HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 13PACE 14 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1974 Crack down (continued from page 1) unnecessary fast acceleration. If citizens see these offences taking place, they are asked by the OPP to record licence numbers of the cars violating the laws and report them to police. The council felt this warrant- ed repeating and hope the res- idents of Bayfield will keep a sharp pencil handy to assist the OPP in curbing the unnec- essary noise and aggravation being experienced almost night- ly in the village, The reeve reported that he had spoken again to Ontario Hydro regarding -the long await- ed installation of the street lights and learned that they should be installed within a week or two. In other business, council received the lease from Envir- onment Canada in respect to the south side of the Bayfield River. All aspects of the lease sre to be discussed thoroughly at a later date. The council expressed deep concern and utter disgust at the number of dogs being allowed to run at large in packs in the village. All dogs are to be confined on their owners prop- erty. Paving, drainage and road preparation were discussed; the streets slated for paving in 1975 are Susan, Ann, Victor- ia Place, Talfourd, Sarnia, Euphemia and the balance of Keith Crescent, RECEPTION and DANCE for Murray & Janice McBride (newlyweds) Friday, Sept. 20 at Clinton Legion Hall Music by "DESJARDINES" LUNCH PROVIDED EVERYONE WELCOME DAS/IW000 and DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader U. C. W. MEETING A special United Church Women's meeting was held for September by the ladies of Cal- vary United church with Zurich and Crediton UCW members guests. Mrs. Clayton Merrier was chairlady, The Gospel Singers favoured with several selections. The scripture read- ing was taken by Mrs. Jessie Rader and Mrs. Jack Gaiser led in prayer. Mrs. Helen James, Windsor, guest speaker, took the topic, "New Day Dawning." Mrs. Don Gaiser thanked the guests and Rev. Bruce Guy closed with prayer. The Sunshine committee is Mrs. Eben Weigand and Mrs. Don Gaiser. The South Huron Regional will be held at Cal- vary Church, October 2. Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill, Grand Bend, visited with Mrs. Irvin Rader and grand - 13 on FRIDAY, 13TH Friday, the 13th, was not unlucky for a young Zurich lady who celebrated her 13th birthday on the date. Louise Regier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Regier, was 13 on Friday, September 13, and had one of the best birthdays she has ever had. On hand for the occasion were friends from Sarnia, London and Zurich. And there was no bad luck involved . OPEN DAILY DINNERS Mon. to Fri. and Sun. 58z to 7:00 Sett 3t0n to 8:00 t3t8EAE FAST Weekaknys 7:30 a.m. - Noon Sot. 8 Sun, 8:00 a.m. to Noon LUNCH E wee ryl Deny 12:c8 Milan ha 1:00 p.m. You Are Always Welcome! "•• Dining Room Licensed Under LLBO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Special Guest Organist for your listening and dancing pleasure Green Forest Motor Hotel YOUR HOSTS: "PETE" and "CAROLE" DEITZ HIGHWAY 21 - GRAND BEND •1111.,. „.,. ,.,,„, daughter Stacey, Thursday. Mrs. Art Haugh is a patient in Victoria I-Iospital, London. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Rader, Stratford, were Sunday guests with Mrs. Hilda Haugh. LADIES AID Group II of Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid was in charge of devotions and lunch for the September meeting. Nineteen members answered the roll call. Pastor Frank Morgret was in charge of the topic, "Open forum on Christian Education, ” with discussion. Mrs. Arnold Becker, presid- ent, dealt with the business. Report on summer work showed a busy Aid, A generous donat- ion was given to the church building fund from the sale of pies donated by ladies of the congregation on Friedsburg Days. The Altar Guilds were also active, providing flowers for the services and visiting the sick. The new Guild is Mrs. Esther Salmon and Mrs. Lorne Genttner. Group III is in charge of the Ladies Aid fown supper October 9. An invitation was received frons Crediton United church to attend their Bazaar and Tea, November 16. Many cards of thanks and donations were rec- eived. Professor and Mrs. L.A. Birk, Guelph, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz, Mrs. Helen Grieves, Mrs. Vernon Schatz, and Mrs, Dave Rader attended a bridal shower for Mary Hodgins bride -elect of September at St. Marys Anglican Church, Brinsley, Thursday, September 12, • Mrs. Greta Schade was pleas- antly surprised Friday, Sept- ember 13, on the' occasion of her birthday when members of her family gathered to cele- ' brate. Present, were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Witherspoon, Credi- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Park, Traci and Rob, Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schade and fam- ily and Mr, and Mrs. 8111 Schade and Karen. Supper guests with Mr, and 1 Mrs. Ross Love, Monday, September 16, were Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharpe, Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and Mr. and Mrs. Art Fink- beiner, Grand Bend. The occas- ion was a surprise birthday celebration for Art Finkbeiner. 4-13 MEETING Club No II with Mrs. Earl Keller and Mrs. Ray Rader leaders and 13 girls held their first meeting at the commun- ity Centre. The new project is "The Club Girl Entertains." Officers are President, Carol Rader, vice-president, Sandra Schroeder; secretary, Elizabeth Datars, treasurer, Susan Fischer, press reporter, Cynthia Willett. The girls arranged flowers. ZURICH FALL FAIR QUEEN OF THE FAIR Zurich Community Centre Saturday, '. eptem her 21 9 p.m, Music by The Alpenaires' Any girls over 14 are invited to enter the Queen Contest. Please contact Mrs. Irene Steinbach, 236-4844, LUNCH PROVIDED 1:00 SATURDAY & MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21 and 23 FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 0:30 p.m. BINGO plus 5 Share -The -Wealth 10 FREE GAMES WITH PRIZES 51.00 ADMISSION P.C. SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 9:9 p.m, FALL FAR D NCE MUSIC BY TlIE ALPENATRES "Queen of the Fair" Contest Oueen'e C.own O,notod by AnNon lowollor.. Clinton) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 PARADE Lod by ZURICH CENTENNIAL RAND 1:30 p.m. OFFICIAL OPENING 2:30 p.m.HORSE SHOW HEAVY It LIGHT HORSES R PONIES Over 51,000 4 ?rile Money M. L. "Teri" Gregg, M.C. 2:30 p.m. HURON COUNTY DAIRY PRINCESS COMPETITION PET SHOW 3:00 p.m. BABY SHOW Sp tE ley CMAMIER Of COMMERCE CALF CLUB CATTLE SHOW EXHIBITS & DISPLAYS MONDAY EVENING 7:45 PAL WESTERN -HORSE SHOW 0:00 p.m. DRAW FO CASH PRIZES34-120.00 111-40.00 Zed= 30.®0 MIDWAY III OPERATION