HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-10-31, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1974 Jottings by Jack f rom Queens Pork The fourth session of the 29th Parliament resumed on Tuesday, October 22. As this was merely the resumption of a session and not a new one, there was not much formality. Indications are, however, that it is going to be a very busy session as the House is expect- ed to have regular evening sitt- ings. With the resumption of the session a new Speaker was appointed. Mr. Allan Reuter, former Speaker, retired due to ill health. Fifty nine year old Mr. Russell D. Rowe, was appointed Speaker for the Leg- islature. He has been Member for Northumberland for 11 years. Mr. Robert Nixon, Leader of the Opposition, tabled a motiori of non -confidence in the Gov- ernment for failing to bring forward effective programmes to moderate the inflationary pressures on the cost of living, in particular in the areas of food, rent and fuel. This will provide an opportunity for full debate on this subject in the Ontario Legislature. Liberal Member for Owen Sound, Eddie Sargent, question- ed the Minister of Agriculture regarding the selling -off of feeder and breeder cattle, be- cause the cost of feeding live- stock is increasing at such an alarming rate. Hog farmers and cow -calf operators are being forced out of business by rapidly increasing expenses, and if this situation is allowed to cont inue, our food resources are going to be drastically reduced, with consequent increases in consumer prices. Mr. Nixon asked if the Minister plans sub- sidies to help maintain herds under these particularly opp- ressive and unusual conditions. The Minister was also asked by Murray Gaunt, Liberal Memi ber for Huron -Bruce, if there were any plans being made for the pullet growers of the Prov- ince in view of the fact that the conversion privileges no longer applies. The problem of egg producers, pullet grow- ers, hatcheries, egg processors, etc., are being considered by a newly formed advisory com- mittee. The Minister replied that he hoped they will be able to find a solution themselves. RED1- MIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237.3381 or 237-3482 These matters will be discussed again during the non -confid- ence debate and hopefully the Government will bring forward some programs to assist farmers with the difficulties they are experienceing presently. An inquiry into allegations of police brutality was ordered, as a result of reports published in the Toronto Star, and the Globe and Mail. Ontario Sup- reme Court Justice, Donald Morand, 56, is to head the inquiry. The terms of reference of the inquiry specify that Metro Force is the object of the investigation but Solicitor General George Kerr, said any recommendations "as to the use of force in arrest and detention could apply across the Province. The Minister of the Environ- ment outlined a broad program for the treatment and recycling of garbage and announced plans for an Ontario Waste Manage- ment Board. He intends to cont- inue experiments such as the garbage burning "Watts for Waste" using garbage for fuel at Ontario Hydro's Lakeview generating station, and also plans many recycling programs. This program to build primary waste treatment .plants in six areas is a 15 year program at a capital cost of $17 million. The province intends to recover half of the $17 million capital cost from the municipalities over 40 years. During the debates on the Estimates of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Mr. Jack Spence, Liberal Member for Kent, rais- ed the matter of the Gavermnerra taking over perpetual care funds of cemetery boards throughout the province. He strongly urged the Minister ro reconsider this plan of action because cemetery board members have worked hard, with great dedication, over the years to build up these funds, at the same time improv- ing and beautifying the cemet- eries. Now the government plans to step in, take over the funds and administer thein. Obviously, many cemetery board members are going to resent what they consider government interfer- ence, now that the planning, organization and hard work have been clone. Mr. Spence pointed out that there is a strong possibility that if the Govern - MINUTEMAN 6 "Shirt Pocket" Electronic Calculator Amazingly small and Tight weight. Dimensions: Approximately 21 W x 3-5/8" L x 1-1/8" H. Weight: Approximately 5 oz. ment insists on taking over these funds, it might well find itself responsible for the day to day upkeep of the cern- eteries as well. The Minister undertook to look into this question once again. During the debates on the estimates of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Rel" ations, Minister John Clement indicated that a new approach to the liquor legislation in Ontario will be unveiled shortly He said that the new legislaticn would not be amendments but that it is a completely new approach. The new act will replace existing legislation and will deal with both the Liquor ControlBoard and the Liquor Licence Board. 0 The difference between public relations and publicity?A woman who wears a subtle perfume is using public relations, whereas a woman who wears clothes a size too small is employing publicity. Both can be effective. For the business man .. . the student .. . the housewife ... the ideal pocket calculator, BUDGET PRICED for EVERY POCKET The Minuteman 6 is a four -function calculator; adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides. Easy -to -read 6 digit display, gives instant answers to business, school, and household budget problems, Use of the "2 decimal switch" gives answers in "dollars and cents" auto- matically. Also has a "no decimal" set- ting. Small and lightweight, fits easily into pocket or purse. Powered by a standard 9V "transistor radio" disposable battery — economical, long-last- ing, obtainable "anywhere". Comes complete with battery. Only $69. 95 aroc�G� *?' •wio Irr