HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-10-03, Page 15PAGE 16 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 19'74 Allow funds for home repairs Provincial funding for a majoa program of home repairs and rehabilitation was announced September 19 as part of the Ontario Ministry of Housing's program to ensure adequate housing for all citizens of Ont- ario. The new program, called Ontario Horne Renewal Prog- ram, makes funding available to every municipality in Ont - ado, and is specifically aimed at low and moderate -income families. The funds, available to municipalities which have or will adopt a minimum standard of housing and occupancy, provides loans up to $7,500 to homeowners who wish to bring their principal residence up to these standards. The program extends consid- erably the opportunity for home renewal where previously funds were only available in design- ated areas under the federal - provincial Neighbourhood Im- provement Program and the federal Residential Rehabilitat- ion Assistance Program. All municipalities meeting the by- law requireinents are eligible for OHRP funds --where no org- anized local government exists, the Ministry of Housing will administer the program. OHRP funds are aimed direct- ly at the needs of homeowners with a maximum annual income of $12, 500 annually. A portion of the loan is "forgiveable, " that is, not paid back after a pre -determined period of cont- inuous occupancy in the repair- ed home. Interest rates on the portion of the loan to be paid back are geared to the homeowner's income, and range from no interest at all to a maximum of eight per cent per year. The OHRP program is admin - 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED OCT.2,3,4,5 Vigilante, city sty/le- judge, Bury, and executioner. Aktr.tirt, klat•.r,r• DINO DE LAURENTIIS 1!u• i.,,, ,'DEATH WISH"th✓ BRIAN GARFIELD ' Hu•1111;t✓ t a WENDELL MAYES t•r, ',MI NI IV HAL LANDERS I' /BOBBY ROBERTS nrl. Ir+f atvlr,,, F4, 0.1,0 1,11.✓ MICHAEL WINNER TECHNICOLOR AF'. u,in „i,.I F?,•, r... Ir rr,R qi /cI 111 uric SUN., MON., TUES. OCT. 6,7,8 TO ,' E ANNOUNCED LISTING NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. OCT. 9,10,11,12 IV ones faster than Crazy,Larry except Daly Mary/ /"'.r.7Z F0412 sod SJS4A GEOR ' as A►~ radar d!7•'B£MrmArA001741I'77 4RIC .Rd VICMORROW ea Franklin Adutt Entertainment arolorbytflUXE• istered directly by the particip- ating municipality which, once it has been granted funds, handles applications, inspection, terms and amount of the loan, and repayment. OHRP is designed to provide loans for essential housing rep- airs, such as structural and sanitary improvements and the upgrading of plumbing, heating, and electrical systems. Non- essential repairs, or work such as additions to a home, a sec- ond bathroom or garage, or beyond -minimum -standards work is not eligible for loans. All work done must be design- ed to bring the home up to the minimum standards set by the municipality. These standards must be approved by the Minist- ry of Housing. In announcing details of the new program in an address to a Municipal Housing Workshop in London, on September 19, the Hon. Donald R. Irvine, Acting Minister, said new hous- ing alone cannot meet the need; of all Ontario's residents, and it is a false economy to adopt the wholesale destruction of older neighbourhoods to accom- modate new buildings. "We concluded there are area which are just as much in need of government aid in the renew- al of their homes as those cov- ered by the NIP and RRAP operations, " Mr. Irvine said. "We decided to move beyond the confines of these two prog- rams and introduce OHRP." Mr. Irvine said the provinc- ial government has set aside $10 million for the operation of OHRP in fiscal 1974-75, and has set target figures of over 3,700 units of older hous- ing to be beneficially affected by the renewal programs. It is expected the $10 million alloc- ation will be repeated for the next two years. "Ontario has approximately 2.5 million residential dwell- ings and at any time about five per cent of 100, 000 of these homes are in need of structural repair, Mr. Irvine said. This 1p0, 000 figure is roughly equal to an average full year's production of new housing in Ontario. Without a program to maintain these houses Ont- , ario would be in danger of los- ing as many units of housing as are brought on stream annually, the Minister said. Much of this older housing stock was built at a time when materials and laor costs were substantially lower, and the OHRP program is designed to ensure this housing is kept in good repair and will provide many more years of use. Actual processing of munic- RECEPTION and DANCE FOR Susan Gill and Richard Turkheim (bridal couple) Saturday, Oct. 5 9-1 ZURICH ARENA Music by "A Group Called Brown" Everyone Lunch Welcome Provided ipal requests to take advantage of the OHRP program are to be handled by the Community Renewal Branch of the Ministry. The branch also will work with municipalities wishing to institute the required minimum standards of maintenance and occupancy by-law or building maintenance and health, saf- ety and sanitary standards. The Community Renewal Branch is also operating sem- inars and workshop training sessions for municipal employee whose role as building inspect- ors will take on greater import- ance under the OHRP program. Full details of the program will be available to interested homeowners within a few days from the municipal clerk or building inspector's department in participating municipalities. For homeowners in unorgan- ized municipalities, this infor- mation can be obtained from the Community Renewal Branch Ministry of Housing, 801 Bay Street, Toronto. Part two of this series will outline the specific steps a homeowner should take to apply for an OHRP loan, and will provide typical examples of cases in which the program can be applied. Under the Land Transfer Tax Act, a person registering a deed or similar documents is required to pay transfer tax which is based on the purchase price or other consideration given for the land. To establ- ish the purchase price, an affid- avit of value must be attacked to the deed when it is registered This affidavit is on file at the land registration offices and is available for perusal by any person who examines the regist- ered instrument to which the affidavit is attached. OPENS AT 8:00 SHOWS START AT DUSK Creat_ Move: / '!DRIVE-IN • GODERICii HWY 8 AT CONCESSIDN RD.4 . PHONE 524.998.1, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 & 5 "Da8 ini .:ll. Why is everything we're mod at illegal?" 20M Century fox Prese,us PAUL ROBERT REDFORD KRTHAR(NE ROSS CA&SIDY AND THE SUN* # KID A George Roy WI Paul MOnasn ProduCllon co-Slarring STROTHER MARTIN, JEFF COREY, HENRY JONES. E •ecutrve Producer PAUL MONASH P,o0uced by JOHN FOREMAN O,recled by GEORGE ROY HILL Wrlllen by WILLIAM GOLDMAN Mushc Composed and Conducted by war BACMARACH A NE WMAN FOREMAN Presenlal•on Panav,s,en®Color by De Lu.e Hee BURT &CMRACCKS'Roams +(eel) lair 0n by Head' 4E synq bl a J laamas I ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 -PLUS- An Ingo Preminger Production Color by DE LUXE® Panavisiona VINCENT PRICE x- DIANA RIGG ADULT ENTERTAINMENT United Artists -PLUS- JIM in1 ESCFROMED FROM BRUIN in ISLAND/