back into the engine for reburning. Roughness and stalling when idling may be caused by manifold air leakage which upsets proper carburetion. Trouble source is often intake manifold and/or carburetor gaskets. Have it checked. If it's more than a little leak, if you're facing big repairs • relax with a NEW car. Treat yourself now, before repairs cause inconvenience and big bills. See the new models at Larry Sniders, Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon! situatidns affecting children which demand authoritative or supervisory action by the Chit- renis Aid Society to effect protective services to children. We would be naive to think that some children do not have to be removed temporarily or even permanently from parents, because of the parental inabil- ity to cope with, or provide for their children. In such circum- stances, we are extremely dependent on the community at large to report situations which can be described as neglect of children, and to be willing to come forward with back-up evidence if a court hearing is necessitated. Not wanting to 'get involved' is a lame excuse where children are involved, and particularly when many such situations can be ameliorated if the referral is made early enough." The number of children com- ing into Children's Aid care provincially has seen also a noticeable decrease, eighteen percent between 1969 and 1972, down from 18,430 to 15,110 in the time period. At the end of 1973 a slight increase to 15, 144 was recorded. Locally, Huron Children's Aid Society 'peaked' with children in care at 120 in the summer of 1970 and has seen an initial decline, and then levelling off to the Spring of this year when 88 children remained in care. This decrease relates to the overall trend to return more children to their homes, as soon as possible, and avoid placement in the first instance wherever possible if alternate care or services can be utilized --such as homemaking services, County Honie Care where app- ropriate, foster day care, or referral to County Social Serv- ices or provincial assistance programs where the expenditure of some additional funds will eliminate separation of child- ren from their parents. As with the rest of the prov- ince, the number of infants being surrendered for adoption has affected child care statistics Provincially between the peak years of 1969 when 9, 748 single mothers asked for service, and 1973 when 4, 904 new cases were recorded, this service has declined by 53/0, and the numb er of children relinquished for adoption declined to 2, 047. The total number of children on adoption probation continued .to decline from 8, 985 in 1969 to 4, 864 in 1973, a decrease of 461o. Adoption applications have also decreased in the same period by a third. The differ- ence between the 2, 047 infants relinquished for adoption and the 4, 864 children on adoption placement represents the imp- act of a decided emphasis on non -infant adoption. In the period of 1968 to 1970 up to thirty babies were on adoption probation in Huron County at any one time. To -day, there are 19 children on adoption placement and all of these but six are over three years of age. "This is an encouraging and dramatic change in adoption emphasis, the highlights the primary philosophy of C.A.S. adoption service of providing houses for every•child who is legally adoptable, a swing away fronathe former apparent practise of finding infants for families. Locally, the Board of Directors found it necessary to amend its adoption policy and procedures in the Spring to defer the complete process- ing of applications for infants. Locally, the Board of Directors found it necessary to amend its adoption policy and procedures in the spring to defer the comp- lete processing of applications for infants. All applicants are personally seen, however, so that the situation can be fully explained, and alternatives chosen where appropriate. " • "Where we have seen the decrease of younger children in care, and infants on adoption "noted Heath , "the proportion of teenagers in care, compared with all other age groups has continued to rise to close to 5070 up from a thirty percent average in 1969. "Unfortunately, I know of no Children's Aid Society in the province, including our own, which has the resources avail- able to cope with the demands placed on the Society and its traditional foster care resources. Fortunately most of our foster homes have 'stuck with us' during the time period when older children have been colnin; into care, but there has been no expansion of foster care resources to meet the demand. "Presently we would want to recruit one or two homes in the Reconstituted, instant milk may be used as a.milk for soups or sauces, and it whips for lighter -flavoured desserts or top- pings. NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations for Council Members, Deputy -Reeve and Reeve, for representation on the HAY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL will be received by the undersigned Commencing on Friday, November 7 and until 5 P.M., E.S.T., on Tuesday, November 12, 1974 Three Council members, One Deputy -Reeve and One Reeve to be elected to the Hay Township Council for the years 1 9 7 5 and 1 9 7 6 W. C. HORNER Clerk, Hay Township Zurich, Ontario County who would be develop- ed into small group settings of up to four teenagers each. Our immediate need is for a home for teenage girls. Such a small group setting is often the only answer for youngsters who can- not accept the resentment they feel in exchanging their own parents for foster parents. Such children often reject both the values and kindness of tradit- ional foster parents. Their anger with their own parents for 'letting thein down' affects all their relationships with adult In practise, many of our teen- age placements are also short- term in nature, and gives tle staff an opportunity to assess the situation, allow a beginn- ing in working through the problems and relationships whicl precipitated placement, and then return home -hopefully with the parents and youngster willing to tackle the home sit- uation with more insight and commitunent to change. " Highlight of Children's Aid Week locally is its annual banquet, this year being held in Brussels with Mr. H.H. :"Scotty" Dymond, Executive Director of the Ontario Assoc- iation of Children's Aid Societ- ies as guest speaker. Several foster parents with five or more years service with the Society will also be honoured. NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Separate School Supporters for Representation on the HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION will be received by the undersigned Commencing on Friday, November 7 and until 5 P.M., E.S.T., on Tuesday, November 12, 1974 Nominees must be a Separate School supporter and may be from any municipality within the County of Huron. (One Representative to be elected) W. C. HORNER Clerk, Hay Township Zurich, Ontario NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of Separate School Supporters, for Representation on the combined ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL ZONE BOARD and Nominations of Public School Supporters, for Representation on the HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION will be received by the undersigned Commencing on Friday, November 7 and until 5 P.M., E.S.T., on Tuesday, November 12, 1974 Nominees may, be from any of the following municipalities: Township of Hay Village of Hensall Village of Zurich (One representative to be elected to the Combined Roman Catholic Separate School Zone Board, and one representative to be elected to the Huron County Board of Education.) W. C. HORNER Clerk, Hay Township