HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 23ZURICH ZONING BY-LAW REGULATIONS FOR REQUIRED OFF-STREET PARKING AND DRIVEWAYS 3.13 1) All off-street parking shall be located on the same lot in the same Zone as the use, building or structure requiring the parking. Where the provision of the required parking on the same lot is impossible or impractical, such off- street parking facilities may be located on another lot in the same Zone, within 500 feet of the use, building or structure requiring such parking. 2) Each parking space shall have an area of not less than 180 sq. ft. with a min- imum width of 9 feet. 3) Every parking space shall be provided with unobstructed access to a street by a driveway, aisle or lane, having a width of at least 10 feet and in one and two family residential zones, a width not greater than 20 feet measured at the street line. 4) The minimum distance between a drive- way and an intersection of street lines measured along the street line intersect- ed by such driveway shall be 25 feet. Where more than one driveway is requir- ed in any zone the distance between driveways shall be a minimum of 25 feet. 5) All off-street parking facilities shall be located to the rear of the building line or lines. 6) In all Residential Zones, required off- street parking, not provided within a garage or carport, is prohibited between the front of the main building and the building line. 7) In the Industrial Zone, required off- street parking for employees shall not be located between the main front walls of the building and building line. 8) The parking area and approaches shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt, crushed stone, gravel, or a combination thereof with a stable surface treated to prevent the raising of dust or loose part- icles with the exception of non-resident- ial parking areas and approaches adjac- ent to residential areas and multiple dwelling parking areas which shall be surfaced with concrete or asphalt. 9) Provision for drainage facilities shall be made in compliance with the require- ments of a competent Engineer. 10) No driveway or parking area shall be located within 20 feet of a window to a habitable room of a multiple dwelling, which is below or at grade. 11) A driveway or parking lot for any use other than a one or two family dwelling shall be located not closer than 5 feet to a lot line abutting a one or two fam- ily residential zone. 12) Off-street parking spaces and areas req- uired in residential zones shall be used only for the parking of operative passen- ger vehicles and commercial motor vehicles not exceeding 6, 000 pounds. Gross Vehicle Weight. Provided further than notwithstanding the foregoing the owner or occupant of any lot, building or structure in any residential zone may use any private garage of which he is the owner or occ- upant, erected upon any such lot for the housing or storage of one commerc- ial motor vehicle, not exceeding 12,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight and operated by himself. Provided further, however, that not- withstanding the foregoing no person shall in any residential zone use any lot, building or structure for the park- ing or storage of more than one comm- ercial motor vehicle. PLANTING STRIP REQUIREMENTS 3.14 1) Planting Strips shall be provided: a) On lands zoned or used for multiple dwellings where they abut ]ands zoned or used for one or two family dwellings. b) On lands zoned or used for any com- mercial or industrial purpose where they abut lands zoned or used for resid- ential or institutional purposes. Parks shall be deemed to be a residential use for the purposes of this sub -section. c) On lands upon which a residential use or institutional use is being newly est- ablished where such lands abut an exist- ing non-residential use, which is not maintaining a planting strip in accord- ance with Section 1 b) above. d) Around the perimeter of outside storage areas that may be established in the Industrial Zone, where such areas are adjacent to a building line or can be viewed from a public street. 2) Such planting strip shall have a width throughout of not less than five (5) feet and shall be in addition to any other req- uired yard. 3) Such planting strip shall be contained with - STRUCTURE PAGE 8B - ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS in the zone or on the lands for which it is a requirement, and shall run the entire length of the zone or property line or lines separating it from the abutting zone or use except that no planting strip shall be located between the street line and the building line in such a mariner or of such a height as to obscure the vision of the operator of a motor vehicle travell- ing on a public street. 4) Such planting strip shall consist of a continuous unpirced planting of trees or shrubs, and shall be maintained at an ultimate height of not less than.six (6) feet. 5) Such planting stip shall be planted and maintained by the owner or owners of the land on which the planting strips are required. PROJECTIONS 3.15 Every part of any minimum required yard shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky by any struct- ure other than an accessory building per- mitted in this By-law except where indic- ated as follows: MIN. REIQUIRED YARDS IN WHICH PROJECTION IS PERMITTED MAX. PROJECTION PERMITTED INTO MIN. REQ'D YARD Sills, belt course, cornices, eaves , gutters, chimneys or pilasters All 18 inches Fire escapes and Exterior staircases Rear 5 feet Window Bays Front and Rear 3 feet including eaves and cornices over a maximum width of 10 feet Balconies on single family, Semi - Detached and Duplex Dwellings Front and Rear 2 feet Balconies on Apartment buildings All 2 feet Open, roofed porches not exceeding one storey in height Front and Rear 8 feet, including eaves and cornices Maximum length 10 feet Uncovered paved patios All 8 feet front yard other yards unlimited Facia Signs All 1 Foot THROUGH LOT 3.16 On any through lot, the street upon which the use is municipally numbered and ass- essed shall be deemed for the purposes of the regulations of this By-law to be the front. In any rear yard the provisions of Section 3.3 and 3.14 shall also apply. USES - EXISTING 3.17 Where a building has been erected prior to the day of passing of the By-law on a lot and is deficient in any respect to the provisions of this 13y -law then, the exist- ing structure establishes the provisions of this By-law then, the existing struct- ure establishes the provisions for that lot. The existing structure may be enlarged, reconstructed or renovated provided that: 1) the alteration does not reduce any of the provisions of the site having less than the minimum provisions required by this By-law and 2) all other'provisions of this By-law are met with except that: 3) where an existing structure establishes site provisions less than the minimum required by this By-law, then no Proj- ections established by alteration as described in Section 3.15 are permit- ted. USES - PROHIBITED 3.18 The following uses are generally prohibit- ed in all Zones: a) Dwelling Units in a cellar b) The use of tents, trailers, truck, bus, coach or street car bodies, for perman- ent habitation, business or other purpos- es. c) Obnoxious uses as defined in this By- law. d) The making or establishing of pits and quarries. e) A track for the racing of motor vehicles or motor cycles. 1) Blood boiling, bone boiling, extracting oil from fish or animal matter, manuf- acture or storage of fertilizers from dead animals or animal waste, and the re - refining of waste oils.