HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-19, Page 9PAGE 10 , ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1974 FOR SALE TWO ONLY - Used Royal type- writers, in real good condition. Office style. - Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672: tf FIREWOOD : Call Zurich Wood products Limited. 236-4324. 9-tf POTATOES and Spanish Onions Call A. Vandenboomen, 236-4038, 2 1/2 miles out of Zurich on Highway 83. 36 tf 85 ACRES of land- Phone 273- 3228 37-39-b WESTINGHOUSE 30" electric range, 4 burner, in real good condition. Call Martin Momm- ersteeg, 565-5288. 37 -38 -pi BANJO, in excellent condition. Eight months old. Call 236- 4884, after 5 p.m. or 236- 4939 in daytime. 38-b COOKING and EATING apples. Orders taken for pears and plums. - McClymont Orchard, 1 mile south of Varna, Phone 482-3214 or 482-9141. 38-b HELP WANTED WAITRESS, Specifically week- ends. Phone 236-4850. 38-b CARDS OF THANKS I HAVE AN OPEN territory in Varna, also one in HAY TOWN -4 SHIP. It can be yours. As an Avon Representative you'll earn good money, choose your own hours. Sound interesting? Call Mrs. Millson, 17 Hawkes- bury Ave, London, 1-451-0541. 36-38-b SERVICES OFFERED CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and processing. Monday - Beef; Tuesday - Pork. Pick-up serv- ice available. Al's Super Save Market, Hensall, Phone 262- 2017. 36 -tf I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciat- ion for the visits, cards, flower and treats, while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Guy, Dr. Gulens and the nurses, and all the kindnesses of my family since returning home. All is greatly appreciated. - Mrs. Fern Desj- ardine. 38-b I wish to express my appreciat- ion to everyone who visited me or sent me flowers and cards during my recent stay in the Clinton Hospital. - William Siebert - 38-b HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of Bluebird Diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Cardinal watches sold by Jewellers only, are. $1.0.95 and up, family rings and charms. Watch and clock repairing work guaranteed. CUSTOM COMBINING, wheat, grain, beans and corn. - Call Walter Vermunt, 236-4868. 29-39-p TED VOOGEL AND SONS BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages *Renovations* CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASH W OOD R.R.1 PH. 238-2742 BENDIX HOME SYSTEMS LTD. HENSALL require application for EMPLOYEES for their' production facilities, at the Recreational Vehicle Plant, Excellent employee benefits, good working conditions, union wage rates. Apply in person to: PLANT OFFICE 73 MILL ST. - HENSALL THEY'RE ALL. IN G RED News of Varna About people you know John Blackwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Blackwell, Hensall, and Barry Hodge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hodge, R.R.1, St. Marys, recently returned home after a three week tour of Western Europe. They visited France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germ- any, Belgium and Holland. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Martin, of R.R,3, Bayfield wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Anna Mae, to Mr. David Diamond, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Diamond, of Fort Erie. The marriage to take place in Kitchener, on Saturday, September 21, 1974. 38-p COMING EVENT SMORGASBORD SUPPER, Turk- ey and Ham, Wednesday, October 2, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Varna United Church. Adults $3.00; Children 12 and under $1.50. Pre-schoolers free. Sponsored by the Varna U.C.W. 38-39-b CONESTOGA COLLEGE CLINTON CENTRE Post Secondary Secretarial Science "FULL�TIME OR PART-TIME" INTRODUCTORY EXECUTIVE OPTION MEDICAL OPTION -a few Immediate openings remain -ongoing registration and Intake are now in effect Register when you want- Start studies when you want 4824458 (intended for last week) The September meeting of the Varna U. C.W. met in the basement of the church on Thursday evening with 19 members present. The meeting opened with the worship serv- ice conducted by Mrs. George Wilson which began with the singing of hymn 579. The scripture reading given by Mrs. Harvey Hayter followed. Mrs. Grant Webster led in prayer. The theme of the worship was "Working with God" and a poem on "True Friendship." The offering was then taken up by Mrs. Roy Elliott and dedic- ated by Mrs. Mervyn Hayter. The meeting was then turn- ed over to our president for the month, Mrs. Charles Kalbfleiscl Mrs, Harvey Hayter read the secretary's report and took the roll call. Mrs. Doug McAsh IIMIMMIRESINENEXIMENIt CONESTOGA COLLEGE CLINTON CENTRE Plans to offer the following Courses in the evening this Fall • CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH • LABOUR RELATIONS • EFFECTIVE SUPERVISION - ADMINISTRATION • FOSTER PARENT COURSE • INTRODUCTION TO REAL ESTATE • INTERIOR DECORATING & DESIGN addition other courses will be offered. For registration or fur - titer Information visit or call the Clinton Centro. 4824458 10 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. inialleramixlimmosloommaszartervicaermarrmasem gave the treasurer's report. It was decided to have the smorgasbord supper again this year on Wednesday, October 2. A bakeless Bake Sale was also passed. The Regional Rally for this area is being held at Egmondville United Church on October 8. There were 43 calls made to the sick and shut-in during the summer, Mrs. Ida McClinchey read the correspondence receiv- ed. We closed the meeting by repeating the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. Bob Stirling and Mrs. Louis Taylor. A shower was held in Goshen United Church on a week ago Tuesday to honour Anne Ijayter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hayter, on her forthcom- ing marriage. ce CONESTOGA COLLEGE CLINTON CENTRE REQUIRES PART-TIME INSTRUCTORS FOR EVENING COURSES If you are a qualified Instructor or a specialist in a trade you may be able to Instruct in one of our fall offerings. If you have an Idea for a course that will serve our community, your reasonable proposal will be considered. For further discussion please call: - BRUCE BJORKQUIST 482-3458 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. 1 Required for CLINTON CENTRE CONESTOGA COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS & TECHNOLOGY Secretary to the Chairman In addition to the normal duties of making appointments, typing, and filing, the secretary will be responsible for maintaining records relating to students, personnel, and finances. Responsibilities may change as the centre ex- pands. A highly motivated person who Is adaptable and able to work with people at many levels will find this to be an In- teresting and demanding position. Excellent language, typing, shorthand, and interpersonal skills aro Important in this particular setting. Preference will be given to qualified college graduates or persons with proven and acceptable work experience in business, Industry or education. The starting salary Is $821 per month plus benefits and the position is open now. Written applications including resumes should be for- warded Immediately to Mr. Bruce Bjorkquist Chairman, Clinton Centre - Conestoga College of Applied Arts & Technology - P.O. Box 180, Clinton, Ont.