HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 24PAGE 9B - ZURICH` CITIZENS NEWS ZURICH Z ING BY -LA USES - PERMITTED 3.19 The provision olthis By-law shall not apply to the use of any land or to the erec- tion of any building or structure for the purpose of public service by the Corporat- ion or by any local Board thereof defined by the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, Chapter 118, R.S.O. 1970, provided that: 1) the lot coverage, setback and yard requirements prescribed for the Zone in which such land, building or structure is located shall be compiled with 2) no good, material, or equipment shall be stored in the open in a Residential Zone. 3) any building erected in a Residential Zone under the authority of this para- graph shall be designed and maintained in a general harmony with residential buildings of the type permitted in the Z one. 4) planting strip, loading and parking requirements shall apply to this subsect- tion. USES - SPECIAL 3,20 Nothing in this By-law shall prevent uses incidental to construction such as a const- ruction camp or other such temporary work camp, a tool shed, scaffold or other build- ing structure or equipment, incidental to the construction provided that these uses are permitted only for so long as the same are necessary for work in progress which has neither been finished nor abandoned. MUNICIPAL SERVICES 3.21 All uses will be connected to the proper municipal services as prescribed by the Corporation, and all lot areas shown on Schedule "A" are based on connection to Municipal water and Municipal sewage facilities. Part 4. Residential Zones GENERAL PROVISIONS 4.1 1) Home Occupations a) The practice of a domestic art, and the conduct of a trade or bus- iness is a permitted use in all res- idential zones, provided not more than 255o of the floor area is used for the purpose, no sign is displayed, no person outside members of the family residing on the premises is employed on the premises, no goods are stored on the premises no shipping is done from the premises and the home occupation does not produce any noise, dust, odour, smoke or any other offensive matter which is incompatible with the surrounding residential area. b) A person engaged in a home occup- ation must obtain a permit from the Corporation after showing that the occupation is in conformity with subsection L (a) above. The Corpor- ation can revoke a permit if the occupation changes so as not to conform with subsection 1 (a) above. 2) Drugless and Medical Practitioneers The offices of Drugless and Medical Practitioners (Drugless and Medical Practitioneers as defined by the Pract- itioneers Act) are permitted uses in any residential zone providing itis used for consulting and emergency treatment only, does not exceed 25Qfo of the floor area and is used by the practitioner as his private residence. In addition to the main practitioner, technicians may also be employed. 3) Title Separation of Attached Dwell- ings Semi-detached and horizontal multiple -attached dwellings may be separated to give distinct ownerships to the various dwelling units by lot lines in production of the lines of party walls providing the aggregate continues to comply with the require- ments of this By-law and each unit has a minimum of 15 feet frontage on a street and each unit has the requir- ed parking in the parcel containing the unit, 4) Buildings on Same lot Only one main building of a one or two family residential type shall be erected on any lot, 5) Playgrounds and Equipment For multiple dwellings, playground and play equipment shall be provided for children. The play area shall be part of the minimum Amenity Area and shall be established on a basis of 20 square feet per bedroom master bedroom excluded. 6) Building Conversions Buildings originally constructed as one family dwellings may be converted to two family dwellings subject to the following additional regulations: a) the external character and appear- ance of dwelling shall be preserved b) there shall be no increase in the cubic contents of the building for habitable purposes except for the addition of sunporches, entrance- ways and dormers c) there shall be no outside stairway except if it be fully enclosed and located in the rear yard. 7) Lots having less than required frontage and area a) REGISTERED: LOTS: Notwithstand- ing the provisions of Section 4.1 (4) of this By-law, where one or more Registered Lots in a Residention Zone have insufficient frontage and area to permit the owner thereof (or any person who purchases or acquired such lot or lots from the owner) to comply with the provisions of this By-law for each such lot, and such owner is not on the day of the passing of this By-law (and such purchaser is not at the date of such purchaser or acquisition) the owner of such and area of vacant land adjoining such lot or lots, as would together with the area of the said lot or lots, permit compliance with By-law for each shall not prevent the erection of one dwelling thereon, provided that the yards the average which exist on the lots, within the block, on which dwellings have been erected, and provided that such lot shall have a frontage of not less than fifty (50) feet and a lot area of not less than five thousand (5000) square feet. b) LOTS WHICH ARE NOT WITHIN A REGISTERED PLAN: Notwithstanding the provision of Section 4.1 (4) of this By-law, where a lot other than a registered lot in a Residential Zone on the date of the passing of this By-law has insufficient frontage and area to permit the owner thereof, or any person who hereafter purchases or acquires the same from such owner, to comply with the prov- isions of this By-law and such owner is -not on the date of the passing of the By-law, and such purchaser is not at the time of such purchase or acquisit- ion thereof the owner of such area of vacant land adjoining such parcel as would, together with the area of such land permit compliance with the prov- isions of this By-law, this By-law shall not prevent the erection of one one- family detached dwelling on the said lot, provided that the yards, coverage floor area and height provisions of the zone in which such lots are situated are complied with, and further that such a lot shall have a frontage of not less than fifty (50) feet and a lot area of not less than five thousand (5000 sq. ft. c) INCREASE OF FRONTAGE AND AREA OF REGISTERED LOTS The frontage and area of a Registered Lot with less frontage or area than required may be increased by the conveyance of the whole or part of adjoining lots provided that all the provisions of this By-law applicable to the Zone in which the lots are situated are complied with for each lot, LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R 1) 4,2 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any R1 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following R 1 uses, namely; - a detached single-family dwelling house, - accessory uses of buildings to the above dwelling houses - a church - a park - a home occupation 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any R1 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule "A". MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R 2) 4.3 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any R2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following R 2 uses, namely: - a detached single-family dwelling house - a semi-detahced dwelling house - a duplex dwelling house - a triplex dwelling house - a town house - a row dwelling house not exceeding 4 units to a group - a converted house - a nursing home - medical offices up to 2 practitioners - a boarding or lodging dwelling house - a church - a park - a home occupation 2) Zone Provisions No person shall within any R 2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the provisions of Schedule „A HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R 3) 4.4 1) Permitted Uses No person shall within any R 3 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following R 3 uses, namely: - a triplex dwelling house - a row dwelling house - a town house - a converted house - a nursing home