HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 26PAGE 11B - ZURICI-f CITIZENS NEWS for business uses - 1 space for each 500 sq. feet of gross floor area for Community Recreation area. Part 5. Commercial Zones GENERAL PROVISIONS 5.1 Open Storage 1) Open storage of raw materials is not permitted. The open storage of finish- ed goods is permitted provided that all goods are located to the rear of the building line (or) lines and 10' from any property line and 500' from any residential zone. Residential Unit 2)' Residential units may be located above a C 1, C 2, or C 3 use in accordance with the provisions of Part 3 and Part 4. RETAIL COMMERCIAL - GENERAL (C1) 5.2 Permitted Uses 1) No person shall within any C 1 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following C 1 uses, namely: - an artist or photographic studio; - an assembly hall; - a bakeshop; - a bank; - a business or professional office; - a church; - a clinic; - a dressmaking or tailor shop; - a dairy; - a dry -cleaner's distribution station; - an eating establishment; - a fraternal lodge or community centre; - a financial office or institution; - a grocery and food store; - a hardware store; - a hotel; - a laundry shop; - a liquor store; a drugstore; a parking lot; a place of entertainment; a post office; a printing office; a private education facility; a restaurant, but not including a drive-in restaurant; - a retail store; - a service shop; - a taxi stand or station; - a warehouse use accessory to any of the above; - an undertaking establishment. 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any C 1 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A RETAIL COMMERCIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD ( C 2) 5.3 1) Permitted Uses Neighbourhood stores to which neigh- bourhood residents would have frequent occasion to resort. No person shall within any C 2 Zone use any lot or erect alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following C 2 uses, namely; - neighbourhood grocery store - professional office - variety store 2) Zone provisions No person shall within any C2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". SERVICE COMMERCIAL - GENERAL ( C 3 ) 5.4 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any C 3 Zone ZURICH ZO\I\G BY-LAW use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose, except one or more of the following C 3 uses, namely such non -retail use as: - offices - places of commercial accommodation such as hotels and motels - places of recreation - places of eating, excluding a drive- in or curb restaurant - wholesale outlets, excluding a food store - undertaking establishment - printing establishments etc. - showrooms 2) Zone Provisions No person shall with any C 3 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any build- ing or structure except in accordance with the provisions of Schedule "A". SERVICE COMMERCIAL -NEIGHBOURHOOD ( C 4 ) 5.5 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any C 4 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following C 4 uses, namely such non -retail uses as: - medical or dental clinic - real estate office - undertaking establishment 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any C 4 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with rhe provisions of Schedule ..A". HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ( C 5 ) 5,6 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any C 5 zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose, except one or more of the following C 5 uses, namely: - an automobile sales garage includ- ing gas pumps - an eating establishment, excluding a drive-in or curb restaurant - a farm implement or farm supply dealer; - a farm produce retail outlet; - a liquor store - a motel; - a parking lot; - a public garage; - a retail nursery; - an auction centre - a warehouse - an automotive supply store 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any C 5 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule SERVICE STATION COMMERCIAL ( C 6 ) 5.7 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any C 6 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose, except one or more of the following C 6 uses, namely; - an automobile service station and car wash 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any C 6 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A,. 3) Additional site requirements (service station) BUILDING LINES Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law the following building lines are established: Buildings 50 feet t Gasoline Service pumps 15 feet GASOLINE SERVICE PUMPS Shall not be located within a radius of 50 feet of intersecting street lines. DRIVEWAYS a) shall be provided on the basis of not more than two per street frontage b) shall have a width not greater than 30 feet c) on a street frontage, shall have a dist- ' once between them of 25 feet measured along the street line. All driveways and unlandscaped areas of the site shall be paved with asphalt or concrete. 4) Additional Site Requirements (Car Wash) ENTRANCES AND EXITS a) No entrance and/or exit shall exceed 20 feet in width if one way and 30 feet in width if two way. Distance between entrances and/or exists shall be no less than 20 feet. b) No ingress shall be permitted within 150 feet of the nearest projected street line of any intersection. c) Exits and/or entrances shall be no closer than 5 feet to any adjoining property line ineasured at the street curb. d) No egress shall be permitted within 30 feet of the nearest projected street line of any intersection. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE AREA a) A minimum of five (5) automobile spaces in sequence for each bay for the self-service car wash on private prop- erty and a minimum of thirty-five (35) automobile spaces in sequence for the automatic car wash on private property plus fifteen (15) further spaces for employee car storage, dry off areas and extra storage area for cars awaiting a wash. b) Any motor vehicle dry off area or wip- ing area must be on private property; c) The operator of any car wash shall be responsible that no part of any street, public lane or other public place is used for the parking or manoeuvering of motor vehicles or in any other man- ner as if it were part of the car wash premises; d) Storage area be no closer to the public sidewalk than ten (10) feet. MINIMUM TURNING RADIUS a) The Minimum Turning Radius for a waiting line shall be 20 feet for inside edge of the design vehicle overhang. WAITING LINES a) Waiting Lines shall be clearly defined with painted on pavement or with barriers. LOCATION a) No car wash shall be located within 500' of any residential, park, civic centre, church, hospital, schools, art gallery, museum, funeral home, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., convalesc- ent home, home for the aged, comm- unity centre or similar public use. DRIVE -IN RESTAURANT COMMERCIAL ( C 7 ) 5.8 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any C 7 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following C 7 Zone uses, namely: - a drive-in or curb service commer- cial eating establishments. 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any C 7 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A„ 3) Additional Site Regulations