Zurich Citizens News, 1974-09-05, Page 10:rr THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 11 Municipal enumeration this week Provincial enurnerators will visit all households in Ontario during September to conduct the annual municipal enumer- ation, revenue Minister Arthur Meen said this week. "Annual municipal enumer- ation is quite different from the enumerations conducted in preparation for federal and provincial elections, " Mr. Meen explained. "Special Voters' lists are required since eligibility to vote is different at the municipal level." The right to vote in federal and provincial elections is bas- ed upon citizenship, age and residency. The right to vote in a municipal election is more extensive since it allows a non- resident who is at least 18 years old and a Canadian citiz- en or British subject to vote, if that person owns or rents prop- erty in the municipality. The spouse of such a non-resid- ent is also entitled to vote in that municipality. "However, " Mr. Meen pointed out, "we require more data than voter eligibility. The enurnerators must record the names, ages, property status (either owner or tenant) public or separate school support and residency of all members of each household." This information is required for five purposes; - The preparation of voters' lists for local elections to be held December 2. - The division of the educat- ion portion of property taxes between the public and separate school boards; - The distribution of provin- cial grants to local governments to help reduce local tax bills; - The preparation of jurors' lists; - The determination of local population statistics to assist in municipal and provincial planning. ansommommemmemosses Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 11 a.m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome somememommusemomme Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 10 a. m, - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service No Sunday Evening Service Every Wednesday Night 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Serv- ice. IDEAL WORSHIP EXPERIENCE To give to God the service of the body; • and riot of the soul is Hypoe- racy, To give to God the service of the soul and not the body is Sacrilege; To give to God neither is Atheism To give to God both is Wor- ship. (Psalm 29:2) Everyone Welcome "Consequently, we cannot usethe information collected prior to the recent federal el- ection or any other election, " Mr. Meen observed. "With most of Ontario Holding munic- ipal elections on Monday, December 2, we hope this will create greater interest and voter turnout in elections for councils, school boards and public utility commissions." Council members and trustees will hold office for a two- year term. About 11, 000 enumerators have been trained to conduct this year's program. These enun erators carry ministry of reven- ue identification cards and large blue binders containing enum- eration forms. Mr. Meen noted that the enumeration takes no more than a few minutes of the local resident's time and should be Annual report The annual report of Can- adian Canners Limited for the year ending May, 31, 1974 was released to the shareholders last week. The report shows that the fiscal year of 1974 saw further improvement in the financial performance of Canadian Can- ners Ltd., and its subsidiaries. The consolidated sales volume was $85, 348, 000 compared with $73,197, 000 in the previous year which is an increase of 16.6 precent. The net earnings were $2, 808, 000 or $2.00 per share, compared with $2, 232, 000 or $1.59 per share for the prior year. The return per dollar of sales improved from 3 cents for 1973 to 3.3. cents for 1974. L,H. Johnston, President, reports during the fiscal year 1974 cost increases and short- ages of supplies of various kinds, including raw produce and long delivery schedules placed cons- iderable strain on operating performance. However, the combination of selling price increases and the increased sales movement of Aylmer and Del Monte products provided the improve- ment in earnings. nommeemaimossmemi St. Peter's Lutheran Church A.C. BLACK WELL, B.A., B, D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 10: a.m. - Worship Service . 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School Everyone Welcome epowommonommenrimmes moomminommummemen Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 9:45 a.m,-Worship Service 10;45 a.m.-Sun Church School MEDITATION - You do not wish to lose your soul Then why let sin your life control? Come now, while arms of love extend, Someday, may be too late. Everyone Welcome conducted at the door. "It is not necessary to admit the enumerator to your home, " he added. The enumerators willhave a preprinted notice of everyone currently on record in the household. "If the resident agrees that the information is correct and complete, he signs the enumerator's record and keeps a copy of the notice, " Mr. Meen said. "If changes are required, as for example, an addition to the family or new occupancy, a change in school support or the attainment of voting age, then the enumeration notice is corrected on the spot. The responding adult verifies the changes and a revised notice will be mailed to the household by the assessment office. If there is no one at home when the enumerator calls, the notice will be left with instruct- ions for checking and revising it. Non-resident owners or ten- ants will receive their enumera- tion notices and relevant inst- ructions in the mail. Mr. Meen said that 2.4 mill- ion pemphlets have been sent to householders to alert resid- ents to the Septermber enumer- ation. Goiden Glimpses 9 9 " a The calendar tells us it is fall as does the surrounding countryside. The children are back to school, so households should be getting back to nor- mal. We will be getting back • to our fall and winter programs which will include film night, and other voluntary programs provided by the different org- anizations and individuals. We will be pleased to hear from anyone who has a contribution to make in this line, as the fall and winter months do be- come a bit boring. We welcome Mr. Henry Flaxbard back from St. Joseph's Hospital, and our new resident, Mrs. Mary Jane Sturley, of Gocierich. On Wednesday afternoon a bus load of residents went to Stratford and viewed the beaut- iful flowers in the Shakespear- ian gardens, also travelled al- ong the Avon River, and stopp- ed to feed the swans with the box of biscuits that Mrs. Ethel Munn had taken along for that purpose. The residents certainly enjoy their bus rides and I am sure are very grateful to all who contributed in any way to make the purchase of the bus possible. Bingo was played on Friday evening, followed by refresh- ments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Barry Robinson, of Thames Road United Church, Mrs. Philip Johns was the organist and accompanied the choir and congregation during the service. COUNTRY STYLE Short Rib, Blade OR Shoulder Roast L688c BEEF Brazing Ribs LB98` STORE SLICED Cooked Ham L1.58 2 LB PKG Essex Weinerss1.58 RED PLUMS 2.78 BURN'S READY -TO -EAT 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 LB AVG Dinner Hams B 1.58 FAMILY PACK - LOIN Pork Chops A.28 FRESH COUNTRY STYLE Fryer Parts LB 58c SOUTH AFRICAL 112's ORANGES DOZEN 8.8 Chiquita Bananas 2LBs.33C ONTARIO NO 1 - WASHED j ONTARIO NO 1 LARGE STALK CARROTS 2 LB 25` 1 CELERY EA 25c MINCED 8 OZ TIN Sockeye Salmon 98t ROYAL 3 OZ Jelly Powders 6/89c ALL VARIETIES Hostess Chips 58t CHASE 'N' SANBORN Bag Coffee $1,18 SALTED or PLAIN 1 LB PKG McCormick's Sodas 59 I. LITRE SIZE Seven -Up BATH SIZE - 3 PACK Zest Soap KRAFT - 1 LB JAR Cheese Whiz Open Thursday and Friday until 9 p.m.; Saturday until 7 p.m.; Sunday to 6 p.m. we RESER alb MGM TT1.uR18 d II ; .. 2/7sc 98c $1.08 9 a.m, THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238-2512 — GRAND BEND