HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Citizens News, 1974-09-05, Page 11PAGE 12 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1974 50 Years Ago Mr. J. Decker, Jr., is att- ending the Toronto Exhibition with his team of fine horses. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hoffman, bridal couple, returned on Sunday from their honeymoon trip and have taken up resid- ence in their new home. Sylvanus and Garfield Wit- mer were business visitors to London. H.G. Hess and M.G. Milli- ken attended a Delco -Lite dealers' convention in Harriston last Friday. Rev. and Mrs. H. Rembe, who spent their holidays at Hamilton, have returned to Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Smith and daughter, Della, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, on Sunday. Rev. R.M. Geiger, of Ches- ley, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Geiger. 35 Years Ago Miss Shirley Krueger is learn- ing the manipulation of the central switchboard at Zurich under the management of Mr. A.G. Hess. We congratulate Frederick Hess, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Hess, Zurich, who is attending Exeter High School, Fred passed in all his exams, having obtained six first-class honors and two seconds. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel, bridal couple, who spent their honeymoon in Detroit and vic- inity, returned home on Mon- day evening and are getting settled in their home, leased from Mrs. Helen Sreenan. Mr. and Mrs. Rhineman Kalbfleisch, of Detroit, were visitors with his parents in Zur- ich last week. Herb Mousseau, Paul Hess, Elzar Mousseau, Robert Elsie and Don Brown motored to Lion's Head, where they enjoy- ed some trout trolling. Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Williams, Calvin and Ethel motored to London on Friday. 25 ears Ago Miss Carol Thiel has returned to Zurich after a visit in Det- roit with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer. Miss Myrtle Hay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hay, of Zurich, is at present in Vic- toria Hospital, London, with a case of polio. Miss Mae Smith, medical technologist at General Hospit- al, Belleville, has returned to -OF- YEARS GONE -BY- her duties after enjoying a three weeks' vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C.L, Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer and daughters, of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pulford, of Windsor, left to enjoy a trip to Wisconsin and other parts of the U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho and family are enjoying a few weeks' vacation at their cott- age at Schade Grove. 10 Years Ago Premier John Robarts will officiate on this Friday, at 2:30 p.m. at the official sod - turning ceremony being held to commemorate construction commencement of the new provincial Lake Huron water supply system. Periodic rains are making the harvesting of spring grain crops difficult. Except for low lying areas in some fields, white beans have not been hurt. Harvesting will be delayed at lease two weeks. Sunscalding makes fields look as if they are damaged. The first fall meeting of the Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary; was held in the Legion Hall on Tuesday night, presided over by president Mrs. Roy Smale. Miss Jean Henderson left Monday by plane for Kitkatla, B.C. on Dolphin Island, off the B.C. coast, where she will be on a staff of five white teachers to teach 185 Indian children, in the Anglican Miss- ion School. Begonia cuttings add color For a late winter burst of color, fibrous begonia cuttings may be taken until the end of September. "To be sure of getting strong - rooted plants within about four weeks, the cuttings should be three to four inches long and planted in a mixture of coarse sand and peat moss, " says Ont- ario Ministry of Agriculture and Food horticulturist R.A, Flaming. The new plants should be placed in three -or -four -inch pots containing African Violet potting soil or a garden center mixture. If they are grown in a bright, cool window, they should be ready for planting outside next May after having bloomed inside from late fall through winter. GENERAL MEETING of Zurich Mixed Bowling League Anyone interested, please attend meeting at ZURICH BOWLING LANES Friday, Sept. 13, at 9 P.M. or phone 236-4258 or 236-4195 New official at Goderich hospital. Ross F. Bryant, B.A., M.H. A„ becomes administrator of Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, September 3, 1974. Effective the same date, Dr, Michael F. Conlon, formerly superint- endent, becomes Medical Dir- ector and Ross McDaniel, form- erly business administrator, becomes assistant administrator of the hospital. Goderich is the last provincial psychiat- ric hospital to convert from medical superintendency. The appointments are in line with Ontario ministry of health policy to divide administrative and medical responsibilities previously combined in a single superintendent's position. The division of responsibilities was brought about by the need to maintain and improve oper- ating standards in the face of increasing complexities in both the administrative and medical sides of psychiatric hospital management. Mr. Bryant is presently ass- istant administrator Huronia Regional Centre, Orillia, a position he has held since February 1973. His present responsibilities include manag- ing 11 support service depart- ments and approximately 450 employees at the centre. Born in Hamilton, Mr. Bry- ant graduated in 1969 from Eureka College, University of Illinois, with a bachelor of arts degree in social sciences specializing in psychology, sociology and history. From 1969 to 1971 he attended the School of Hospital Administrat- ion, University of Ottawa, and graduated with a master's deg- ree in hospital administration. Upon graduation, in 1971, he was appointed administrative resident, Ontario Ministry of Health. He was assigned to administrative projects at London Psychiatric Hospital, Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital, Huronia Regional Centre, Oril- lia, and the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg. In February 1973, Mr. Bryant was appointed to his present position as assistant administ- rator at Huronia Regional Centre He is a member of Heritage Canada and a sailing enthusiast. Dr. Michael F. Conlon has been an important force in an impressive list of accomplish - meats during his eight years of association with the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital. Under his guidance, the hospital received full accreditation in 1972 from the Canadian Council on Hosp- ital Accreditation. The hospit- al also introduced new programs in rehabilitation and vocation- al services, 'an alcohol and addiction unit, a child care and family unit, to be held for the IMF Contents of the former Blake school at Blake School Consisting of chairs, benches, piano, fridge, stove, Targe quantity of books, many more items. Thursday, Sept. 5 at 7:30 p.m. RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Industrial and Commercial Auctioneers Brucefield — 482-3120 WOWS BEDARD CONSTRUCTION really has the "know-how" when it comes Building And Remodelling to *MODERN HOMES *NEV COTTAGES *BARNS & SHEDS *COMPLETE RENOVATIONS Give us a call for any type of Building Construction. Complete Backhoe Service Available Richard Be C+ NSTRUCTI 236-4679 - ZURICH a rd FETING THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 8:00 P.M. REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE TO CONSIDER AMMENDMENT NO. 9 TO THE HURON COUNTY OFFICIAL PLAN CONCERNING LOT SIZE STANDARDS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS