HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 25ZURICH ZONING BY-LAW - a boarding or lodging dwelling house - a terrace dwelling house - an apartment dwelling house - a church - a park - a home occupation - medical offices up to 2 practitioners 2) Lone Provisions No persons shall with any R 3 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". 3) Site Regulations Amenity Area The Amenity Area for units constructed under this section may include patios and landscaped areas of the site, bal- conies, swimming pools, communal lounges and other areas within the site which can be used for recreational purposes. The Amenity Area shall be exclusive of the area occupied at grade by the buildings, parking and driveway areas. The minimum Amenity Area for each unit shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule: a) bachelor unit - 150 square feet b) one -bedroom unit - 200 square feet c) two-bedroom unit - 575 square feet d) three bedroom unit - 950 square feet e) four bedroom unit and over - 1325 square feet YARDS a) GENERAL The yard in the context of this subsect- ion represents the outdoor area adjacent to a dwelling unit located at or above grade. The sum of the minimum yard depths for any two rooms facing each other would be the minimum allow- able distance between two buildings erected on one lot. Where a yard dimension is given in relation to a window which is recessed on both sides as in the case of a bal- cony the yard shall be determined from the principal or outer-most wall of the building from which the window is recessed. Any yard abutting a one or two family or non-residential zone shall be not less than 25 feet. b) HORIZONTAL MULTIPLE and TERRACE DWELLINGS Each dwelling unit in horizontal mult- iple or terrace housing shall have a yard area which serves as an outdoor living area for the occupants. This yard is normally associated with the living room, but may alternately be located adjacent to a dining room, family room, finished recreation room, study or den or, a kitchen which is combined with one of the above uses. The minimum privacy zone of the out- door living area shall be physically screened on two sides perpendicular to the building and to the full width of the dwelling unit. 1) Yard dimensions for the outdoor living area. An outdoor living area which is adjacent to a living room window or specified alternative rooms shall have a minimum yard depth of 35 feet. No project walkway shall be located within 30 feet of the window and this 30 feet shall be regarded as the minimum privacy zone. The minimum yard depth and priv- acy zone may be reduced to 25° 0" and 17° 6" respectively where: 1) the privacy zone is enclosed by a 6 foot high screen 1) the privacy zone Is enclosed by a 6 foot high screen, or 2) the privacy zone is a minimum of 6 feet above the adjacent exterior level. 2) Yard adjacent to a living room A yard which is not designated as an outdoor living area but which is adjacent to a living room window shall have a minimum depth of 25 feet. No project walkway shall be located within 12 feet of the living room wind- ow and this 12 feet shall be regarded as the minimum privacy zone. No privacy zone shall be required, where because of differences in level between grade and living room, the sill of the window is a minimum of 6 feet above the adjoining exterior level. 3) Yard adjacent to a habitable room excluding living room A yard adjacent to a habitable room window other than a living room and which is not designated as an outdoor living area shall have a minimum depth of 17° 6". No project walkway shall be located within l2 feet of the window and this 12 feet shall be regarded as the min- imum privacy zone. No privacy zone shall be required: a) where, because of differences in level between grade and habitable room, the sill of the habitable room window is a minimum of 6 feet above the adjoining exterior level; or b) for a kitchen which does not include the main dining area or any other communal family space. 4) Yard adjacent to a non -habitable room A yard adjacent to a non -habitable room window shall have a minimum depth of 4 feet plus 2 feet for each storey above the storey or partial - storey at grade. 5) Yard adjacent to a blank wall A yard adjacent to a blank wall shall have a minimum depth of 4 feet plus 2 feet for each storey above the storey or partial -storey at grade except that no yard shall be required where a blank wall is not adjacent to a project boundary. c) APARTMENTS 1) Yard adjacent to a living room For a living room the minimum yard dimension at right angles to the principle window of the living room shall be 25 feet or half the height of the wall within which a privacy zone of 12 feet shall be provided. No privacy zone shall be required, where, because of differences in level between grade and living room, the sill of the living room window is a minimum of 6 feet above the adjoining exterior level. 2) Yard adjacent to another habitable room For other habitable rooms the min- imum yard dimension at right angles to the principal window of the habitable room shall be 17' 6" within which a privacy zone of 12 feet shall be provided. No privacy zone shall be required where, because of differences in level between grade and habitable room, the sill of the habitable room window is a minimum of 6 feet above the adjoining exterior level or where a kitchen does not include the main dining area or any other communal family space. PAGE 10B- ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS 3) Yard adjacent to a non -habitable room For non habitable rooms the min- imum yard dimensions at right angles to the exterior wall of the non -habitable room shall be 4 feet plus one foot for each additional storey or partial -storey at grade. No privacy zone is required. 4) Yard adjacent to a blank wall For blank walls the minimum yard dimension at right angles to the blank wall shall be a minimum of 4 feet plus 1 foot for each addition- al storey above the storey or partial - storey at grade. No privacy zone is required. Dwelling Unit Floor Area a) bachelor unit - 400 square feet b) one bedroom unix - 500 square feet c) two bedroom unit - 700 square feet d) three bedroom unit - 900 square feet BALCONIES Each apartment unit shall have a bal- cony (or a patio for units at grade) having a minimum depth and area of 5 feet and 40 square feet respectively enclosed by railings, and panels nec- essary to provide privacy from adjoin- ing units. The ends of balconies projecting from the face of the building more than 2 feet shall be enclosed by masonry panels, spandrels or fins installed from grade to roof line. MOBILE HOME RESIDENTIAL (R 4) 4.5 1) General Provisions No person shall use land or erect or use any building or structure in a Mobile Home Residential Zone (R 4) except for the purposes of a mobile home park and subject to the regulat- ions set out in this By-law and in any other by-law pertaining to mobile homes or mobile home parks. 2) Permitted Uses No person shall within any R4 Zone use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except for one or more of the following R 4 uses, namely: - a single-family mobile home on each mobile home lot - a mobile home sales office -.a mobile home park management office - a community recreation buildings - park or playground - accessory service buildings. 3) Services All mobile hone lots will have access to a municipal water supply, a munic- ipal sewage system, electrical services and a storm sewer system. 4) Zone Provisions No person shall within any R 4 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the following provisions. a) Lot Frontage - 40 ft. for a single - 50 ft, for a double b) Lot Depth - 90 ft. c) Lot Area - 3, 600 sq. ft. for a single 4,500 sq. ft. for a double d) Lot Coverage - 33% for mobile home 33J/0 for accessory buildings paved patios and parking lots e) Front Yard - 10 ft. 1) Side Yard - 4 ft. g) Rear Yard - 10 ft. h) Exterior Dimensions - 600 sq. ft. i) Landscaped Open Space - 335 j) Height (Maximum) - 25 ft. k) Parking - 2 spaces for each mobile home unit - I space for each 300 sq. feet of gross floor area