HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-10-17, Page 13PAGE 14 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1974 Mr. and Mrs. Bert McBride and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Estabrooks wish to announce the marriage of their children Judy and John. The ceremony took place on Friday, October 4, at the Goshen United Church. 19 OZ TINS yI er etas 16 OZ Old Ty Syr 8 OZ Chet se Slices MIR 24 OZ BOTTLES Liquid Detergent pi,;:, s L±ILIC.±(1f 'OL`';;'.{'1' F 3/$1 45c 53c 2/95c 3 LBS PHONE 236-4316 - ZURICH, New CONSOLE HUMIDIFIER FLORIDA MARTINIQUE eit HAWAIIAN Better Looking Better Performing Modern Round design compliments home interiors Designed to be SEEN and not HEARD! Only 25" high; 17" in diameter, this unit holds 7 imperial gallons. PRICED AT ONLY $8995 GAR E VICE GARY GINGERICH - PROPRIETOR PHONE 236-4351 PHONE 236-4055 Highway 21 at St. Joseph MOM News from Huron Hope (by Mrs. Eleanor Scott, Princ- ipal) Three new pupils were wel- comed to Huron Hope in Sept- ember. Mary Lou, Eloise and Shawn have been happy addit- ions to our classes. There was great excitement when a brand new piano was delivered the first week of school. The laundry rub has now been installed in the washroom for use with our washer and dryer. These had previously been accommodated in the class, room. The addition of a refrig- erator to our equipment is also a great convenience. Michael Najdzion has been transferred to a special educatio class at Bosanquet School and David Stebbins is in London attending Forest City School where he is taking service courses such as gardening and carpentry. We miss then both but are glad to see thein have these opportunities. All Huron Hope pupils part- icipated in the Exeter Fair again this year. The prize money will be going home later this month. Mrs. McCann, the McCurdy School librarian has again been generous with her time and schedules two Library periods a weelc for us. She appreciates the care the children take of the borrowed books. The bowling program will be beginning this week. This year the bowlers will be going Thurs- day afternoons at the same time as the adults from ARC Indust- ries. Rick had a chance to work at the workshop during the sum- mer and proudly showed us a cheque which he bad endorsed himself! There is a faithful number . of helpers from the McCurdy School who come in and eat with our junior pupils each lunch hour. One of the students has had to set up a rotating schedule as so many pupils wanted to help us. Our classrooms are open to parents and friends any time during the year. A phone call ahead of time would ensure that we would be "at home. The school will be closed on October 29, so that we might About people Mrs. Lee Regier and Mrs. Theresa Stark attended the annual meeting of the Central Western Ontario Branch Board of the March of Dimes Ability Fund in Kitchener, last Mon- day, October 7. Once more in January we.will have another appeal to the residents of Zur- ich to support the programs and services of our Foundation to aid disabled adults in Ontario. IMIAnkaair REDI MIX CONCRETE McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 visit other programs in Huron eiving visitors to our school County. We expect to be rec- this month also, ZURICH -GRAND BEND FIGURE SKATING CLUB RE ' ISTRATIO WILL BE HELD AT THE ZURICH ARENA On Saturday, 'ctgiber 19 FROM2 to 4P.M. I EDARD CONSTRUCTION really has the "know-how" when it comes to Building And Remodelling *MODERN HOMES *NEW COTTAGES *BARNS & SHEDS *COMPLETE RENOVATIONS Give us a call for any type of Building Construction. Complete &RUA) 5ervict Av. il, ble 236-4679 - ZURICH G _r12iā€žā€ž0 iair LAY -A -WAY NOW... for CHRISTMAS Don't forget MOM Tool WE HAVE OUR GREATEST SELECTION EVER... RECLINERS FOR SITTING RACK ... STRETCHING OUT 'REST ROCKERS, RECLINERS, ROCKER RECLINERS, SWIVEL ROCKERS, LAZ-Y-BOYS, ETC. PRICES START AS LOW AS $59. 00 Fur tole PHONE 236-4365 - ZURICII