HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-10-24, Page 10• THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 11 Golden Glimpses o a a The holiday weekend brought us such miserable weather that perhaps now we will be able to enjoy Indian Summer, or at least many of us are hoping for such. Last Monday evening the films the residents enjoyed were "Heart of England and White Wilderness." The latter showed life in the Arctic and the an- imal life there. Due to the inclement weath- er last week, the residents were not interested in braving the elements to go bus riding. We appreciate the offer of Mrs. Katherine Prevett, of Goderich to deliver the films from the Huron County Library for Monday evening showing. Any assistance we are able to get in having them returned will be greatly appreciated. We wish to thank Mrs. Len Prang for the decorations in the chapel, sitting rooms and foyer to help commemorate Thanks- giving. The following residents have been out for visits during the past week. Mrs, Mary Sturley, Mr. John Jones, Mrs. Fern Bowman, Mrs. Hannah Talbot and Mrs, Susie Snider. On Sunday evening the res- idents were hosts for their fam- ilies at the annual Thanksgiv- motammatamommaagasaman Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 9:45 a. rn, -Worship Service 10:45 a.m.- Sun. Church School 8:00 p.m. Randy Burch assoc- iate of Terry Shepherd, will bring the message. Friday 8:00 p.m, G.M,S,A. Bring offering for compassion "Warm" project. MEDITATION; Seek good and not evil, that ye may live; and so the Lord the God of Hosts shall be with you. Amos. 5:14 Everyone Welcome minommimammemamt Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist 100TH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 10:30 a.m.- Worship Service 7:30 p.m. - Evening Service SPEAKER - Rev. Allen D. Churchill, B.A., B,D., D. Phil, OXON Special Music by "The Watch- men" Everyone is invited to have dinner in the Community Centre about 1 p.m. Everyone Welcome mumesmonimmanowpoom ing dinner at the Home. Al- most all of our residents had family members or friends with them for this annual event. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood were on hand and entertained the residents and guests all during the dinner time. We are very grateful to thein and all of our residents who did not voice their appreciation during the dinner, have been doing so since. The music brought back many happy memories for them. We also wish to thank the Ladies Auxiliary who were on hand to help serve the dinner, also staff members who worked so hard preparing food for this occasion. I am sure everyone feels it is well worth their eff- ort when they see the happy expressions on the faces of the residents as they sit down at the dining tables with their families. Now that people are clean- ing up their flower beds for the fall, if there is anyone who has more flowers which are suitable for drying for winter bouquets than they require, such as bittersweet, chineese lanterns, silver dollars, etc., we would be pleased if they could spare us some of the excess. If you call us, we will pick them up, or if you are dropping by, may- be you might drop thein off. It would help to keep our surroundings bright and cheery when the winter winds are blow, ing.he Sunday evening chapel service was cancelled due to our family dinner. St. P`eter's .Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A., B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey 1-laberer, Organist SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 10: a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School Everyone Welcome Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church. MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 10 a.m.- Sunday School 11 a, m. - Worship Service No Service Sunday Evening Now is the accepted time Behold now is the Day of Salvation. "The lost opportunity Cometh back no more,to thee, In vain thou weepest In vain doest yearn, But there is no promise That it shall ever more ret- urn. --All sad words of tongue or pen The saddest are these, "It might have been." Cor. 6-2 Everyone Welcome mimmimmost MILVENA ERICKSON TELLS YOU... ALL ABOUT BAYFIELD INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST VILLAGE On Sunday, October 20, Sheila Marie Lindsay, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lindsay was baptised in St. Andrew's United Church by Rev. James Reddoch. All the family members attended and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay, the baby's grand- parents, entertained at a fam- ily dinner. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hulls were honoured by their family at a surprise dinner in their horne on Sunday, October 13; the occasion being their 40th wedd- ing anniversary, and were presented with a lovely anniv- ersary cake, red roses and gifts. Monday, September 30 the 3M's group from St. Andrew's United Church went with a bus from Exeter to the taping of the T.V. show "A Night Out." It will be seen on T.V. from Kitchener, October 16, 23 and 30. Units I and II of St. Andrew's Rayfield council (by Milvena Erickson) Mr. Doug Cook, a cottage owner at the south end of Tuyll Street, approached coun- cil at their regular meeting Monday evening with a request for permission to put a garage on his property. Since this would require a minor variance, council referred Mr. Cook to the Committee of Adjustment. Also present were Messers C. Ruffel, E. Beck and D. Hart who outlined the plans for 1975 for the South Shore Develop- ment. Council received correspond- ence from Huron County in respect to their contemplating uniform building permits for urban and rural municipalities and asked for suggestions from each council; supported a resol- - ution from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario reg- arding a curb on Bell Telephone rate increases and received an invitation to attend the Yacht Club Annual Awards Night Banquet, Saturday evening in the Community Centre. Reeve Oddleifson reported a meeting with a representative of the Ministry of Transportat- ion and Communications and reviewed with him the accid- ents on the curve in the village on Highway 21 on Clan Gregor Square. Since the last report in the hands of the MTC rep- resentative was 1970, the reeve asked for a further review and is expecting a report very soon. It was suggested that the representative interview the residents around this very dang- erous curve, but hedeclined. Council several tunes has asked for a flashing signal, but. to date nothing has been done. Hopefully the MTC will ser- iously review this situation and find that a signal is very nec- essary to avoid further accident: In other business following so many complaints of a great rnany dogs running at large in the village, council is giving very serious consideration to the hiring of a Dog Catcher. The clerk is now in possess- ion of Nomination Papers,but the present reeve and council- lors gave no indication as to their intention of running for office in the forthcoming Mun- icipal election. United Church, visited the Bluewater Rest Home at Zurich on Wednesday, October 9, and entertained the residents with Hymns, a sing -song and a piano solo by Molly Cox, tap dancing by Anne Haw, solos by Lori Taman and Molly Cox. The Sunday School girls sang three songs, "Knock, Knock" "It's a Small World" and "Mommy Told lire Something" and also did a Thanksgiving verse. Wendy Penhale said a Thanksgiving verse. Follow- ing the program the ladies served lunch. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Oakes Muskoka (formerly of Clinton) were the guest last week of Mrs. Janes A. Cameron. After enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with her, the Oakes left, for a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Deller, Kerry and Scott and Colleen Lonstreet, all of Eric were Thanksgiving weekend visitors with Mrs. Deller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Don Haw and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Love of Atwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Ait Edwards, Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sturg- eon were in Woodstock for the day last Friday. A speedy recovery is sent out to Ken Scotcluner who for the past two weeks has been a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, in London. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Lindsay, Dartmouth, Nova $rot' la are honeymooning in Bay- field and on Sunday attended the baptism of his niece. Sheila.Marie Lindsay in St. Andrew's United Church. TENDERS for Fuel Oil Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Nov- ember 8, 1974, for the supply- ing of oil for St. Peter's Luther- an Church, Zurich. HARVEY IIOHNER Secretary TENDERS for Caretaker Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Novemb- er 8, 1974 for caretakers for St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. HARVEY HOHNER Secretary qetlo Know BILL! U SAVE ON DEEP BROWN 14 OZ Libby's Beans SI I IRRIP' S 12 OZ Instant Potatoes SUPREME 1,i OZ Mixed Pickles SHIRRIFP'S GOOD MORNING 24 OZ Marmalade GRAPE DRINK 32 OZ TIN Welchade STOKELY'S FANCY 28 OZ TIN Pumpkin VIM INSTANT SKIM 3 LBS Milk Powder BONNIE 15 OZ TIN Dog Food ROASTED 1 L13 BAG Nabob Coffee DOMESTIC 1 LB PK Shortening TOILET BOWL CLEANER 34 OZ Sani Flush YORK WI-10LE 12 OZ TIN Kernel Corn GOOD SIZE Grapefruit 5/59 LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET PHONE 236-4316 - ZURICH 39e; 69 45 99� 45 39C $1.79 2/29G $1.15 69t 55 33