HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 18PAGE 3B - ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS COUNCIL 2.12 Means the Municipal Council of the Corp- oration of the Village of Zurich. COUNTY 2.13 Means the Corporation of the County of Huron DAY NURSERY 2.14 Means an institution, an agency or place as defined in the Day Nurseries Act, Chapter 37, Section 1 (a) 1966 as amend- ed from time to time. DOMESTIC ART 2.15 Means an avocation that can be carried on at home, such as dressmaking or paint- ing, which may provide remuneration. DWELLING APARTMENT 2.16 Means a multiple dwelling comprising three or more dwelling units with shared entrances and other essential facilities and services and with shared exit facilit- ies provided for dwelling units located above the first storey. DWELLING - BOARDING HOUSE 2.17 Means a dwelling in which the proprietor supplies room and board, for monetary gain, to more than three persons exclusive of lessee or owner thereof or members of his family and not open to the general public. DWELLING - CONVERTED 2.18 Means a dwelling house, erected prior to the passing of this by-law, including any additions thereto constructed for permanent use, altered or converted so as to provide therein not more than four dwelling units, but in which no alterat- ion of the exterior structure is made. DWELLING - DUPLEX 2.19 Means a building that is divided horizon- tally into two dwelling units, usually having a shared entrance. DWELLING - HORIZONTAL MULTIPLE 2.20 Means attached dwelling units such as row housing, town housing, garden -court housing and back to back row housing, generally with each dwelling unit having direct access to individual private space at grade. DWELLING - HOUSE 2.21 Means a building occupied or capable of being occupied as the home or resid- ence of one or more persons, but shall not include a trailer. DWELLING - MULTIPLE 2.22 Means any building containing three or more dwelling units. DWELLING - ROW 2.23 Means one of a group of three or more single family dwelling houses, attached completely or partly by a party wall, each dwelling unit of which has an ind- ependent entrance directly from the out- side but does not include any dwelling house otherwise defined herein. DWELLING - SEMI-DETACHED 2,24 Means a building that is divided vertic- ally into two dwelling units, each having a separate entrance. DWELLING - SINGLE FAMILY 2.25 Means a building of not more than one dwelling unit. DWELLING - TERRACE 2.26 Shall mean a multiple dwelling building, other than one made of row dwelling, being not more than three (3) storeys in height above grade and containing at least three dwelling units, the dwelling units of which are separated horizontally and vertically in a split level. ZURICH ZONING BY-LAW DWELLING - UNIT 2.27 Means one or more habitable rooms designed for use by and occupied by not more than one family and in which sep- arate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the exclusive use of such a family with a private entrance from out-, side the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. FLOOR AREA 2.28 Means, ,for a dwelling, the total area of the storeys exclusive of basements, cell- ars, attics, garages, sunrooms, unenclo- sed verandahs, or porches; and for a building other than a dwelling, the total area of all the floors contained within the outside wall of the building. Only that floor area having a clear height to the ceiling of at least 7"6" may be used to calculate floor area. GARAGE OR CARPORT (PRIVATE) 2.29 Means an enclosed or partially enclosed structure in which no business, occupation or service is conducted for profit, and which structure is used primarily for the storage of one or more vehicles. GRADE 2.30 Means when used with reference to a building, the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground where it meets the exterior of the front of such building and when used with reference to a structure shall mean the average elev- ation of the finished surface of the ground immediately surrounding such structure, exclusive in both cases of any artificial embankment, and when used with refer- ence to a street, road or highway means the elevation of the street, road or high- way established by the Township or other designated authority. HABITABLE ROOM 2,31 Means any room or space intended prim- arily for human occupancy. HEIGHT 2.32 Means the vertical distance of a building between grade and 1) the highest point of the roof surface of a flat roof. 2) the deckline of a mansard roof 3) the main level between eaves and ridge of a gabled, hip, gambrel roof or cottage roof. HOTEL 2.33 Means any tavern, inn, or public house in one building or in two or more conn- ected or adjacent buildings used mainly for the purpose of catering to the needs of the travelling public by supplying sleeping accommodation of not less than ten bedrooms and includes all premises licenses under the Liquor License Act, but does not include rooming houses or board- ing houses as defined in this By-law. INSTITUTION 2.34 Means a building for a largely non- commercial purpose operated by an org- ized body or society for providing a particular object, including clubs and hospitals. LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE 2.35 Means the open unobstructed space at grade on a lot accessible by walking from the street on which the lot is located and which is suitable for the growth and maint- enance of grass, flowers, bushes and other landscaping and includes any surfaced walk, patio, swimming pool, or similar area but does not include any driveway or ramp, parking area or any open space beneath or within any building or struct- ure. Regardless of the required amount of landscaped open space, at least 50/o of the required amount shall be in the front yard of any non-residential use. LOT 2.36 Means a parcel of land, whether such a parcel is described in a registered deed, or shown in a registered plan of subdivis- ion, including any of its parts which are subject to right-of-way easement. LOT AREA 2.37 Shall mean the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot. LOT CORNER 2.38 Shall mean a lot situated at the inter- section of, and abutting upon, two streets, or upon two parts of the same street, the adjacent sides of which street or streets (or, in the case of a curved corner, the tangents at the street extrem- ities of the side lot lines) contain an angle of not more than one hundred and thirty-five (135) degrees. In the case of a curved corner, the corner of the build- ing lot shall be deemed to be the point on the street line nearest to the point of intersection of the said tangents. For the purposes of the regulations of this By-law a corner lot shall have 2 frontages. LOT COVERAGE 2.39 Means the total horizontal area occupied by the ground floor of all buildings on a lot. LOT DEPTH 2.40 Shall mean the main horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines or, in the case of a triangular lot, between the front line and the apex of the triangle formed by the intersection of the side lot lines, LOT LINE - FRONT 2.41 Means the lot line that divides the lot from the street, provided that in the case of a corner lot the shorter lot line that abuts a street shall be deemed to be the front lot line and the longer lot line that abuts a street shall be termed the flank - age of the lot. LOT LINE - REAR 2.42 Means the lot line opposite the front lot line. • LOT LINE - SIDE 2.43 Means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line. LOT WIDTH 2.44 Means the width of a lot measured along a line twenty-five (25) feet back from and parallel to the street line. LOT - THROUGH 2.45 Means a lot bounded by streets on oppos- ite sides. MOBILE HOME 2.46 Means any vehicle so constructed as to be suitable for attachment to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the motor vehicle, and capable of being used for living, sleeping and/or eating accommodation of persons, not- withstanding that such vehicle is jacked up, that its running gear is removed or that it is placed on a permanent foundat- ion. MOBILE HOME LOT 2.47 Means, any parcel of land used for the placement of a mobile home for the exclusive use of its occupants. MOBILE HOME PARK 2.48 Means, land which has been planned and improved and upon which one or more occupied mobile homes are located, and shall include any accessory use of struct- ures, and any equipment permitted by this by-law or other by-laws pertaining to mobile homes or mobile home parks.