HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 27„4" LOCATION a) shall be no closer than 500' of any, residential, park, civic centre, church, hospital, art gallery, museum, funeral home, home for the aged, community centre or similar public use. LOT SIZES • a) frontage 100' b) depth 150' Part 6. Industrial Zones GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 OPEN STORAGE Outsiie storage of goods or materials is permitted provided such open storage does not cover an area in excess of 50% of the lot area, and any portion of a lot covered by open storage is behind the front wall of the main building facing the street, and visually screened from the streets by use of a planting stip in accord- ance with Section 3. RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL ( M 1 ) 6.2 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any M 1 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following M 1 uses, namely: - an assembly plant; - a contractor's or tradesman's shop; - a dry cleaning plant; - a fabricating plant; - a manufacturing plant; - a parking lot; - a processing plant; - a retail outlet, a wholesale outlet or business office accessory to a permitted use; - a warehouse. 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any M 1 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ( M 2 ) 6.3 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any M 2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following M 2 uses, namely: - a use permitted in a M 1 Zone - a cartage, express or truck transport terminal or yard; - a contractor's or tradesman's yard; - a feed or flour mill; - a fuel storage tank or supply yard; - a grain elevator; - a lumber yard; - a municipal service garage, ware- house & storage yard; - an open storage use accessory to a permitted use; - a planning or saw mill; 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any M 2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". Part 7. Greenbelt Zones HAZARD LAND (H. L. ) 7.1 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any H.L. Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following H,L. uses, namely: - flood plain protection - public and private parks - conservation 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any H.L. Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any ZUR CH COMM IIT( CCE —77 r:3 building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". 3) Site Regulations a) Only buildings which are accessory to these uses will be permitted but no buildings or structures of a perm- ament nature shall be permitted in areas that are subject to periodic flooding. b) The placing or removal of fill of any kind whether originating on the site or elsewhere will not be permit- ted in areas subject to periodic flooding or physical limitations of any kind without the written consent of the Corporation. In giving its consent the Corporation will have received a report from the Conservat- ion Authority as to the desirability of the placing or removal of fill. OPEN SPACE ( O. S. ) 7.2 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any 0.5. Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purposes except one or more of the following 0.5. uses, namely: - public and private parks - playgrounds, including required equipment 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any O.S. Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". Part 8. Special Zones DEVELOPMENTAL (D ) 8.1 1) Permitted Uses Only the use of lands, building, or structures existing on the day of passing PAGE 12B - ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS of this By-law provided that such uses may be enlarged in accordance with the regulations contained in this By-law pertaining to such uses. 2) Addendum Lands zoned "Developmental" may upon application to the Corporation be rezoned to a specific category in conf- ormity with the Official Plan. In any of the Zones which on Schedule "B" contain the prefix "D" such as "DC2" means that the present use is limited to those described in Section 8. 1.1. The future use is C2. In order to have the "D" prefix removed, the applicant will apply to Council for a Zoning amendment. 3) Zone Provisions No person shall within any D Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". INSTITUTIONAL 8.2 1) Permitted Uses All uses which conform with subsection 2.34 of this by-law. Part 90 Enactment THIS BY-LAW SHALL TAKE EFFECT FROM THE DATE OF PASSAGE BY COUNCIL AND SHALL COME INTO FORCE UPON APPROVAL BY THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD. ENACTED AND PASSED this day of 1974 SCHEDULE A: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS John Turkheim, Reeve W.D. Armstrong, Clerk -Treasurer TITLE SYMBOL LOT LANDSCAPED COVERAGE AREA 6 6 LOT DIMENSIONS AREA FRONTAGE(S) DEPTH (SQ. FT.)(FEET) (FEET) YARD DIMENSIONS (FT.) FRONT SIDE REAR (DEPTH) (WIDTH) (DEPTH) FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.) RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY R 1 - SINGLE FAMILY 35 30 6,000 6o 90 25 4 (1) 25 900 MEDIUM DENSITY (2) R 2 = DUPLEX 35 30 7,000 65 90 25 4 (1) 25 800 - SEMI-DETACHED 35 30 7,500 65 90 25 4 (1 25 800 - TRIPLEX 35 30 7,500 75 100 25 6 (3 25 B00 - ROWHOUSE OR 35 30 2,100 per unit 15 N/A 25 4 35 700 TOWNHOUSE - CONVERTED HOUSE 35 30 6,500 65 90- 25 4 (1) 25 500 - NURSING OR N/A 35 7,500 75 100 25 10 25 N/A BOARDING HOUSE HIGH DENSITY R 3 SEE 1,000 SEE TEXT 4.4.3 SEE - TERRACE AND TEXT + TEXT APARTMENT DWELLING HOUSE N/A 4.4.3 300 for N/A N/A each bedroom 4.4.3 - MOBILE HOME R 4 SEE TEXT 4.5.4 COMMERCIAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL C 1 NO MINIMUM REGULATIONS GENERAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD C 2 50 20 10,000 75 75 •20 10 25 NJA SERVICE COMMERCIAL GENERAL C 3 50 10 10,000 75 75 20 10 25 N/A SERVICE COMMERCIAL C 4 50 20 10,000 75 75 20 10 25 N/A NEIGHBOURHOOD HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL C 5 NtA 10 N/A N/A N/A 20 15 20 N/A SERVICE STATION COMMERCIAL C 6 25 10 15,000 100 100 20 15 20 N/A DRIVE-IN DESTPLRANT COMMERCIAL C 7 25 10 15,000 100 150 20 15 20 N/A INDUSTRIAL RESTRICTED M 1 50 10 5,000 90 50 20 15 N/A N/A GENERAL M 2 50 10 5,000 90 50 20 15 N/A N/A GREENBELT . HAZARD LANDS H.L. NO MINIMUM REGULATIONS' OPEN SPACE 0.S. NO MINIMUM REGULATIONS SPECIAL ZONES DEVELOPMENTAL D. NO MINIMUM REGULATIONS INSTITUTIONAL 1. NO MINIMUM REGULATIONS FOOTNOTES IRE 1) Side yards shall be a minimum of 4 feet, plus 2 feet for each storey over the first. Where there is no attached garage or carport one sideyard shall be not less than 10 .feet. 2) Development Standards are similar regardless of zone. 3) Side yards shall be a minimum of 6.feet, plus 2 feet for each storey over the first. 4) Side yards shall be a minimum of 25 feet at each end of a continuous section of row houses. N/A Not applicable 5) On cul de sacs or curves frontage shall be calculated at the building line but the frontage on a public rbad shall not be less than Is of the minimum frontage as stated. -tru SrPAV, OCTO a .0